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Everything posted by candide

  1. For example, do you think that people who believe Pizzagate conspiracy (among other conspiracy theories) are not nutters? Really? Poll: 46 Percent Of Trump Voters Believe ‘Pizzagate’ Theory https://dcist.com/story/16/12/28/poll/ https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/dec/28/pizzagate-theory-believed-by-nearly-half-of-republ/ I can go on with several other ridiculous conspiracy theories believed by the same people: Obama is a foreigner, elections have been stolen, etc..
  2. Two tables from your source (the first in 1980 and the last in 2023, confirming that U.S. inflation is correlated to world inflation, and in particular to other advanced economies. Excellent source, by the way, thanks for finding it.
  3. I agree that people are sensible to inflation and that it has a negative influence on their perception of the government (same as in other countries). It is usual for economists to compare G7 countries. The graph shows how the U.S. has succeded in reducing inflation after the initial inflation surge better than most other G7 countries. https://www.ft.com/content/088d3368-bb8b-4ff3-9df7-a7680d4d81b2
  4. Well, it doesn't seem to be the case any more.... https://www.racetothewh.com/president/polls
  5. Global inflation? https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/WLD/world/inflation-rate-cpi
  6. Oh, I understand. Yes. They mention the post from an Israeli guy on Twitter claiming It's him, and the photographer's claim It's someone else on the same bike. If he was filming the video, It was not him, it was the guy before him on the bike. Or maybe he was the guy right behind the driver, and someone else was filming.
  7. He needs time to monitor his son!🤣 Mike Johnson Said He and His Son Monitor Each Other’s Porn Usage, and Yeah, It’s Exactly as Weird as It Sounds https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2023/11/mike-johnson-covenant-eyes
  8. Right! Trump even sabotaged the party he owns! 😁
  9. ? There's nothing hidden or censored about it. It has been mentioned in several MSMs! Ex. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/09/world/middleeast/israel-gaza-hamas-photographers.html https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/hamas-journalist-revelation-legacy-media-terror-ties-scrutiny The video is on Twitter. I have no idea if It's him or if the video is undoctored. There are three persons on the bike, the driver, then the one holding a grenade, then the one filming.
  10. I agree It's unlikely the media would have known it in advance. Even by putting ethical concerns aside, they would not have missed the headline of the year by being the first to announce it publicly. It's possible that some FL journalists may have been warned short before by their contacts. Hamas convoys may also have been spoted on the way. However, It's also worth noting that Gaza is very small. It's probably not more than a 20/30 mn ride to reach the border from Gaza city.
  11. Right, there were no wars during the pandemic....in particular from Russia which population decreased by one million in one year. Not a good time to start a war. Afghanistan, oh yeah, this perfect agreement negotiated by Trump, only with the Talibans, consacrating them as unique interlocutor. On top of it, followed by a unilateral withdrawal of most U.S. troops and the release of Taliban fighters from prison, without the Talibans needing to respect their commitments, it worked quite well... Same m.o. as Trump's so called peace initiatives in ME, designed without the Palestinians and Iran, what could have gone wrong? 😃 As to Putin's motivation, it is common knowledge that he was encouraged by the Jan.6 events and that he was betting on internal U.S. divisions. In the same as he is currently comforted by the MAGA opposition to supporting Ukraine further.
  12. Which articles? Why don't you link them? Even Fox News mentions only 34,000! 😅 https://www.foxnews.com/politics/soros-family-other-high-profile-megadonors-helped-fuel-political-career-new-york-ag-suing-trump
  13. Gag!🤣 Oops! Republican Congressman Admits Hunter Biden Subpoena Double Standard https://news.yahoo.com/oops-republican-congressman-admits-hunter-180159422.html
  14. Come on! Not this debunked ridiculous Trump's claim again! https://www.forbes.com/sites/tommybeer/2020/11/06/trump-and-allies-keep-claiming-republican-poll-watchers-were-banned-thats-a-lie/?sh=12693c5b44da “Pennsylvania and Michigan didn’t allow our poll watchers and/or vote observers to watch or observe.” https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2020/nov/12/donald-trump/trumps-wrong-claim-election-observers-were-barred-/
  15. So there was a phantom company, a shell company, and also a conflict of interest as Comer was supervising agricultural activities as a committee member.
  16. China talking about weaponizing legal tools against political opponents! That's rich! 😀
  17. According to this article, she received $34,000 from the Soros family. https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-judge-letitia-james-trial-george-soros-truth-social-republicans-1841020 @Skipalongcassidy What's wrong with being funded by Soros (among others)? Because of a conspiracy theory claiming that a network of people from a certain religion are trying to control the world?
  18. I doubt money goes back to China. It's more valuable in Thailand than in China. Chinese businessmen are eager to put their money out of CCP's reach That's the main reason why they were buying condos in Thailand. Since China banned crypto trade, It's more difficult for them to export their money. I would not be surprised Chinese networks had organised private compensation systems in order to avoid moving money.
  19. 40% is likely excessive, but stats provided by the Chinese government have never been reliable and are influenced by political concerns. It is very likely much worse than 5%. https://www.scmp.com/economy/economic-indicators/article/3201003/how-reliable-chinas-job-data-and-who-included-unemployment-rate https://www.npr.org/sections/money/2012/10/05/162319548/no-one-trusts-chinas-unemployment-rate
  20. And a perfect one! 😃 Fact check: Elise Stefanik tried to get election overturned, promoted election lies https://edition.cnn.com/2021/05/06/politics/fact-check-stefanik-big-lie-election-trump/index.html
  21. In nearly every country in the world, life was better pre-covid than now: less inflation, lower gas prices, etc.... and people are often blaming their current governments for the current inflation, although It's a global trend. That's the case in the U.S. too. Trump had no responsibility in pre-covid inflation level and gas prices, as it was also a global trend, but some people tend to attribute some merit to him about it. Will Biden's economic achievements, I.e. GDP growth and employment, overcome the perceived blame for inflation level? It's not the case now but will have to wait how it fares next year. In any case, he's lucky to have Trump as potential GOP candidate so they are currently tied. https://www.racetothewh.com/president/polls
  22. There's usually an economic aspect in all Germany's decisions. At the time of the first migrant waves, the economy was doing well and Germany needed manpower to replace retiring baby boomers, because of its low birth rate. Now the economy is stagnating and they don't need much additional manpower.
  23. I think they are talking about this. https://www.racetothewh.com/president/polls
  24. They are surely not predicting the winner, but they give an indication of the current state of public opinion.
  25. It's too early to know whether it will last or not, but the trend is changing. https://www.racetothewh.com/president/polls
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