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Everything posted by candide

  1. The article is about predictions by Adam Posen. Adam Posen, ideolog? ????
  2. Does being un-indicted mean you cannot be indicted later (under threat of being indicted)?
  3. There's not limit to how low it can go... Former President Donald Trump drew laughs from California Republicans on Friday after he ripped Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and mocked her husband Paul Pelosi over the brutal hammer attack against him. “We’ll stand up to crazy Nancy Pelosi who ruined San Francisco. How’s her husband doing, by the way, anybody know?” said Trump in a speech to the California GOP convention. “And she’s against building a wall at our border even though she has a wall around her house, which obviously didn’t do a very good job.” https://news.yahoo.com/trumps-appalling-paul-pelosi-dig-055520881.html
  4. There's a good account of the whole story here: https://www.lawfaremedia.org/article/what-the-heck-happened-in-coffee-county-georgia Powell is clearly involved "According to a combination of court filings, depositions in subsequent litigation, and the indictment filed Monday evening in Fulton County, Georgia, the forensics team—a group of employees of an Atlanta-based firm called SullivanStrickler—has driven into the rural south Georgia town of Douglas at the behest of Sidney Powell, a lawyer working with then-President Donald Trump’s legal team." Then the question is: will Powell accept to be a fuse or will she incriminate someone further up?
  5. As outlined several times already, they changed the calculation method by generalizing the use of the SUT framework, which most other countries have not done yet. So UK numbers cannot be really compared with other countries any more. https://www.ons.gov.uk/economy/grossdomesticproductgdp/articles/impactofbluebook2023changesongrossdomesticproduct/2023-09-01 It should also be noted that UK GDP shrank by .5% in July, so at the end of July It's not 1.8% any more, It's 1.3%.
  6. Good question. Which cities have really decreased their police budget? Despite 'defunding' claims, police funding has increased in many US cities https://abcnews.go.com/US/defunding-claims-police-funding-increased-us-cities/story?id=91511971
  7. It's an established Committee tradition to lie. Remember this one: Jim Jordan and House Judiciary Republicans got caught editing witness interviews to smear the Sec. of State and push their Hunter Biden laptop scandal. JIM JORDAN JUST GOT BUSTED WITH EVIDENCE OF HIS HUNTER BIDEN LIES https://www.politicususa.com/2023/04/21/jim-jordan-just-got-busted-with-evidence-of-his-hunter-biden-lies.html
  8. Trump Freaks out After Judge Finds Him Liable for Fraud: ‘I AM WORTH MUCH MORE THAN THE NUMBERS SHOWN’ ???? https://news.yahoo.com/entertainment/trump-freaks-judge-finds-him-025225996.html
  9. As usual, you did not really read the sources you linked! ???? From your FT article: "There was an even sharper drop in UK business activity, according to the S&P Global/Cips purchasing managers’ index, which fell to 46.8 in September, down from 48.6 in August, the lowest for 32 months."
  10. The car manufacturing issue is a real issue. It's starting to be addressed, but should likely be more rigorously dealt with. Otherwise the European car industry ( not only in the EU) is endangered.
  11. Sorry I was not clear. It's chapter 5 .Impact of Blue Book 2023 on volume GDP.
  12. For example ch.5. It's not a uniform increase but tends to increase numbers.
  13. Don't put word into my mouth, I did not say that. I said that changing the method leads to GDP number increase ( as explained by the ONS). It's not only an issue of revised inputs.
  14. From the article: This article will cover the indicative annual and quarterly impacts resulting from changes to sources and methods, as well as confronting the year 2021 through the SUT framework for the first time. France has started applying the SUT framewok but not to the same extent as UK. Most other European countries haven't. I never claimed it was to give a false impression, as the new method is allegedly better. It's just that it makes comparisons less relevant, until other countries apply it fully.
  15. See my previous post quoted above. I did not claim that their intention was to increase numbers (although it is possible). The method takes into account more activities, so it leads to higher numbers. Other European countries have not fully applied this framework, so numbers are not any more comparable.
  16. That's a good incentive for EU countries to do like UK and change the GDP calculation method by widely applying the SUT framework, in order to increase GDP numbers.
  17. You did not understand what JonnyF comment and the linked articles were about (the past GDP)?
  18. Lol! They changed the calculation method! https://www.ons.gov.uk/economy/grossdomesticproductgdp/articles/impactofbluebook2023changesongrossdomesticproduct/2023-09-01
  19. Another GOP lie. ???? The Republican chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee got testy with a NBC reporter during a Wednesday press conference after the journalist challenged him on the timeline of supposed evidence of President Joe Biden’s misconduct. The journalist pointed out that a WhatsApp message that Rep. Jason Smith (R-MO) had presented as potential evidence of Biden’s use of his political influence to help Hunter Biden was dated to June 6, 2017—before Biden was a presidential candidate, let alone president. https://news.yahoo.com/gop-rep-gets-snippy-reporter-205921308.html
  20. Apparently he came back and then was dismissed by the Parliament. "despite President Poroshenko’s public call that day that Shokin resign and the apparent submission of a resignation letter on Feb. 19, media cited a prosecutor in Shokin’s office on March 16 saying the chief prosecutor was back after a “long leave.” Finally, on March 29, the Parliament voted overwhelmingly to approve Poroshenko’s recommendation to dismiss Shokin." https://www.justsecurity.org/66271/timeline-trump-giuliani-bidens-and-ukrainegate/ Anyone who really wants to understand what happened should read this timeline.
  21. On top of it, there were much other issues with Shokin than just Burisma.
  22. Talking about proof now, really? What is your proof that Shokin, as Prosecutor General ( more or less the equivalent to the AG in the US) was "doing his job"?
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