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Posts posted by z42

  1. Absolutely ridiculous. Good security  personnel are supposed to be experts in peaceful resolution and helping to maintain order.

    Booting some lad when he's on the deck is disgusting conduct. If the roles were reversed and the Thai guy was getting the boot stuck into him i would dread to think how heavy the punishment would be.

    A simple assault charge is woefully inadequate given the footage available

  2. If it was actually feasible then the mobile operators themselves would be drooling at the prospect of the (supposedly) 30 million extra customers they'd get each year. The fact not even they are getting behind this thing is that its simply unworkable, wholly unnecessary, and would have serious impacts on the ethical reputations of each of their respective companies.

    It aint going to happen, and even if it does it'll get canned really quickly for the above reasons. They'll cut their losses for embarrassment's sake

  3. Again more utter stupidity in the statements, I fail to see the correlation between a gang of terrorist bombers not yet in custody yet the country back to normal (whatever that is). I'd have thought that until all the bombers and their backers are in chains that the situation is actually incredibly unstable, and there is more than a fair chance of further attacks in the not too distant future :facepalm:

  4. An utter sociopath, and bona fide cretin to boot. Just how far his head must be up inside his rectum to come out with such farcical statements in public is frightening.


    The constitution got panned by almost any person who knows anything about politics, and the climate around the referendum process itself was something straight out of the mafia handbook.

    An unadulterated disgrace :bah:

  5. 2 hours ago, shirtless said:

    She needs to compensate this girl,  I can sympathize  with her but she went to far putting footage online , Thais seldom think of the consequences for their actions


    Agree with almost everything you say mate except for the sympathy part. The sympathy card was lost the second she attempted large scale humiliation of the other girl... This whole case still cracks me up, these people are all a joke... And they're in almost limitless supply in Thailand. Comically disgraceful :lol:

  6. The sideline girl despite not being completely truthful about her job is still a million miles more credible than the other 2 clowns in this story. Their lies, and subsequent attempts to deceive anyone are only succeeding in making them look even more stupid .

    This whole thing is ridiculous, am just happy that the wife who (very obviously) posted the video to humiliate the girl has not only lost face massively, but is also going to have to part with a huge chunk of cash to make up for it. She is basically over a barrel now, and the hooker is calling all the shots :cheesy:

  7. 37 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

    Thailand never goes after the big players, so nothing can ever change. Legalising the drugs will seem like a win to some, but it is really an acceptance of defeat.

    It was an unwinnable task my friend.


    But seriously they haven't actually changed anything, and while possession can still count as a positive piss test Thailand is among the worst abusers of drug law enforcement on the planet.


    Far too many influential people will curb decriminalization as it will hugely affect their rackets, and the good publicity the cops get when they haui in some hilltribe / ethnic minority / dirt poor Thai mule with hundreds of 1000's of pills they were transporting to some other distribution centre.

    The current system works just fine for any current / future administration while the big fish are remaining completely untouchable

  8. This is an abysmally low low from the RTA handlers here. There surely must be someone smart enough in the organization to know that this kind of action is going to reflect really badly on them & bring a whole heap of scrutiny on them both domestically and internationally.

    The fact compensation was paid would show that the army / authorities know that the soldier died unlawfully, it appears this brave person is being targeted purely due to semantics. What a despicable outfit they are showing themselves to be

  9. Slightly OT and I know I'm from a different generation but isn't it slightly tacky to be saying these things through Facebook? Facebook, Ywiitter, Instagram: all so public for what should be private or something shared with close friends and relatives. The story is tragic and newsworthy but the grief is something best kept of of the very public sites.

    Facebook is an incredibly personal to thing to many people, it is a tool in which memories (however trivial to some) can be stored, and looked again at whenever a person wishes. I know many of the friends and families of people who are no longer with us that post on the facebook page of that person many times for many years after the person has died. If it is their way to express how they feel, so be it. You are entitled to your opinion, but surely a facebook post if actually done on a dead person's public profile is actually more meaningful than an obituary somewhere near the back of a local newspaper

  10. I personally saw a Thai go go dancer noshing off a customer in a bar in BKK on the weekend. Right in the middle of the bar, didn't seem like an extraordinary event to be fair. Surely these Thai netizens can't be so naive as to think their fellow Thais engage in stuff just as graphic just as regularly.

