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Everything posted by candide

  1. As usual, you are confusing Trumps tweets and other fight-wing propaganda with the truth. ????
  2. Interesting analysis of recent trends which may affect votes, in particular in swing states. Trump’s Electoral College Edge Seems to Be Fading https://news.yahoo.com/trump-electoral-college-edge-seems-120138018.html
  3. Ok so it was just a coincidence. However there was nothing inane in stressing that in case IMF numbers were to be considered as unreliable, then the Telegraph article should also be considered as such ( on top of using a truncated set of data).
  4. That was exactly my point. He was paying for aircon repair, etc... That's a nothing burger a la Comer. PS. Are you sure you didn't have a problem with the quoting function? It seems you didn't reply to the right person in a few posts.
  5. Paying for the aircon repair (and likely being reimbursed later) is hardly a proof of corruption or collusion.
  6. That's what I assumed as you replied to a post stressing that the Eurozone forecast had been ignored in the Telegraph article.
  7. That's what the right-wing NYpost has been "feeding". "The expenses are spelled out in an email to Hunter from business partner Eric Schwerin from June 5, 2010, titled “JRB Bills.” They concerned the upkeep of Joe Biden’s palatial lakefront home in the wealthy Greenville enclave of Wilmington, Del. JRB are President Biden’s initials." "There were $1,239 in repairs to an air conditioner at “mom-mom’s cottage,” and another $1,475 to a painter for “back wall and columns at the lake house.” There was also another $2,600 for fixing up a “stone retaining wall at the lake” and $475 “for shutters.” And also "There’s also evidence Joe Biden sometimes reimbursed his son." https://nypost.com/2022/04/09/hunter-biden-frequently-covered-family-expenses-texts-reveal/ Now you can vanish again as you did at the previous occasions I mentioned these facts to you.
  8. Another mutual misunderstanding. I actually believed that you initially were doubting the IMF forecast for Eurozone only.
  9. I know that was surely not your intent, and that's why I added a laughing emoticons in my first reply. That's basic logic, if you cast doubt on IMF forecast numbers, you also (albeit indirectly) cast doubt on an article based on these numbers.
  10. There is a confusion. It was me, not Sin Sling. BTW, my reply was not really a reply. I was just informing you that I had modified my initial comment by integrating your contribution. The reply function was the most simple way to do it. I can modify it again, and rewrite it as a reply. The Telegraph article (which was based on IMF forecast numbers) is misleading, as it omits to show the Eurozone GDP forecast, which is more than twice higher than the UK forecast. Additionaly you have cast more doubt on the reliability of this article by outlining that IMF forecast numbers have not always been accurate.
  11. 1. Maybe. Would it have a significant impact on prices? 2. The U.S. did not foment a coup. 3. There is a global wholesale price for producers. Whatever the actual production cost, the price is adjusted according to the global wholesale market price. A more efficient distribution may have an impact on retail prices, but not a significant one.
  12. You are claiming that Biden's family received bribes. There's no evidence of it. Only " Comer said". You are also claiming the money was intended for him. No evidence (Comer said) Additionally, influence peddling? Influence on what, exactly? What did these companies (not countries as you claimed) obtain from Joe? You still have nothing.
  13. Let's have a look at your arguments 1. Drilling. As mentioned before by another poster, there are plenty of other drilling opportunities. Actually, plenty of drilling permits were not being used. The reason was that oil companies did not want to invest (and banks did not want to lend them money) because they were uncertain about the long-term price of oil 2. Sanctions. Are you claiming that Russia should not have been sanctioned? 3. A pipeline only facilitates distribution. It does not increase production significantly, so it has no impact on global oil prices. Would another administration have produced more and how much? That's an interesting question. Another interesting question. Would another administration have stimulated the production of alternative energies, as well as energy saving, in the same magnitude (hence reducing oil demand and oil prices on long term)?
  14. Actually, It's the opposite. Typical Biden strategy, you said? The Administration's replenishment strategy has secured a good deal for the American taxpayer. During the first two solicitations, for a total of 6.3 million barrels, the average price paid was $72.67 per barrel – much lower than the average of about $95 per barrel that SPR crude was sold for in 2022 https://www.energy.gov/articles/doe-announces-plans-purchase-another-6-million-barrels-oil-strategic-petroleum-reserve#:~:text=The Administration's replenishment strategy has,was sold for in 2022.
  15. Are you suggesting that Biden is responsible for the global oil prices? ????
  16. Ok, so let's update my comment! The telegraph article is misleading, as it omits to show the Eurozone GDP forecast, which is more than twice higher than the UK forecast. It should also be mentioned that another poster (youreavinalaff), thinks that the IMF numbers on which this article is based may not be reliable.
  17. Yet my post, to which you decided to reply, is about missing information. No mind reading, article reading.
  18. My point is that JonnyF's claim was based on a biased article, in which a key number from the IMF comparison had been deleted. The missing number is showing the opposite of his claim..
  19. Haven't you noticed it's exactly the same numbers as in the article JonnyF proudly linked, plus the Eurozone numbers? ????????????????????
  20. What a biased presentation in this article. Two graphs below. One willfully omitting the Eurozone from the linked article, and the other with the Eurozone GDP forecast. The growth forecast for UK is less than half of the GDP growth forecast in the Eurozone (which includes the weight of the bad performance of Germany). https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn02784/
  21. So still no evidence, just wishes. As concerns Trump he did not ask for evidence he balackmailed Zelinski to make a public statement on TV. If he just wanted an investigation, there were legal ways to do it through the DOJ thanks to a cooperation agreement with Ukraine (provided it would have been correctly predicated). The DOJ did not ask for an investigation using the legal way. Instead Trump sent the crooked Giuliani who not only found nothing (see Parnas testimony) but also debunked Trump's claim.
  22. Only if you consider the Dems as being left-wing, which I don't (apart from a particular fringe, AOC etc...). CNN is 100% pro-capitalism.
  23. Another hit at the GOP lame sweetheart deal argument. ???? "Except Weiss may not actually be able to bring the charge. Last year, the Supreme Court significantly loosened gun control laws when the conservative majority ruled that Americans have a general right to arm themselves in public. Biden’s lawyers have already argued that the ruling makes trying to prosecute the first son on gun charges pointless." Trump-Stacked Supreme Court May Have Already Exonerated Hunter Biden https://news.yahoo.com/trump-stacked-supreme-court-may-164313329.html I guess that Smith was aware of it and that was one reason for proposing a deal.
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