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Everything posted by candide

  1. Point 1. The reserve was established at a time the U.S. wasn't producing much oil. The same level is not necessary now, due to the relatively low quantity of oil imported. Point 2. I never claimed it was not the case. My claim was, when using the difference between import and exports as an indicator, energy independence has increased. The same indicator Trump has been using to bragg about achieving energy independence.
  2. It seems to be difficult for you to grasp that the reason why the U.S. doesn't produces much heavy crude oil (which is of lower quality BTW) is that it is not frequently found on its territory. Your proposal doesn't make sense from an economic point of view. What makes sense is to drill when it is profitable to do so, use or export what is found, and import what cannot be easily found.
  3. I know that (It's written in the linked article, BTW). You are deflecting. You wrote: "Trump embraces ‘dictator’ moniker by promising to enforce border laws and promote energy independence both of which Biden has neglected to do " I proved you wrong by showing that energy independence (defined by the difference between imports and exports*) has been significantly improved under Biden. (* the same definition used previously by Trump when he bragged about it) Coming back to the issue raised in your reply, did Trump promise to subsidize refineries so that they can change their refining equipment?
  4. You should check information instead of believing everything Trump says. U.S. Energy Independence Soars To Highest Level In Over 70 Years https://www.forbes.com/sites/rrapier/2023/05/02/us-energy-independence-soars-to-highest-levels-in-over-70-years/?sh=7a451fc7977f
  5. That's the positive side of it. Trump is likely to be a failed fascist as he was a failed president and failed businessman. The only thing he did not fail was at being a conman (well, he also got caught).
  6. I ( and others) explained it to you many times, the reason is 'intent' and 'obstruction'. BTW, the decision made by the FBI about Clinton has been investigated (under Trump) by the IG.
  7. Why is it different? It's all explained here. https://apnews.com/article/biden-politics-united-states-government-us-department-of-justice-michael-pence-7e616d65db8a76a078d1ec9268c13a77 https://www.cnbc.com/2023/06/15/trump-documents-case-biden-clinton-pence.html
  8. It seems you are quite creative when writing about laws. I have posted links which are quite clear about relevant laws applied to those cases.
  9. The situation in Yemen is not that simple. Houthis have been fighting against the invasion of Salafism in their country, pushed by SA, and Salafism has often been nursing terrorism in Western countries. They have also been fighting against Al Quaida (which has an ambiguous relationship with S.A. and the Emirates). On top of it, they have often been bombed by American weapons used by S.A. and the Emirates, so they have a few reasons to be aggressive....
  10. Seriously? Trust Putin's signature? The only thing which would make a treaty more or less reliable is a Chinese guarantee! As to your comments about the EU: defense is not part of EU's prerogatives. The de-facto European defense union is NATO.
  11. Meanwhile...😁 “The one thing they don’t want to talk about is the [2020] election. They are guilty as hell, they cheated like hell,” Trump claimed, presumably of everyone who correctly recognized and validated the actual election results. “They know it, and you’ll never find out all the ways. But we don’t need all the ways because, you know, it was, I think 22,000 votes separated it, and we have millions and millions of votes. It’s a very sad thing.” 🤣 https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-says-jesus-came-down-002004647.html
  12. He already knows that, too. It's like trying to fill the Danaides barrel.....
  13. Come on! Don't pretend you don't know why! You've been told a few dozens of time already! https://apnews.com/article/biden-politics-united-states-government-us-department-of-justice-michael-pence-7e616d65db8a76a078d1ec9268c13a77 https://www.cnbc.com/2023/06/15/trump-documents-case-biden-clinton-pence.html
  14. Nonsense! He wasn't expelled for this reason. BTW, Santos has always supported GOP anti-LGBT initiatives.
  15. Am I the only one to rejoice over the massive lost of face for the establishment people who have been against him for decades?
  16. No reply, as expected. I guess it means that, as the other MAGA fans who got excited at the numerous previous lawsuits and audits about the 2020 elections, you believe their outcome only if it goes your way (which never happened so far).
  17. It's not only an issue of manipulation, the problem is that it is spent at the expense of funding innovation. Meanwhile Chinese companies such as Huawei have been consistently investing in innovation. Check papers from Lazonick about financialization of the economy, if you are interested.
  18. In particular as top managers used this money to buy back their company's stock in order to inflate the value of their stock options. It's stupid to give tax cuts to companies without conditions, I.e invest in R&D or production.
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