    Doesn't make it right in any case, but what consenting adults get up to is their choice, the same way it is for the authorities to tackle the problem.

  11. Appalling from almost every conceivable perspective.No helmet for the baby, no real action from the police, no Thai netizens being up in arms, calls for money as opposed to justice by the family, no apology or even regret from the other involved rider. But the saddest part is it isn't even surprising, RIP to the little one. The stupidity and selfishness of others 100% caused their premature demise :(

  12. A man with 1 billion baht in assets is surely not the right person to be pushing for a more honest public institution. He would be more believable if he was telling them to disband the entire force and start afresh. But no, this joke of an outfit will continue down its current track with the odd transfer and demotion given as a lame attempt to show it is an honest organization. Nobody buys it

  13. I wouldn't be too sure, there are rumours even talked about in the BP that she has already passed on in jail, the authorities are denying that's the case. But I did think she would become another mor yong, and yet it could prove to be just that. On the topic at hand, I doubt very little will be revealed about any of the high ranking cops' involvement in anything dodgy. The scandal is big enough already for the authorities' liking.
    Personally I would think it would be her just deserts if prison life kills her, she has ruined the life of many who she falsely accused, and who were subsequently jailed without real evidence

  14. Lesser charges for 7 accused of killing disabled bread vendor

    By Teeranai Charuvastra, Staff Reporter


    Police on May 3 escort six of the suspects to criminal court where the judges ordered them to be remanded.

    BANGKOK — Seven people stabbed and killed Somkiat Srichan in broad daylight two months ago as he plead for mercy, yet when the day comes they go to trial, it will be for manslaughter and not premeditated murder.

    The announcement Monday that prosecutors would file the lesser charge against the suspects, four of whom are sons of police officers, disappointed family members of Somkiat, a disabled man who was selling bread when he was killed May 1.

    Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/news/crimecourtscalamity/courts/2016/07/12/lesser-charges-7-killing-disabled-vendor/


    -- Khaosod English 2016-07-12

    Absolutely vile beyond words bah.gif I am expecting they'll be out on bail tomorrow then, some large sureties from their humble honest police dads will see that they're not spared the inconvenience of any more time in jail. The bereaved family need to push and push this until something changes. The stench of corruption here is getting stronger

  15. Average person earns 100k a month? What?? I must be in the wrong job then, I get half that, I know maybe 1 person here who earns 100k a month, what am I missing exactly?

    You must missing a lot. I know a lot foreigners with over 100,000 Baht monthly payment. At the place I work are 5 of such guys, including me.

    I know lots of foreigners earning 300 to 500 k month 100k/m is chicken feed...

    We have Thai nationals working for us who make 200k/m min

    The labourers on the factory floor earn 30k/m

    Bunnychow, can I ask what industry such payments are in? That is frankly insane money.

    I work in education, I have a PGCE and close to a decade of experience, half of that in western countries. Just so you know, the salary that most teachers get even in the UK would only come to about 145k a month (that's for the heads of department, year heads etc).

    I have many friends who also teach here, many work in good international schools and simply don't bring home close to 100K. Mostly from the 60-80k bracket.

    I am just curious as the article talks about the average salaries being 100k. I must be incredibly naive, but I don't see many places offering such packages here (unless of course it is in finance, or for multi national companies or some such)

  16. Absolutely disgusting, the 2 Burmese lads from Koh Tao got the death sentence from a premeditated murder charge when there is absolutely ZERO evidence that they even did anything at all. These 6 spineless idiots and the 1 brainless wench in tow are on video attacking the victim with swords, actually pursuing a disabled and bloody victim with the intention of of either seriously injuring or killing him. Further to that there are several witnesses who have bravely said what they saw about the female accomplice actually baying for blood.

    If that doesn't suggest even a degree of premeditation then quite frankly certain elements the public prosecution body appear to be orchestrating a serious watering down of charges. The only thing the authorities have done right on this is keep these muppets in the locker for a couple of months. If bail is granted at any stage, then quite frankly any chance of justice is dead in the water bah.gif

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