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Everything posted by candide

  1. They've joined hands with someone more influential. Thaksin joined hands long time ago, BTW.
  2. Well, it depends about what. The coup and proceeding events have been well prepared and planned. One cannot be good at everything! 😁
  3. Good idea to remind us about Trump's trip to Irak, as it confirms again that Trump is a full liar! 😆 You haven’t gotten one in more than 10 years. More than 10 years!” he told a crowd of applauding service members during his remarks at Al Asad Air Base in Iraq on Wednesday. “And we got you a big one. I got you a big one.” Trump has repeatedly claimed that troops hadn’t seen a pay raise during President Barack Obama’s time in the White House. In fact, troops have seen a pay raise of at least 1 percent every year for more than 30 years. https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2018/12/27/in-iraq-visit-trump-makes-false-claim-about-military-pay-again/ Trump bragged to troops about 10 percent pay raise that they have not received https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/423013-trump-bragged-about-10-percent-pay-raise-he-didnt-give-to-troops/ What a dumb liar! 😃
  4. From what you have posted yourself, Biden trails Trump on average only between 1.6% and 2.3% (depending on the aggregator). It's not a big gap and doesn't allow to anticipate on who will be the winner next year.
  5. The three P have lost and the other P, who was their puppet master, must be rolling in his grave!
  6. I know and that's not the point you made in your post. She was still PM when an election date was agreed for July 2014, as she was ousted by the CC on 7 May. Additionally, the whole government was not ousted and was able to finalize the next elections with the EC. We also agree that the objective of the coup was not directly to oust her, as it was already done, the objective was to prevent the next elections to occur, and to prevent citizen from choosing their government. PS I am not the same poster who evoked the "land" issue.
  7. She was still PM at that time, and anyway, her government was not removed and was still the caretaker government after that. Elections had been agreed by the election commission. That 's why the coup happened, in order to prevent Thai citizen to choose their next government. Thai government, poll body agree on July 20 vote Updated 4:33 PM UTC+1, April 30, 2014 https://apnews.com/general-news-692f473a2a564b15afeba9b4dfd5193b
  8. Unless there is an amendment to the constitution, it won't be the government which will appoint Senators. The process is controlled by the yellow-green network and they will likely want to keep the only remaining asset left. So the Senate will likely be yellow coloured. The only good news is that, If I remember well, the new Senate won't elect the PM any more.
  9. Why was there such an (still in minority) opposition to her? Oh! I remember, because she wanted to pass an amnesty law which would have de facto covered Thaksin! 😆
  10. Thaksin has his own communication channel upwards and doesn't need any mediation by the army. The army will do what it is told to do.
  11. The share of 'independent' journalists has grown from 32.5% to 51.7%. It contradicts the claim that Media are increasingly left-wing. If your reasoning is relevant, this study shows that they are increasingly unbiased.
  12. Sure, why waste time prosecuting an ex-president who tried to steal elections,! 😁- On top of it, it may even have negative consequences, such as preventing other politicians to do the same later! A lost opportunity for entertainment! 😆
  13. Trump says he didn't know his immigration rhetoric echoes Hitler. That's part of a broader pattern https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-says-didnt-know-immigration-153005603.html
  14. Biggest corruption scandal in history, by the biggest absence of evidence! 🤣
  15. Easy reply. A lot of Republicans listened to anti-vaccine nutters and represent 2/3 of post-vaccine period excess deaths. 🤣 Republicans' excess death rate spiked after COVID-19 vaccines arrived, a study says https://www.npr.org/2023/07/25/1189939229/covid-deaths-democrats-republicans-gap-study Almost twice as many Republicans than Democrats died of Covid, study says https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/republicans-died-double-democrats-covid-b2227425.html For COVID-19 vaccinations, party affiliation matters more than race and ethnicity https://www.brookings.edu/articles/for-covid-19-vaccinations-party-affiliation-matters-more-than-race-and-ethnicity/ Quite Darwinian it seems! 😅
  16. Ok. So you don't have in mind any witness who has been ignored and who could have exonerated Trump. I don't know about 3). Questions 1 and 2 are irrelevant because Pelosi was not in charge of Capitol security (or do you believe Trump?).
  17. Still mysterious... which tough questions should have been asked? How could it exonerate Trump?
  18. I wrote multiple because there have been multiple witnesses and other evidence against Trump. So who could becthese few witnesses? So Nancy may have exonerated Trump? That's interesting? How?
  19. Who are these multiple potential witnesses who have been ignored?
  20. There's just something in the way of your spam... It's called evidence. 😆
  21. So 2.3% advantage with a different aggregation method. Also not a big deal.
  22. Thanks for posting it. So on average, Trump scores 1.3% better than Biden. It's not a big advantage and doesn't justify your continuous flow of spams anticipating a total electoral failure.
  23. It could well be that Trump was aware his plan was <deleted> up, and that's why he put the withdrawal date after elections.
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