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Posts posted by z42

  1. Very poorly made documentary, seemed to be plagiarized almost entirely from the 1 channel news asia did a few months back. The lack of focus on the original police commander's statements regarding nomsod's involvement, the farcical DNA process, and the catalogue of police incompetence, didn't, I feel, paint a clear enough picture about how dangerous Thailand is and just how broken the justice system is here.

  2. Wouldn't be a shock to be honest. Until the event we can't discuss happens there is simply not going to be any relinquishing of any of the powers held by the current regime.

    The regime itself may implode, but the power itself will still be held by the military top brass / shoe in cabinet members they installed's cronies.

    Penning a charter gives a perfect excuse to drag things out, as disgraceful as it is

  3. Motorcycles again over 80%

    How many of those fatalities are from motorcycles

    Id love to see yearly figures.

    I think the motorcycle thing does skew Thailands road fatality figures

    The OP in this link here seems to be at complete odds with this article > http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/910846-higher-accidents-in-this-year-songkran-says-transport-minister/ <.

    The minister for transport when talking about accidents during Songkrann singled out "trucks, vans and personal cars as being the most common vehicles involved in accidents"

    Agencies obviously don't talk to each other, or some are more / less honest than others.

    In short, a disgrace.

  4. These figures (of injuries at least) from the OP are very likely to have been heavily watered down in spite of them being the worst ever statistics already. Get this, In the BP today, the Public Health Ministry's deputy permanent secretary said that upwards of 25,000 (twenty five thousand) had been admitted to hospitals in Thailand to receive treatment related to road accidents during the songkrann period so far.

    The same person said that the 3800 or so that were reported injured in official statistics are seriously injured. The other 21000 or so I guess will have less serious injuries (whatever that means).

    This is absolutely abhorrent however it is dressed up. I've been here a few years, but even am pretty shocked just by the numbers mentioned.

    PS, I can't link to BP as per forum rules, but if you type "worst ever road toll songkrann bangkok post"

  5. I did 1 day in BKK and 1 day in an adjoining province. The BKK event around paragon / central world was actually pretty well reined in in terms of water use. Near paragon they had the taps on with connected hosepipes. Filling up was a pretty tedious affair, and if this was the intention it worked a treat.

    At central world the only places you could get ice were from vendors outside at 10baht a time, definitely making people a bit more aware of how much they used. And also central world used foam at a dedicated stage in lieu of water which was at the time quite sound (cleaning up after though maybe not so easy).

    Around the capital in other areas I didn't see much in the way of large gatherings throwing water around.

    In the provinces however, absolute madness with water of varying colours and compositions in huge blue bins. Pretty sure that's what made me badly ill.

    All in all though, The average Thai in the street doesn't think proactively about conservation of water, and won't really care until the taps run dry / serious rationing comes into effect. I just hope the weathermen are wrong and the monsoon kicks off in the next couple of months before it gets to a critical stage

  6. Was there only yesterday. Nice, new and shiny domestic terminal.. But lo and behold all of the retail units are peddling food and drink at i'd say a minimum of 80 baht a go. They have a 7/11 in the departure gates area but not in the check in area.

    Having a 7/11 or family mart gives the cheap option, the onus is then on other unit proprietors to compete so as to attract customers.

    I'd agree with the ombudsman here, the food prices are very much over inflated and must be brought into line quickly if the airport management wishes for actual sales figures to rise

  7. come on Baerboxer tell us what a wonderful speech it was as djjamie seems to have gone quiet or are you the same person?

    Nope - your're wrong again. But as usual, that's not really surprising.

    We all know that any politician here would do absolutely anything, has many have proven, to get their greedy grimy hands on the trough.

    The one in power sees it as sabotage whereas the one trying to regain power sees it as clever tricks. Once the positions are reversed then so are the views.

    Do you remember various puppets in the last regime always claiming someone, some group, some NGO or some mysterious "third hand" was out to get them and sabotaging their good intentions? Your memory is somewhat selective so maybe not.

    You keep on believing in Shin fairy land if it makes you happy.

