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Posts posted by z42

  1. in a country where a driving licence is widely viewed as optional, or even unnecessary in many cases, I fail to see how taking it away will deter a person who very clearly has a complete disdain for adhering to the law in the first place. A dirty, dingy, overcrowded prison cell for a long time will be the only thing that deters him from straying outside the confines of the law in future

  2. No one with an ounce of intelligence buys this latest BS story. If the amulet trader got legal commissions legally then why did he go overseas at the first whiff of a scandal I wonder, that in itself is a giant red flag.

    Another BS claim is that it costs 4 million baht to "transport and plant" palm trees. That's close to 150,000 USD. The cost of shipping inside Thailand is extraordinarily cheap, so who I wonder did they hire to transport them, and from where?

    I could go on and on picking apart the nonsense claims, in short though its an incredibly poor attempt at a whitewash. The levels of intelligence demonstrated by these clowns is shockingly low, and the levels of shame, lower still. bah.gif

  3. I like Asian correspondent, they run as close to the bone as any Asian outlet on a range of issues. Good article.

    on the topic at hand. The double standards are as clear as day, and they are allowed to stand ONLY because those who are positioned to physically change them choose not to. We can only guess why vested interests, personal enrichment, cronyism etc etc

    It is a national disgrace. And poignantly the BP did an article about how the evidence in the mushroom pickers case was strongly suspected to have been fabricated by local influential figures in Kalasin.

    I would think that by now the Benz driver's goose is cooked. He will get convicted but will flee before incarceration. Something which again is a double standard, Thai and foreign criminals are both flight risks, however foreigners are the only ones who must surrender their passports while its Thai nationals who seem to have form for actually fleeing.

    All in all, appalling show

  4. He's done alright i'd say. He must have an enormous........................................................................................................................................................................


    Oh and some people are saying he should stay away from balconies. Fair point, but I'm pretty sure nature has a better chance of assassinating this lad, heart problems, type 2 diabetes et al.

    Harold, have some serious fun while you can son

  5. Where is the video? How do people know the injured child wasn't wearing a helmet? I'm confused, the link itself doesn't have an embedded video showing on mine (firefox or chrome)

    Here you go:

    Hope that empathy-depraved swine will do jail time for this!

    Thanks for the share, I agree that the hit and run driver should get hammered in court for this. Also I wonder if the family hit will learn anything from this awful yet all too common episode. Hope so

  6. Okay thanks, however they have the 7-11 select coffee mix for 10 baht with a discount somehow,

    otherwise it's 15 baht. I drink this all the time so do you know how I could get the discount ? It's written in thai next to

    the coffee machine.

    Ok at the moment (March 2016) you will see that a high number of products in 7-11 have a lower than normal price stated. In order to get the reduced price you need to buy items worth 40 baht or more (excluding bill payments, alcohol, mobile top ups), and then after you pay you will get your receipt for these things.

    If you look at the bottom of the receipt you will see a number in very large, bold font at the bottom of the receipt. This number says how many reduced items you are entitled to buy when you show the receipt when making your next purchase.

    The number itself will generally be 1 if you spend 40 baht, 2 if you spend 70 baht, 3 if you spend 100 baht and so on.

    Hope that helps

  7. I bet he's wacking himself in the head with that crutch right about now.

    Apparently he is dead.

    Happened after his arrest in Thailand.

    Doesn't anyone actually READ threads before mouthing off nonsense? facepalm.gif

    I for one think the story of how he died is NEWS that is sadly being ignored.

    Charged with a crime. Yes.

    But soon after dead.

    Doesn't anyone else find that disturbing?

    You say "apparently" which is hardly definitive. Where did you hear that he'd died just out of interest?

    And the "how" sounds doubly cryptic. Is it possible for you to elaborate on the forum, or via PM?

  8. The comparisons between North Korea are there, but Thailand even if it gets many times more repressive than it is now would still only be a very very watered down version of NK. It's farcical to put them in the same sentence frankly.

    On topic, the PTP are right to kick up a fuss for a person who is suspected of being disappeared (perhaps only temporarily). But people are also right to say that the double standards are glaring as many others were suspected of being disappeared under various PTP parent political parties.

    All I will say is that I hope the person is found, the truth about why the person went "missing" is sought

  9. As you people may guess by my name i have an interest in a bar in Pattaya.

    I can say i have seen both sides of this here are a couple of examples.

    Seen guys run out of the bar yes run trying to escape paying their bills.

    Also when brought back into the bar to pay the bill, either caught by one of the ladies or a motorbike taxi friend. (Must bars have them).

    This certain certain guy continued arguing and shouting about everything but his bill, he then went to use the toilet which he continued to smash the toilet cistern and pan. Anyway to save him from a beating from the ladies that he was verbally abusing all the time, the police were called.

    He was then ordered by the police to pay 4,000 baht which he did, his initial bar bill was less than 1,000 Baht.

    We also had a regular who was caught taking tickets out of his bin and putting them into his pocket, so the ladies just showed him the play back on the camera and then he paid up for all the missing tickets that night.

    I have also been to other bars where i have seen some staff putting and extra ticket in my bin, then it's time to drink up pay the extra 70 baht for thee beer i never got and never return.

    Anyway just anyone can pay for a drink every time or use the bin, it is entirely up to the individual.

    Also if anyone does get a problem then just ask to look at the CCTV, all bars have to have it installed by law.

