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Posts posted by z42

  1. On topic though, Thailand for all its flaws is still a pretty cool country to live in. The weather is great, the people are generally pretty nice, the pace of life is good, the ease and accessibility with which one can get out and enjoy the country is top notch, the food is outstanding, the women are leagues above western women in almost every sense, and money can be saved pretty easily.

    There are pitfalls sure, but if you take care of yourself, show respect and try to be a good citizen I find you have almost no problems.

  2. Buttering up the courts like a true crook. Soon will come the envelopes dripping with ill gotten money inside. She's the lowest of the low. scum of the earth, Its amazing how any person (sane or otherwise)n can say that the Thai courts often do a bang up job (no pun intended).

    This is sick; innocent, decent people have actually spent months or even years of their lives in sub human prison conditions because of this old boiler's malicious lies. She is a vile, repulsive individual who i hope gets thrown under the bus (even if it is to save the bacon of some other affiliated crooked people). Damn

  3. So they got evidences to show that she was involved in human trafficking but will not arrest here, and at the same time the poor maids she has accused of theft go direct to jail, the whole Thai justice system needs a complete makeover.

    Absolutely bang on the money, this case makes me sick to my stomach. This horrible old bag deserves to rot for many years in prison, and those that shielded her and facilitated in locking up innocent people on BS charges need to be looking at a lot more punishment than a mere inactive post. There is a lot of awful stuff that goes on here, but this case has made me sadder and madder than any I can remember. As disgusting as it gets frankly

  4. 2 years for rape, but 50 for selling a few tablets.. BS. I feel desperately sorry for the victim and her family, an awful waste of life. I just hope the justice system does a better job of sentencing this time, nothing less than 25 years would suffice, but that said he really should get the death penalty.

    Also the re enactment thing is farcical, I know it makes the cops look good and everything (in their eyes at least), but it surely has no purpose, and actually does more harm than good as a lot of the time the alleged perpetrator almost gets lynched which adds to the fuel to the fire of the argument that the keystoners are only fishing for approval

  5. Absolutely appalling. Upgrading the Thai govt to tier 2 while things like this are going on is about as reprehensible as it gets. Not only are the problems not tackled at their source, but the actual victims end up being jailed, and then deprived of liberty, finances and livelihoods when "freed". I feel desperately sorry for those people. The officials involved in giving these people such a rough deal deserve to be locked up, or better still strung up. Sick and so very very wrong

  6. Who are the cops trying to kid here. All of those named persons involved are guilty as sin in whatever crooked part of the enterprise they participated in. What innocent person refuses to show their face even though their name is well known in already?

    Not only are these people dodgy / stupid in the extreme, but they are also abysmal liars.

    They should have a time frame to wrap this whole farce up, trial and all. And DNA testing the baby shouldn't take so long should it, painful to se this farce prolonged so much

  7. She illegally removed her time card, which is an internal document documenting time worked) and property of the employer. Nobody forced her to work there, and she should go back to Burma if she doesn't like it. My company's experience with Burmese workers is very bad, eventhough we paid them well in excess of the minimum salary, helped them with everything from WPs to insurance to mobile phone and internet registration, to lending them bikes permanently, getting driver licenses etc so I shed no tears. They also set up illegally businesses reserved for, and in competition with, Thais, don't register with the DBD, pay no tax and are pretty mouthy. Given that, and their historic transgressions that still live strongly among Thais, it is not surprising that there prevails a strong anti sentiment,

    Your post makes no sense at all.

    If you do pay your workforce in excess of minimum wage, give them all those perks and treat them well with legal and reasonable working hours, why not employ Thais? If you have to resort to employing these people you seem to hate so much, there must be something wrong with the jobs you make them do! What are you hiding? Are you another abusive employer? looks like it from your post!

    Family affairs it is pretty clear to anyone with a brain that without the evidence of said time card (showing clock ins and outs) that the labour abuses claimed would be simply waved away as untrue. At least now its in the media, and a workers' rights union have got hold of the case, she and her fellow workers are less likely to be railroaded into jail for such a bogus act as "stealing" a time card.

    You must agree unequivocally that the employer in this case is grossly in the wrong, hence filing such petty charges themselves, due to being unable to file the obligatory defamation charges. I hope the Burmese workers get their freedom, and backdated wages, and that the employer gets a huge fine and other merited sanctions. Good day

  8. I actually think they'll do the right thing here, whether it takes the customary 10 years to get this dirtbag in a cell or not, his lame attempts at making everything look legitimate have crashed and burned.

    Plus he stupidly thought the family of a billionaire wouldn't chase up such a suspicious death and absolutely bogus share transfers so soon after the fact. A good story for a change (even though he's probably out on negligibly low bail already).

  9. "But that’s not the only story here. Songkan said that, after Goi went public with her case, at least two more people came forward to say that they were also accused by Lady Gai of stealing jewelry worth millions of baht.

    Days after Goi filed her complaint, Wanichaya "Meen" Boonsunheng, 21, filed a complaint at the division that her mom was accused of stealing THB4 million worth of jewelry from Lady Gai and that she has been detained in prison since December awaiting trial."

    Absolutely disgraceful when that ridiculous hi so bint Praewa who killed 9 still hasn't seen a cell despite adding the charge of breaking probation rules to the rap sheet. Pathetic and embarrassing in the extreme

  10. Jesus christ this is abominable to a ridiculous level, even for here, 17 children dead and not even an attempt to justify the reasoning for the causes or even an attempt to think critically about what happened. Saying something "doesn't matter" purely on the chief of police's say so isn't acceptable anywhere. I hope the relatives challenge this BS and get some support to get a more professional agency to investigate (difficult I know is such a place as this).

    These lovely children and their families deserve much much better than this. So sad

  11. I wonder if the 7 are still in the remand jail, I know there has been a bit of a delay in getting to this point, and enough other disgracefulness for these to get some bail granted without the media getting wind of it.

    Either way this group of idiots deserve the maximum sentence, and i'd personally prefer to see them rot for 50 years in a cell than get the needle. I'd be surprised however if they do more than a decade inside though, even that would pushing it I feel through. Very sad case

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