    Haha yes I remember and how true it was... puppets though? na don't think so as they were democratically elected unlike your hero.

    I must say you do make me smile, so that's one good thing about your posts, but I'm not sure you actually live here or actually read anything outside of the Nation. NVM Suthep would be proud of you have you still got your whistle?

    don't forget Friday's so tune in and blow that whistle!!!

    A ridiculous attempt at baiting Lannaguy; unnecessary really. Pretty certain anybody with any common sense would be shaking their head at Prayuth's increasingly bizarre (and sadly, frequent) rants.

    Anybody without an agenda would read Bareboxer's posts on most topics and nod in agreement as almost always his posts are pretty much dead on the money.

    When it is something about the shins, then it is you, Lannaguy that becomes a pitiful apologist. Your posts on other topics however are often pretty insightful.

    On the topic at hand. It appears that Prayuth is not only showing that he is a broken record, but also doing a pol pot and seeing enemies anywhere and everywhere, how his whims play out will dictate how much longer the populace will tolerate his absolute rule.

    I think we can all agree that Prayuth is just one in a long line of people who has sabotaged the nation to (or at least attempt to) satisfy and appease their vested interests.

  8. He is doing a wonderful thing, if such measures were implemented then it would (in theory) have the potential to bring together the red and yellow sides in identifying a common foe (the military). I sense this regime is 1 scandal away from implosion. The Thais at all levels of society deserve much much better than this crazy lunatic running the country into the ground any more. Beyond pathetic now

  9. Just wanna bitchslap that stupid, submissive, doggy, please don't hurt me face!!!! Death to drug mules, distributors, manufacturers, and instant, 72 hour court handling from arrest over conviction to sentence being applied, please!!! No sympathy, abolutely none, from my side!!!!!!

    While not completely overlooking the moronic nature of your comment, care to explain why? And it sounds like you would definitely benefit from taking some yourself

  10. You know you've got problems when somebody as deceitful, loathsome, and utterly corrupt as Thaksin has the moral high ground. The fact that old battle axe from Chiang Mai is staring down a sedition / insurrection charge shows just how depraved the NCPO has become. Even if it is only scare tactics, it is absolutely immoral for them to get so heavy handed about water bowls facepalm.gif

  11. Shout, raise attention, go in with another person if at all, and try to video it and show the attacker you're videoing it. Jumping straight in and getting physically involved puts you in range for getting stabbed. At a distance the likelihood of the person shooting you dead is limited, and you can have some time to prepare if the attacker decides to attack you.

    In Thailand though it is a catch 22. Too many foolish, unpredictable people who carry weapons around. The cops are utterly useless, and things can escalate to a deadly situation in the blink of an eye.

    The chap in white from the video did really well I think; he was assertive and not too aggressive. Good for him.

  12. if you think about it, what kind of airport runway can be built on concrete pillars? The weight and speed of any commercial jet would smash the pillars to pieces in no time at all.

    Plus how can an airport taxi off a slip road. Where is the gap in the buildings going to be so the wings don't smash into anything as it turns in.

    Priceless response...!

    Not really, a runway and a taxi way are completely different things. Sure you can drive a plane at slow speeds along an elevated road, but taking off and landings would not be able to be completed safely on a raised surface of any kind

  13. They were off duty apparently, so what business / legal permission does an off duty cop have to pursue vehicles that may or may not have cut in front of them. And that is before they shot out the tyres (again what justification for that, I mean in legal terms, not a fit of anger).

    Their BS story is good for a laugh of anything, and their video nasty didn't tarnish the RTP's image. In fact it only went to show what many Thais feel is the MO, and why it is in such dire need of reform.

  14. I don't get the cynicism from many posters here sometimes. The Benz driver is on toast for this, MB have certified the speed from the car's onboard CPU, the crash itself (fatal collision and toll booth) are on video and in the public domain, the driver has a known history of speeding and high speed crashes.

