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Posts posted by z42

  1. I wonder why a person in such a lofty position even bothers saying anything at all knowing how Thailand kowtows to the hierarchy structuring. He should know he has the intimidation factor, the right name, the right connections, and the trusty defamation card firmly up his sleeve. I personally think the term "scum" is fitting for such a person. I wonder if the mods will agree


    It's pretty much a cert that the good general and pseudo PM will say something to the extent that a (carefully selected) fact finding committee will determine any wrong doing, that all proper procedures were followed and that those throwing accusations better be darn sure they're right or stare down a procession of defamation suits 

  2. An absolute and utter disgrace from start to finish. As if the wanton slaughter of 2 innocent travellers wasn't bad enough, the fitting up and railroading of 2 wholly innocent young lads has compounded the issue and shown the justice system to be an institution that is rotten to its core and at every conceivable level.

    The worst part is that injustices like this are continuing to happen here. So pathetic, sad, and unjust :(

  3. It'll never sink in. Her head is  stuck too far up there to notice, even if she wanted to do the right thing it's too late, her fragile ego won't allow it.


    In years to come we'll be thanking the nations that actually said no to the unchecked streams coming in. 


    I'm all for helping people in need. But Merkel's blanket invite was, and still is an abhorrent abuse of power.

    It's still only the beginning and already its pretty bloody ugly

  4. Would be very interested to see what kind of jail time these idiots get, especially as these guys had in their possession (room) significantly more than 61 pills worth of ecstasy. The Australian from Pattaya recently got a double life sentence, these clowns have guns also. Surely that must magnify the charges they face, I guess we'll never know as this will be the first and last time we'll hear about this case

  5. For once, I actually agree to a large extent with the authorities on this issue. These people in the nick currently have amassed billions of baht according to the Bangkok Post. Sure they have provided "tours" of some kind, but from the reports available they have conducted a very mafia-esque operation, and infringed upon the businesses of regular tourism operators who despite what TAT might say will really be struggling to really make decent money by tourism in the current economic climate

  6. Utterly despicable. And true to form social media proving to be the only thing able to kick those useless plebs in brown into action.

    And as for the school staff. Pretty sure they (well the director at least) are bricking it about a cushy transfer to a same same but different school in the district.

    This is a really sad story. I hope the poor young lady gets some justice and all the help she needs rebuilding her looks and self esteem

  7. Again you can only laugh and shake your head at the lies and stupidity being put forth here. Having seen the pond in question, what person (sane or otherwise) would "wash" themselves in disgusting brown water rather, than say, a shower. I wonder who is swallowing these bullshit stories. The stories which are all varying are simply not credible.
    A lot of the Thais I know are outraged by it. The KU guys are making a real bulls ear of a cover up here also. The BP reports they're even giving counseling to the senior students who were directly involved in the incident.  A disgrace

  8. Absolutely disgraceful. And even more shockingly the University have denied that it was even hazing at all, moreover a training exercise in which 100 senior staff were in attendance. The BP on their website showed the body of water in which the guy was made to swim, it looked truly dreadful, like a cesspit almost.

    Up to now there has been absolutely no denouncement by any organization that has the balls to do anything, be it about the hazing or that students are forced to swim in filthy bodies of water as training. Appalling and farcical in equal measure :bah:

  9. 2 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:

    I've read almost every post, and posted several times myself.


    The proponents for drugs can argue till the cows come home that their poison of choice is harmless, and that the penalty is way too harsh.   They'll argue that illicit drugs only adversely affect some people, etc.


    The opponents of drugs will fight them at every turn, and argue that the penalty is not severe enough, and that non prescription drugs, produced under uncontrolled conditions with largely unknown ingredients, have the potential to harm everybody, etc.


    The internet will provide each side with plentiful material, but


    What many are missing here is that this guy violated the law/s of Thailand, and if he didn't know that drug penalties in the Kingdom are SEVERE, he deserves two life sentences for gross stupidity.


    There is a warning note on Australian passport covers that some countries provide for the death penalty for drug offences.  That information is advised as part of the arrival PA on some airlines in some countries, certainly Indonesia and Vietnam, and I think also Thailand.


    Fact is, he committed a crime, knowing the penalty, so has been subjected to the strictness, some may even say corruption, of the Thai legal system, BUT if he hadn't committed the crime of using drugs, he would not be in this position, severe, corrupt, or whatever the Thai legal system is seen to be.  It doesn't get any simpler than that!!!  Everything else is irrelevant, and particularly irrelevant are the arguments on how harmless or non addictive illicit drugs are, or how people should have the right to do whatever they choose, unencumbered by laws made by others, provided they harm no one else.


    Surely that's the end of the (his) story??  And hopefully this thread.   It's been done to death, and with mostly irrelevant information on the harmfulness, or otherwise, of illicit drugs.


    Well it seems that the "facts" would suggest that Lance (the brit) committed a crime (caught selling gear), and Jake (the Aussie) did not as according to the legal teams involved in the case, the drugs in question were found in Jake's girlfriend's apartment, not in Jake's apartment, not on Jake's person, not in Jake's stool sample, nothing.  And we hear nothing about the (presumably Thai) girlfriend, why not do you think?