    Here's hoping none of you end up in his situation hit-the-fan.gif.

    Stay safe and enjoy the good life while you can.

    So this guy deserves a beating for not paying his bill then do you think? How about press charges for theft and vandalism. I hope your mates' bar gets shut down. Just because someone tries to do a runner, doesn't mean they deserve to end up in the hospital really does it? Like you say, use the CCTV and put his mugshot on display if needs be.

    How about train your hired muscle to just restrain the guy rather than batter them. Probably a better business model I'd have thought as your mate's bar is probably going to cop a lot of flack now for damaging the stellar image of Pattaya haha

  10. So what's the charges for attacking cops and foreign tourists in a police station. Hope this bar gets shut down as a result. We don't know all the details yet, would be interesting to hear the side the Canadian victim gives as to what he was attacked with, and if his bill was disputed and simply not paid for. A lot of the tourist areas have bars that are known to inflate the bills on the sly.

  11. This is very normal very these coach companies. Get to the destination as quickly as possible.

    This guy needs jail time. What a message that would send, huh?

    Fat chance i'd have thought, those uber violent section 112 violations and drug possession seem to be the only offences meriting custodial sentences here. On the topic at hand, absolutely appalling driving, hope to hear what the company does after the investigation, or if this is a case of "under the rug it goes". The roads in Thailand are a sick joke, just good the train prices and airfares are so good here so I don't have to use these death traps too often

  12. Pattaya Child Abused by Parent


    PATTAYA: -- At 11:00am on March 9th, Pattaya police received reports of child abuse. A 7-year old child had sustained numerous injuries after being beaten by her stepfather.

    A man named Khun Ittichock said he had been separated from his wife, named Khun Arunpa, for five years. She had a new husband, named Khun Sarun, who helped take care of their young child.

    Khun Arunpa called her ex-husband asking for money. She told him she needed to take their child to a doctor. They arranged to meet at a gas station. When the Khun Ittichock arrived, the child ran to him and said she was being abused.

    Source: http://pattayaone.net/pattaya-news/222008/pattaya-child-abused-parent/


    -- Pattaya One 2016-03-11

    The new link from pattayaone says that a warrant is out for the arrest of the abuser. The original post says that the abuser has submitted to police, Thailand should take a leaf out of the Philippines' book in cases like this one, and get bounty hunters to bring these kind of crooks in (and a little worse for wear to boot obviously)

  13. Torture of young children under any circumstances deserves a bullet, but not before a long stay in a jail with some violent inmates for company. But I expect that as this is Thailand and he knows the right people his bail has already been sorted out & he can avoid any repercussions when this blows over in a few weeks or so.

    I wish the little one a speedy recovery, and hope she gets the love she deserves from somewhere. As a dad to a young girl this kind of thing makes me so angry to see.

  14. Limiters is the only way to stop these imbeciles behind the wheel driving these vans like they've nicked them. Educating them is a non starter, fining them is a window for corruption and inaction, but simply making them (the vans) functional and safe enough enough to do the job they're designed to do is all that should be required.

    And I must wonder what the rationale is for strapping the seatbelts away is for. Surely that in itself is enough for taking them off the road if / when they crash and people are hurt

  15. What is the point of handing out a jail term supposedly without suspension, but then immediately suspending it when somebody stumps up bail money... What exactly is the bail for if he has already confessed to committing the crime, been shown on video committing the crime, been shown on video lying about committing the crime.

    So again if someone with a bit of knowledge on Thai legal affairs. What exactly is the bail for if he is not appealing and has been sentenced? I am at a loss to understand it. I honestly can't think of any other country i've ever lived in or travelled to . It makes me despair at having chosen to live and raise a family here.

    Sounds like the years of drug use is finally catching up with you mate wink.png

    Seriously though...I agree with your sentiment

    Come again? How has me being bemused by this call from the judges / lawyers got anything to do with me using drugs exactly? If you'd care to elaborate a bit on that i'd appreciate. Or how about have a shot at clearing up the legal mumbo jumbo pal

    Relax ''pal''...I put your sentence in bold, but here it is again: '' I honestly can't think of any other country i've ever lived in or travelled to'' Get it now?

    Jeez...when did the world become so humourless.

    Also, I said I agreed with you rolleyes.gif

    Indeed, sorry about that! Stuff gets so crazy here that it makes my head spin to the point that I can't finish sentences. And speaking of which, looks like this fool from the story won't finish his either, or even start it for that matter.

    I just can't think what the grounds for appeal actually consist of considering the video evidence that is widely available. And I can't believe he was contesting the charges also. That is a whole lot of stupid right there, can't get my nut round it at all

  16. What is the point of handing out a jail term supposedly without suspension, but then immediately suspending it when somebody stumps up bail money... What exactly is the bail for if he has already confessed to committing the crime, been shown on video committing the crime, been shown on video lying about committing the crime.

    So again if someone with a bit of knowledge on Thai legal affairs. What exactly is the bail for if he is not appealing and has been sentenced? I am at a loss to understand it. I honestly can't think of any other country i've ever lived in or travelled to. It makes me despair at having chosen to live and raise a family here.

    Sounds like the years of drug use is finally catching up with you mate wink.png

    Seriously though...I agree with your sentiment

    Come again? How has me being bemused by this call from the judges / lawyers got anything to do with me using drugs exactly? If you'd care to elaborate a bit on that i'd appreciate. Or how about have a shot at clearing up the legal mumbo jumbo pal

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