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Everything posted by candide

  1. Obviously, you are not part of them..... ("most of us")
  2. More details uncovered.... After unsuccessfully trying for up to 20 minutes to persuade Trump to release some sort of calming statement, Scavino and others walked out of the dining room, leaving Trump alone, sources said. That's when, according to sources, Trump posted a message on his Twitter account saying that Pence "didn't have the courage to do what should have been done." Special counsel probe uncovers new details about Trump's inaction on Jan. 6: Sources https://www.yahoo.com/news/special-counsel-probe-uncovers-details-130200050.html
  3. In the Wisconsin case, there is no proof of election rigging, just that a method used at the time of Covid has been ultimately assessed as not following the law. Wake us up when fraud indictment will be announced. As to your request to Danderman, you are asking him to prove a negative. It's not how it works! It's your duty to prove the allegations are true, not the opposite. None of this so-called evidence has been submitted, accepted, or proven accurate in courts, or confirmed by the multiple audits and recounts. Edit. The author did not even dare to sign the document!
  4. The beauty of U.S. politics is that 'Trump stinks' may well end up being quite effective against him! 😃
  5. The SCOTUS will make its decision, and unlike the right-wing, liberals will not whine endlessly about a Justice decision. Actually, I guess that a significant number won't be unhappy to have Trump on the ballot, as he's likely easier to beat than others, such as Haley.
  6. So when Hunter, a private citizen, got $1 Million from a private Chinese energy company, he got moneyfrom enemies of the nation (a popular MAGA talking point). But when Trump (while was President and in charge of foreign policy) got $5.4 Million from a bank controlled by the CCP, It's not from enemies of the nation! 🤣 Forbes Estimates China Paid Trump At Least $5.4 Million Since He Took Office, Via Mysterious Trump Tower Lease https://www.forbes.com/sites/danalexander/2020/10/23/forbes-estimates-china-paid-trump-at-least-54-million-since-he-took-office-via-mysterious-trump-tower-lease/?sh=e8f0820ed11e
  7. No reply, of course..... Same link already posted before! My mistake, it was 46% https://dcist.com/story/16/12/28/poll/ Another interesting point in this poll, is that more than twice Republicans than Democrats think the 2016 elections have been rigged! The reason being that Trump was furious that he lost the popular vote and claimed millions of illegal votes had been casted! 😅
  8. For what? For trying to prevent the diffusion of misleading rumours about Covid, It may not have been technically legal, but it has nothing to do with being a threat to democracy. Sorry to deceive you but, unlike Trump and his sycophants, Biden never tried to steal elections, and never threatened judges, prosecutors, witnesses, civil servants, etc...
  9. I know there were also right-wing sites with the same content. Inusually prefer to cite the original one rather than the followers. BTW, it's quite instructing to observe that the (far) right wing sites and the Pravda have the same (or similar) content
  10. One question. How would you call the 41% of Republicans who believed the pizzagate conspiracy theory. You know, the conspiracy in which Dem politicians (among others) where raping kids, and then killing them to drink their blood and remain young. In the basement of a pizzeria which has no basement?
  11. Oh the irony! 🤣 Trump and a certain number of Republicans did not try to ban Biden, they just tried to steal elections and prevent the certification of the victory of the legitimate election winner!🤣 The only reason the Republicans are not trying to ban Biden is that they have no ground for it. They would dream to ban him or to indict him, but their problem is that Biden did not do what Trump did! Instead, they have launched a smear campaign and a fake impeachment in the absence of any evidence! They don't even know for which crime they would impeach him! 😃
  12. Of course, Covid has a lot to do with it. My point is that the current high level of the debt ratio started during the period before Biden became President. It only incrementally increased after that. As to the post-Covid period, one reason the economy has been roaring was that it has been fuelled by expenses and investment aiming to put the economy back on track. The very good U.S. GDP growth (relative to other G7 countries) was not reached for no reason. Less debt would have resulted in lower GDP (and less jobs) and the debt/GDP ratio would not have been better. https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn02784/
  13. Did you miss this one from Trump's lawyer? 😃 Alina Habba hopes Justice Brett Kavanaugh rewards Trump for appointing him to SCOTUS by overturning Colorado’s insurrection clause decision https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/alina-habba-hopes-justice-brett-kavanaugh-rewards-trump-for-appointing-him-to-scotus-by-overturning-colorados-insurrection-clause-decision/
  14. You came accroos it randomly? After concluding a speech about democracy, U.S. President Joe Biden said, "I understand power" https://pravda-en.com/world/2024/01/05/251068.html
  15. His comment was irrelevant (as usual) as drugs are usually not carried by illegal immigrants who are at risk of being arrested. They enter the U.S. through regular points of entry, hidden in trucks and trains.
  16. Changing target now? Ok! Sure, the Fentanyl deaths wave started under Biden's watch! Oh wait! Look at the death growth during Trump's mandate! 😆 https://www.cdc.gov/opioids/basics/epidemic.html As usual....
  17. More interesting is the ratio debt/GDP, as debt in usually assessed as a % of GDP It 's easy to spot under which President it increased most. https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/government-debt-to-gdp
  18. Trump would be easier to beat, indeed. That's why I am not so keen about it. However, if the SC decides to ban him, so be it! The law is the law.
  19. Gag! I remember Trump was very proud of being able to remember a few words.😃 'Person, woman, man, camera, TV': Trump insists cognitive test was difficult https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/jul/23/person-woman-man-camera-tv-trump-insists-cognition-test-was-difficult “Person, woman, man, camera, TV,” Trump explained, saying that listing the words in order was worth “extra points”, and that he found the task easy. “They said nobody gets it in order, it’s actually not that easy. But for me it was easy. And that’s not an easy question,” he told Fox News medical analyst and New York University professor of medicine Marc K Siegel. 🤣
  20. The testimonies have been transcribed and checked by the witnesses themselves. As usual, you have nothing!
  21. Singapore is a very specific case, but after a short look, it doesn't seem to fare better than the U.S. recently re. GDP growth or inflation.
  22. No one's perfect! At least he did not promise Mexico will pay for it! 😃
  23. I'm not aware of any advanced economy faring better than the U.S., from an economic point of view.
  24. About the second point: sure, we all know the army always obeys the government in this country! 😁 About the first one: you are right. In a democratic country, there would have been an investigation and people responsible for It would have been convicted. Why did the army and the Dems bury the case, as it would have been the ideal occasion to nail Thaksin?
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