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Posts posted by z42

  1. Will expect to see these cretins being hauled in, decked out in bike helmets, waiing all the police bigwigs and any other empty suits who may have lost some face because of their antics.

    There are some tough lads here in Thailand undoubtedly, just never to be found anywhere near to one of these increasingly frequent mass gang beat downs.

    Also wouldn't be surprised if the poster is staring down a defamation / computer crimes charge for defaming the cops sometime in the not too distant future

  2. I am as pro choice and pro recreational drugs as you can find. But even I feel that such a move is absolutely unacceptable. People who use this drug for occasional enjoyment should be allowed to do so imo. Criminalizing the end user is absolutely the wrong approach. Some degree of middle ground is needed here. Simply throwing down all resistance in the tackling of it while it still remains illegal, not to mention highly sought after is highly dangerous in a country as lawless as Thailand. I predict it has the potential to create a monster so big it would be impossible to tackle, let alone control.

    The law that says a positive urine test counts as possession needs to be scrapped as a starter, unless that person providing the test is operating machinery or in a position of responsibility, or causing immediate danger to the public at the time of taking the test, then I really see no problem. The help should be there if the person chooses to seek it.

    Although this proposed change is somewhat progressive, I don't feel its application suits the Thai context well at all.

  3. All the while some of actual workers are still in detention while cops who are very likely to have been involved in profit sharing simply get to cool their heels in a nice, cushy inactive post. Appalling outcome really.
    The only reason I can think of why Prayut continually avoids police reform is because the senior level cops have so much dirt on him, and he has been made well aware of it.

    I hope the owners of this outfit are found, and hauled in soon (and hopefully not immediately bailed pending a decades long investigation and trial)

  4. Farcical man with an even more farcical attitude. Yes gambling can be a seriously damaging pastime for those unable to control themselves, but surely a system of legalization wherein the state can legitimately make a ton of extra revenue from it, and a separate system wherein those suffering from it are able to access help in an open system if required.

    The current system is a medieval approach and is purely putting large amounts of money that would otherwise go to state coffers into the hands of crooks who are connected enough to stay off the radar (through the tea money route). Another laughable moral crusade from a man who is seemingly bereft of any himself

  5. Are the SMART principles even considered in anything the authorities here do I wonder. Being realistic, making the targets (whatever they are) achievable, and actually having some method / means to measure the development should be fundamental. Yet I imagine this is just more hot air.

    The exposure to spoken English is still practically non existent because anything and everything is dubbed into Thai; practically nothing is subtitled and delivered in its original form.

    Actually trying to adopt approaches that are likely to actively target, and develop the 4 language skill areas together is paramount. Never seems to happen much here.

  6. Excellent summation of just some of the foul ups (unintentional and more shockingly intentional) that any rational person who followed the investigation / trial would quite clearly have been able to see.

    Sadly this isn't going to save them. Nothing will make this court lose face now unless CCTV footage of the actual murder taking place, or footage from the B2's home showing them in their beds emerges. So sick, sad, and unjust. Those who (unfathomably) still believe they are guilty need to take a long, hard look at themselves. A true injustice at play here facepalm.gif

  7. <deleted> disgraceful. How is this even approaching justice? Purely a rhetorical question of course, but I am shocked at the leniency shown here, and the gall of this person to seek bail, assuming her sentence was reduced due to her testimony (a confession of sorts perhaps), then what grounds are there for bail then?

    3rd world BS, someone sends some text messages and gets 30 years, and then this only merits 4 (down to 2 on appeal). And shame on the families for not pushing for more suitable justice for their loved ones. Sick story

  8. He is what he is; an arrogant pathetic shitty scumbag hiding behind robes.

    Beautifully put. This scummy sub human should get a seriously hefty sentence if he is denying. But by being so brazen is the justice system going to allow him to fix it how he wants. I am pretty sure there will be a big backlash from this if he does by some miracle beat the charges

  9. A red bull heir he isn't....

    Still wealthy enough, however...''Jenphop was not present at Friday’s hearing and has yet to enter a plea.

    Not present? Has yet to enter a plea?

    Dear God. Is this what passes for justice in Thailand now?


    Errrr Winnie, the video is his plea. It's his car, he got injured driving it, it was his medication found inside it.. If he had any sense he will confess. Pretty sure even he knows confession and a guilty plea (with mitigating circumstances no doubt added for sympathy) is his only hope. Either that or skipping the country anyways, which am pretty sure is going to be his next move

  10. Throw his Father and Mother in jail and see what family loyalty will do then.

    When he comes to face the music then release them.

    Targeting relatively-innocent parties such as Mum & Dad is despicable in most civilized countries, so leave them out of it.

