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Everything posted by candide

  1. The educated may be more likely to vote. However, previous elections and referendum have also shown that the vote of people who felt they had been 'left behind' could also be very influential. Do these people now feel they chose the adequate option when they voted? Or do they feel they have been fooled again and are angry?
  2. I agree with this analysis. However, it may also be that his generation is aware that they could get richer with more educated and skilled workers, and from customers with a higher purchasing power. That's what they have been taught in the expensive universities and business-schools where they studied
  3. It has all to do with thread, as one of the main reason the establishment (in particular Prem) was afraid of Thaksin, is exactly the same reason why he received this exceptional treatment and will be pardoned. I cannot be more explicit, as you may guess.
  4. Yet you edited "among G7 compared to pre-pandemic level" out in your reply. I did not put any link the first time because it has been posted so many times in threads you participated in. I assumed it was common knowledge for you.
  5. That was my claim from the start, which you conveniently edited in your quote. Obviously, economists find it relevant to take into account how G7 performed compared to pre-pandemic level, as the link I posted shows. Go away!
  6. Again, it is not "the left". Concerning the case you mentioned, it has been mentioned several times in various threads that the attention of the justice system has been raised by Cohen's congressional testimony in 2019.
  7. Lol! You did not ask me to support my claim, you asked me to support your claims (which you didn't). That's an obvious trolling tactic. You are welcomed to support your claims, for once!
  8. Exactly! In any other Western democracy, Trump would have been already convicted, banned from his party and likely also banned from any political mandate.
  9. Lol! You really expected I would be stupid enough to fall into your troll's trap and waste my time searching information for you? You have no right to request anything. If you want to establish counter-arguments, it's your duty to find information to support them, not mine! Facts are: - Trump could not have been indicted and could have prevented his aids from testifying (he did it during the Mueller probe, for example) - Trump and some of his aids have been following a continuous strategy of delaying, contesting, appealing..and still do.
  10. Who has defended him about that? Countering the right-wing lame exploitation of Hunter's case doesn't mean supporting his crimes and offenses. So-called "left" posters (it seems to include me although I am rather 'center') don't disagree with Hunter getting a just punishment for his offenses ("just" meaning like others having committed similar offenses). Personally I don't have much esteem for Hunter and don't care a damn in case he's convicted! The jury will make a decision and it will be fine for me. However I (and others) oppose the GOP ridiculous smear campaign ('Comer says') and other MAGA lies alleging other crimes in the absence of evidence
  11. I acknowledge that you don't deny the facts I mentioned. Are you now insinuating that investigations should have been expedited without following rules and due process? You know, like making sure enough testimonies and other evidences have been collected and corroborated, charges have been correctly substantiated, etc...?
  12. Well, the problem with Trump is more about the content of sentences! You know, like: “There’s a man, Viktor Orbán, did anyone ever hear of him?” Trump said, referring to the Hungarian prime minister. “He’s probably, like, one of the strongest leaders anywhere in the world. He’s the leader of Turkey,” the former president said." 😂 https://www.politico.eu/article/trump-confuses-turkish-and-hungarian-leaders-orban-erdogan/
  13. The "left" did not wait, the justice system did. The two main reasons being: - he could not have been indicted while being President, and also could have prevented his aides from testifying. Didn't you know it? - Trump and his lawyers did everything they could do to delay, delay, and delay again. Haven't you noticed it?
  14. And he did not pay his taxes in order to be able to pay hookers! 😃
  15. It's a joke, isn't it? You guys have been endlessly ranting about Hunter not being indicted, and now that he is indicted, you complain about it! 🤣
  16. If there is justice, he will get the same sentence as people who have committed similar offenses. And no one will smear prosecutors, judge, judge's assistant, witnesses, jury members, etc... except GOP members and MAGA fans
  17. It's nice to see that you don't contest the economic performance indicators I outlined in my post, and now have to deflect with the usual lame arguments.
  18. https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn02784/ - best GDP growth (by 0.1%) is not "far". By far compared to pre-pandemic level (see graph) - very low unemployment (close to historic record). Historical records are meaningless as US unemployment is calculated so differently now. Many of these jobs are taken by the same person twice or more In any case it is a low unemployment rate, and lower than forecasted by experts - now lower inflation rate than other advanced economies - not so - Japan is lower. Ok, but lower than the average of advanced economies - highest level of energy independence in over 70 years not really - the US still needs to import oil by about 5 mmbd. Highest level by the same criteria used by Trump to brag about achieving energy independence (difference between imports and exports) So nothing to be ashamed of. Many countries would be happy with the same numbers
  19. Right! It's been a complete mess for decades. You can also notice that the Houti's cause is far from illegitimate (I'm not talking about recent events, I.e. attacking ships), as they have been fighting against the expansion of Salafism pushed by S.A. (and also occasionally against al Qaida).
  20. Why would they be shameful? - best GDP growth (by far) among G7 compared to pre-pandemic level, - very low unemployment (close to historic record), - now lower inflation rate than other advanced economies, - highest level of energy independence in over 70 years, thanks to record oil and energy exports, - increase in industrial strategic sovereignty, - etc...
  21. Point 1. The reserve was established at a time the U.S. wasn't producing much oil. The same level is not necessary now, due to the relatively low quantity of oil imported. Point 2. I never claimed it was not the case. My claim was, when using the difference between import and exports as an indicator, energy independence has increased. The same indicator Trump has been using to bragg about achieving energy independence.
  22. It seems to be difficult for you to grasp that the reason why the U.S. doesn't produces much heavy crude oil (which is of lower quality BTW) is that it is not frequently found on its territory. Your proposal doesn't make sense from an economic point of view. What makes sense is to drill when it is profitable to do so, use or export what is found, and import what cannot be easily found.
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