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Everything posted by candide

  1. Right! Some people are ready to believe anything Trump tells them. That's no proof it actually happened. As I posted before a poll showed 46% of Republicans believed the pizzagate conspiracy theory and another showed 61% believed the birther conspiracy theory. Does that make these theories true?
  2. There is just a small detail in the way of this good story: elections had not been stolen. Actually, it seems you are indirectly incriminating Trump. Who told them elections had been stolen.?
  3. Ask Josh Hawley if it was peaceful! https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/josh-hawley-seen-fleeing-trump-mob-riled-newly-released-jan-6-footage-rcna39490
  4. False equivalence. The BLM did not assault the Capitol in order to interrupt (or influence) a legitimate process of certifying elections.
  5. The paradox being that this constitution had been designed.... to prevent PT from governing!
  6. He's a crook (like the others), but at least was a competent crook. He also opened the Pandora's box of democracy by showing ordinary people their vote counted (I know, It's not really the case now under the Junta's constitution).
  7. The deal was likely not initiated by the generals.....
  8. John Lott trying to recycle a research which has been debunked! A 2021 PNAS study by political scientists at Stanford University and the University of Chicago rebutted Lott's paper as being not even remotely convincing, writing that his analysis was "entirely dependent on the completely arbitrary order in which pairs of precincts in other counties are entered in the dataset" and that his conclusions about voter fraud were "utterly baseless."[72][73][74] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Lott You already got this comment the previous time. How many times will you repost this debunked study?
  9. A poll our recently converted poll lovers won't like. Expect reactions such as "how many people replied?", "a poll conducted in NYC and Washington DC", etc... Most don't think Trump should get presidential immunity — CBS News poll
  10. It's no wonder that support for Hamas increased among Palestinians, rather than for the more moderate Palestinian authority.....
  11. Stop the war, in Ukraine? Sure! By letting Russia overtaking it! Remember: "Within weeks, Trump praised Putin for how he handled the takeover of Crimea and predicted that “the rest of Ukraine will fall … fairly quickly.” Echoing Kremlin propaganda, Trump said in a TV interview that the Crimean people “would rather be with Russia,” a position he also pushed in private. One of his 2016 campaign aides falsely claimed that “Russia did not seize Crimea.” https://edition.cnn.com/2022/03/26/politics/trump-putin-ukraine/index.html Stop the war in Gaza? Like he did with his so-called peace initiatives negotiated without involving the Palestinian Authority and Iran. What could have gone wrong? 😃
  12. For once, I agree with him! If there is a crash, it is better it happens when he is not President, as he is unable to face a major crisis without being self-centered, childish, liar and ridiculous!" We know what to expect from him: this is not a crisis! It's a Dem hoax! Inject bleach in the economy! 😃
  13. Deflection. The employment rate of foreigners contradicts the claim that they are an economic burden. Feel free to make realistic suggestions about how to increase the employment rate of natives
  14. My point is that foreigners (both EU and non EU in my post) have a higher employment rate than UK born, which means that, by paying taxes and national insurance contributions, they contribute proportionally more to the NHS than UK born.
  15. Trump has clearly shown he wasn't able to face a major crisis without being self-centered, childish, a liar, and also without being ridiculous. it's just a flu!
  16. Lol! The pandemic really started in March 2020. So you are comparing less than one year under Trump's mandate, to nearly 3 years under Biden's mandate You are also forgetting that 2/3 of deaths after the vaccine was introduced were Republicans, because they listened to right-wing anti-vaccine nutters.
  17. Of all people aged 16 years and over, 55.9% of those born in the UK were in employment, compared with 70.8% of those born in the EU and 58.0% among those born in non-EU countries; restricting to those aged 16 to 64 years, 71.2% of those born in the UK were in employment, compared with 78.2% of those born in the EU and 64.9% of those born in non-EU countries. https://www.ons.gov.uk/employmentandlabourmarket/peopleinwork/employmentandemployeetypes/articles/migrationandthelabourmarketenglandandwales/census2021
  18. Why is it that nearly every time I check data claimed by Trumpers, it's fake? https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/data/mortality Ok, let's remain positive. Pery fared much worse!
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