    Besides, from the perp's lack of morals, I don't think that he would give a toss about his parents anyway,

    Innocent? They brought the little turd up to be what he is.

    The authorities have already played that card (going after relatives) with Ja New's mum. So I can only guess that its money / status that's stopping a little dabbling here. Shame really

  11. What's the problem here, DSI have actually done nothing wrong apart from make themselves look stupid and weak. Go in and arrest him, and drag in some heavily armed support to lift any others who try to obstruct. It is clear that he is guilty as sin. It is also abundantly clear that these people are not real Buddhists.

    Seriously someone in the DSI needs to get a grip on reality. Bail should not even be an option after this fiasco

  12. A nickel says Prawit was spinning BS as per. If the EU gives them 6 months, personally I think that's a dire insult to the people who are still suffering hellish lives since the last pathetic claims that the Thai govt would clean it up.

    How can the EU even trust them do it right, why would they start now? The new charges added would imply that things have got even worse since the yellow card

  13. The premeditated murder charge won't stick, the cops have basically said they won't allow it to stick. A straight up murder charge (like what they have been given - or has that not happened yet?) is likely to have the best chance to keep these fools in remand jail, and locked up for many years after court. The CCTV footage is there, the lawyer witness was there is too law savvy to be bribed off (as well as having already gone on the record about what he saw).

    People are saying the killers will get off. Absolutely delusional. They are on toast, the only thing despicable I expect to happen is for the judge to give unduly lenient sentences due to mitigating factors (first time offence, drunk, self defence yada yada yada). They'll still get years, but not as many as they should

    how long have you been in thailand? one of the following will happen, 1. they will fleeto laos, 2. they will enter the monkhood, 3, the family will be paid off, 4, the witnesses will go missing, that is the thai way for the rich <deleted> who think they run the country!

    More than half a decade pal, and more than enough to realize that 7 people implicated in a vicious murder caught on CCTV can't all just slip away undetected across a border (without a hint of collusion). Think rationally, this thing has got many Thais on social media really riled up, the cops understand this and that is why they're still in remand prison.

    If this was a case when there was 1, or maybe 2 killers. Perhaps a payoff would be possible. But the fact that 7 are in custody has snookered them. The witness is a lawyer and is much too savvy to fall for any underhand shady tactics someone may employ to silence him. This is a hot potato, money isn't going to solve anything as too much is already known, and these cops simply aren't important / high ranking enough for the whole RTP to lose face covering for them.

    The most likely outcome is unduly lenient sentences as the mitigating circumstances, and glowing character references by the RTP will cut years off their sentences. The monkhood won't touch these as they're actually on video killing a disabled guy, there is zero doubt of guilt (unlike Nomsod on Koh Tao who at least had the dodgy CCTV giving him somewhat of an alibi).

  14. The premeditated murder charge won't stick, the cops have basically said they won't allow it to stick. A straight up murder charge (like what they have been given - or has that not happened yet?) is likely to have the best chance to keep these fools in remand jail, and locked up for many years after court. The CCTV footage is there, the lawyer witness was there is too law savvy to be bribed off (as well as having already gone on the record about what he saw).

    People are saying the killers will get off. Absolutely delusional. They are on toast, the only thing despicable I expect to happen is for the judge to give unduly lenient sentences due to mitigating factors (first time offence, drunk, self defence yada yada yada). They'll still get years, but not as many as they should

  15. I will be abused by some for posting this.


    Everyone on this forum, but not on Thai forums, is ignoring the fact that the disabled bloke did arm himself with a knife before he was attacked (it is on cc tv video) and he did stab one of his attackers.

    I don't know who was stabbed first, but I assume it was one of the youths. I assume this simply because IMO it would be very difficult for a disabled man who had just been stabbed to attack back against six. I may be wrong. It would also explain the youths reaction ( but not justify it).

    But he certainly armed himself BEFORE he was stabbed/killed. This story has been dressed up by the English media to sound like these kids were out hunting disabled people to kill for something to do.

    It isn't that simple.

    The same media that claimed that Thais were out hunting farangs to bash in hua hin at songkran. It was claimed that it was racially motivated and the Owens were completely innocent victims who had done nothing to start the brawl. The video of that incident clearing showed that was not the case. But their slap, punch and push was edited out and the racial motivation line was lapped up by many and printed as some sort of fact to the English media.

    Please view the video of the bloke arming himself BEFORE commenting about my comment here.

    I am not defending these youths, but I am defending the truth.

    You are a sickening apologist at the best of times, however why not post the clip you've watched several times so that others (myself included) can see what you're saying.

    The videos that i (and it would seem most others) saw don't show the disabled guy being the aggressor, in fact quite the opposite. But i'd appreciate you sharing this video

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