    The chance for any brown envelopes has gone now, this guy isn't hiso enough to call the shots here anymore (social media is testament to that). The whole dog and pony show is the cops scrambling to try and make THEM look good, you can bet that they are not fussed about this guy going down now as the chance for fat payouts has gone with the social media storm that followed. It is a hot potato at best, and they know there are plenty more rich pickings soon enough with the obligatory songkrann crackdowns.

    The Benz driver will go down the MooHam route; convicted to 10 years or so, given half for cooperation (whatever that means), then bail out at sentencing to appeal (with restrictions like no driving, merit making etc). Then the appeal court will uphold the original conviction, but water the sentence down as he will have followed the restrictions like a good law abiding citizen). He'll then appeal again, and finally, the supreme court will throw the appeal out and send him to jail for a few months. After that he'll be free to do as he wishes.

    If anyone here thinks he'll walk, they're deluded as he is not important enough and has nowhere near powerful enough connections to do a bunk like mr red bull did.

  15. Shoot him in the arm or something, he certainly won't be climbing any more walls, or clambering on any rooftops, or carrying any big bags of loot when he has bullet / shrapnel injuries on his limbs. The deceased from the story wasn't even in the house yet, and seemingly this copper didn't even shout anything, simply opened fire.

    Culpable homicide a la oscar pistorius. But again as were in Thailand and he is in that morally skyhigh institution that is the RTP he won't even have to sweat it once it's been designated its space under the rug. I feel for the deceased's relatives for their loss

    Firstly...No matter how proficient the owner with a weapon may be, the action at the time of the crime does not allow for going through a think-tank of possibilities to decide how accurate he needs to be in selecting an arm or leg.

    The fact is there is a definite WRONG DOING here, where the person being wronged, on discovery of the criminal, may infact end up himself dead, as I'm sure happens in many cases such as this.

    There is absolutely no place for discretion here.

    No one has any right to enter the property of another and steal. The deceased's relatives surely have to understand, their family member was committing a crime and in doing so must take on-board the risks associated with same.

    Shout at him, call his mates in the police, pretty certain a low level thief (not part of an organized gang) is going to hang around and wait for any repercussions once they know they've been spotted. Shooting multiple times at somebody is reckless and unnecessary, as is the deceased hadn't actually entered anybody's property it is pretty reprehensible to shoot the guy.

    The only time you should shoot is if your life / the life of someone else is in immediate mortal danger. That clearly wasn't the case here, and as it is impossible to resurrect the dead, it is quite possible that the deceased guy's family is now shy of a bread winner, a father, a son, a brother or all of the above. It is senseless and indefensible imho

  16. The man is right, it is immoral for appointed people who are not answerable to the public to hold no confidence debates about politicians. Thailand is in such a mess, there are seemingly only a very small handful of politicians who even appear like they would make the progress of the country and its people their primary objective.
    Almost all are not even apologetic about seen to be rooting for the interests of themselves / their cronies / their masters. Pathetic and very sad really

  17. Looking at the Rajabakhti Park fiasco. The NACC were sidelined for a military sponsored outfit called the CNAC to take over. And just in that one case it seemed that what could (read should) be labelled as corruption was actually labelled as being above board. The level of delusion about just what and who are the most corrupt is a sick joke.

  18. Just awful, as bad as the Benz driver imo. So what is the tariff for this kind of crime if you're a military officer then? Purely rhetorical question, and will be shown to be the case as the deceased man was walking alone at night, obviously only a 'nobody' would do such a thing. I hope the deceased man's family are taken care of for his loss, and that real justice will be served. I only hope because it almost certainly wouldn't happen here as is

  19. Shoot him in the arm or something, he certainly won't be climbing any more walls, or clambering on any rooftops, or carrying any big bags of loot when he has bullet / shrapnel injuries on his limbs. The deceased from the story wasn't even in the house yet, and seemingly this copper didn't even shout anything, simply opened fire.

    Culpable homicide a la oscar pistorius. But again as were in Thailand and he is in that morally skyhigh institution that is the RTP he won't even have to sweat it once it's been designated its space under the rug. I feel for the deceased's relatives for their loss

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