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Everything posted by candide

  1. I love the current front page of Fox News website! ???? https://www.foxnews.com/
  2. I also guess that, if DeSantis or Pence are elected, they will surely enjoy the sight on Trump imploring them for a pardon! ????
  3. They will not nessarily defend him, but they will cautiously play the witch hunt card in order to remain GOP compliant.
  4. It's a (not really) private joke among non-Trumpers.
  5. Ahem! "Christians were about 10 percent of Syria's population of 21 million before the war began in 2011. Now, they account for about 5 percent, with fewer than 700,000 left, according to groups that track the persecution of Christians around the world." https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/23/world/middleeast/syria-christians-idlib.html#:~:text=Christians were about 10 percent,of Christians around the world.
  6. This thread is unusually quiet for such a news. It seems instructions have not been received yet.
  7. A good paper about possible penalties for Trump. The WE is pro-GOP, but not necessarily pro-Trump, so the article is rather reliable. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/justice/trump-faces-espionage-act-and-obstruction-charges
  8. He will make the same claim in a few hours, or days. He simply doesn't acknowledge any evidence which contradicts his claims.
  9. It seems you missed this information: The use of Section 793, which does not make reference to classified information, is understood to be a strategic decision by prosecutors that has been made to short-circuit Mr Trump’s ability to claim that he used his authority as president to declassify documents he removed from the White House and kept at his Palm Beach, Florida property long after his term expired on 20 January 2021. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-indictment-espionage-prosecution-charges-b2353397.html
  10. “I am an innocent man. I did nothing wrong,” Trump said in the video. ???????????? https://edition.cnn.com/2023/06/08/politics/trump-indictment-truth-social-classified-documents/index.html
  11. You started well until you claimed false equivalences between Thaksin and Trump.
  12. The Justice who doesn't know the law.... Gag! I know it is said that shoemakers are always the worst shod, but.... ahem!
  13. Well, if you are only looking for studies or statemengs which have been proven wrong, and ignore studies which have been proven roght, you can certainly find some. However, it has been shown that most past predictions have been rather accurate as concerns global warming. (I mean scientific prediction, not someone making a statement). Evaluating the Performance of Past Climate Model Projections "Model simulations published between 1970 and 2007 were skillful in projecting future global mean surface warming" https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2019GL085378 Not to mention the fact that these models have been improved over time.
  14. Perceptions about it may vary.. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/jul/24/josh-hawley-republican-senator-ran-running-capitol-attack-kansas-city-star
  15. Totally fair and unbiased court decisions for political figures are a rare occurrence in Thailand. The Courts will likely be given instructions, and it won't be from the elected government which has nearly no influence on the Judiciary. I would guess that Thaksin has received some assurance that he will be cleared of charges, or only get a symbolic sanction. From where did this assurance come? I am not sure every possibility may be discussed.
  16. Actually, the terrible message has already been sent to the world long time ago. It is that a President can try to overturn the outcome of fair elections, incite assault of Congress, ask officials to "find him votes", and lie about it for years, and still be covered up by his political party. It is totally ununderstandable in other Western democracies. Had something similar happened in countries such as UK, France or Germany, just to name a few, he would have been banned from his party and disqualified from participating in elections. And would probably be already indicted, if not convicted.
  17. The beauty of this case, is that It's purely factual: - he took presidential records (documents), some of them related to national defence, (so two problems: presidential records+related to national defense) - he did it intentionally (his own words), - kept them - when asked to give back, he failed to give them all (that's when his legal troubles really started), - part of the documents have been hidden (likely on his demand), and found later during the "raid", - his lawyer signed a document lying about it (likely on his demand) - he is likely to have shown documents related to national defence to unaccredited persons. Note: when I write "likely", it means that Grand Juries have collected evidence and testimonies about it. If they decide to indict him, it would mean that testimonies and evidence have confirmed it.
  18. It shows how low the bar is in the GOP sphere. Pence is admired for just doing his duty and follow the law.
  19. Nobody claimed that! You are making things up, as usual. Here are some key elements of timeline: April 2014 – Hunter Biden joins Ukrainian firm Burisma April 16, 2014 – U.K. investigates Burisma owner Mykola Zlochevskiy Feb. 3, 2015 — Obama administration conveys harsh criticism of Ukraine Prosecutor General’s Office for its coverup of Zlochevskiy/Burisma Feb. 10, 2015 – Viktor Shokin takes office as Ukraine’s prosecutor general, replacing Yarema. Sept. 24, 2015 – U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt excoriates officials in the Prosecutor General’s Office for stymying anti-corruption investigations, including those involving Burisma Fall 2015 – Biden, along with the EU, publicly calls for ouster of Prosecutor General Shokin for failure to work on anti-corruption efforts." Full details here: https://www.justsecurity.org/66271/timeline-trump-giuliani-bidens-and-ukrainegate/
  20. And as usual...... 1. The Obama administration had been long complaining about Ukraine not investigating Busrisma, including before shokin was appointed. One reason was that they supported their UK allied which had been scammed by the Ukraine Justice system "April 2014 – Hunter Biden joins Ukrainian firm Burisma April 16, 2014 – U.K. investigates Burisma owner Mykola Zlochevskiy Feb. 3, 2015 — Obama administration conveys harsh criticism of Ukraine Prosecutor General’s Office for its coverup of Zlochevskiy/Burisma Feb. 10, 2015 – Viktor Shokin takes office as Ukraine’s prosecutor general, replacing Yarema. Sept. 24, 2015 – U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt excoriates officials in the Prosecutor General’s Office for stymying anti-corruption investigations, including those involving Burisma Fall 2015 – Biden, along with the EU, publicly calls for ouster of Prosecutor General Shokin for failure to work on anti-corruption efforts." Full details here: https://www.justsecurity.org/66271/timeline-trump-giuliani-bidens-and-ukrainegate/ 2. There had already been a GOP-led Senate committee investigation into the Hunter Biden and Burisma, and they concluded in 2020 that it had no effect on Obama's administration's policy.
  21. Smart guys.... From your link: "The Independent has learned that prosecutors are ready to ask grand jurors to approve an indictment against Mr Trump for violating a portion of the US criminal code known as Section 793, which prohibits “gathering, transmitting or losing” any “information respecting the national defence”. The use of Section 793, which does not make reference to classified information, is understood to be a strategic decision by prosecutors that has been made to short-circuit Mr Trump’s ability to claim that he used his authority as president to declassify documents"
  22. I can never get bored with it! ???? "No one has told me I'm being indicted," he wrote. He continued, "and I shouldn’t be because I’ve done NOTHING wrong, but I have assumed for years that I am a Target of the WEAPONIZED DOJ & FBI, starting with the Russia, Russia, Russia HOAX, the 'No Collusion' Mueller Report, Impeachment HOAX #1, Impeachment HOAX #2, the PERFECT Ukraine phone call, and various other SCAMS & WITCH HUNTS," Trump wrote." https://www.rawstory.com/trump-indictment-2661107859/
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