    It would appear at this stage that Lance has tried to cut a deal to save his own skin after getting caught red handed dishing gear out to all and sundry in Pattaya. Despite their obvious flaws they do know all the players big and small in a place like Pattaya, and the cops will pull the plug on any player when they want to, or when they get the call to.

    I am not defending Lance, I think the more I have read about him, the more I think his sentence is deserved (for not having the balls to take his punishment when caught bang to rights). I am however disgusted about the predicament the Aussie defendant is in. It is not clear beyond any doubt that he has committed any crime at all. I would have also pleaded not guilty if A, my lawyers suggested to, and B, if I knew deep down the gear wasn't mine & that the truth would set me free.

    And for the record, you are entitled to your anti drugs stance, you clearly have your reasons. But the way you try and shoot down others with a different view (lived out through positive experience in many cases) makes your views appear largely biased, short sighted, and misinformed. The harmfulness of drugs isn't irrelevant in this case, these 2 lads are going away for decades (minimum) for association with drugs whose toxicity and harmfulness has never been scientifically proven. I, and others think it is unjust and immoral that people can be punished so severely for use and sale of it, while other readily available drugs that have been PROVEN to be many times more harmful can be sold aggressively far and wide because they have a powerful geopolitical lobby.


    Despite what the law says, what do you think of alcohol and tobacco retailers, knowing full well what they do sell kills people in their MILLIONS annually? Very keen to know 

  10. 23 minutes ago, webfact said:

    Jake Mastroianni: Sydney DJ jailed for life in Thailand did not have drugs on him, lawyer says

    By the National Reporting Team's Dan Oakes


    The lawyer of a young Sydney man jailed for life in Thailand for possession of ecstasy says the Australian had no drugs on his person when he was arrested.


    Jake Mastroianni, 26, was arrested with Englishman Lance Whitmore in the tourist city of Pattaya in 2014 and received a double life sentence. That sentence was upheld on appeal in a Bangkok court yesterday.


    Whitmore was found in possession of 200 ecstasy pills during an undercover police operation. He then led police to an apartment of Mastroianni's girlfriend, where they found another 61 pills and subsequently charged Mastroianni, who had been working as a DJ in Thailand.


    Mastroianni's sentence was harsher than the 50 years Whitmore received, because unlike the Englishman, he refused to plead guilty.


    Full story: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-09-08/sydney-dj-jailed-in-thailand-did-not-have-drugs-on-him-lawyer/7823548


    -- ABC News 2016-09-08


    If the story put forth by the ABC group is true then it is ABSOLUTELY disgusting for the Australian suspect to even have spent an hour in jail. It seems to suggest that the drugs were not proven to be his, and furthermore were discovered in his GIRLFRIEND's apartment. So where exactly does she fit into this tangled web exactly.
    This has gone from disgraceful to immoral / depraved. What kind of judges / justice system is happy to dish out life sentences without seemingly any concrete evidence at all (rhetoricl question obviously). This is ranking alongside the Koh Tao fiasco for me. Just wow,  incredibly scary to think just how easy it is to put someone in the frame for life sentences here. Genuinely shocked and horrified for this guy's family :bah:

  11. 23 minutes ago, Chivas said:


    Naive beyond belief !!  Its classed with Crack, Cocaine and Heroin for a reason

    LOL I'd be careful about throwing the naive label around Chivas, what reason is ecstasy classed with Crack, Powder coke, and heroin for exactly? And while you're at it get some information to remind us what year the classifications were set, and amended in line with any new scientific testing.

    And more on the topic, the sentencing is utterly ridiculous. When an underage, unlicenced driver can void any jail at all for killing 9 through her reckless driving, while these lads who despite being bloody stupid are staring down half a century in the nick for intent to supply a few tablets to users who i'd dare say wanted them for recreational purposes.


    There's a big gulf in logic there don't you think? Who would you say is the he bigger criminal then, the one whose reckless actions have killed 9 people and unequivocally damaged the lives of their immediate family. Or a couple of lads who wanted to (stupidly) dish out a few tablets to party goers who would be more than likely very happy to have received them.


    The classifications of the drugs, the sentencing, the defense of it all. All a total farce

  12. A very high % of Thais don't care for getting a licence when its incredibly cheap and easy to do so. And I dare say they won't be chomping at the bit to get one when the process becomes drawn out, difficult, and expensive (and where they can lose face more easily).

    The problems of bad driving is multi faceted, the problem of having unlicenced drivers galore is less complex in that the licence itself is pretty much optional, there are no real punishments for not having one (outside of BKK at least), and the authorities have no means / desire to enforce the laws and compel people to get one. Hate to be cynical, but the directive is just empty words

  13. The guy appears to be a total muppet, about as likeable as thrush! So as there is no sex on his website why would anyone go there I wonder? The dating game in Asia is so less complex than in western nations, the women are definitely more open and respond to kindness better, I can't quite see the appeal of his site as dating tips generally are pretty redundant for any regular person here

  14. The  AA team will no doubt be sniffing around after this slanderous outburst. And these farcical NIDA polls do always raise a laugh, and also a little bit of dread, are 60.8% of them really that stupid to think that Prayuth is the best candidate to be next PM because he can "keep order". Well when you have the feudalism, the bloated military machine and their backers, and the all powerful section 44 in your back pocket it is hardly surprising. I despair at this place sometimes :bah:

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