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Everything posted by candide

  1. Only in your alternate universe..... https://www.racetothewh.com/
  2. A significant detail seems to have been forgotten.... According to the OP, the alleged interference events occurred in 2020, under the Trump administration. How could the Biden administration have interfered with an investigation before the start of Biden's mandate?
  3. As I wrote in my post, after the current senators term expire, according to the current constitution (which cannot be amended without at least one third of Senate vote), the new senators will be selected by committees, the members of these committees being selected by the EC.. That's how it has been designed: appointed people appoint each other, without leaving the opportunity for elected people to interfere in the process. So the new Senate will likely be controlled by the yellow/green establishment.
  4. More fun! I just can't get enough! ???? Trump Melts Down as DOJ Turns Over Evidence It Plans to Use Against Him https://news.yahoo.com/trump-melts-down-doj-turns-133854634.html A few quotes: “CONGRESS, PLEASE INVESTIGATE THE POLITICAL WITCH HUNTS AGAINST ME CURRENTLY BEING BROUGHT BY THE CORRUPT DOJ AND FBI, WHO ARE TOTALLY OUT OF CONTROL,” Trump wrote Thursday morning. ???? “Congress will hopefully now look at the ever continuing Witch Hunts and ELECTION INTERFERENCE against me on perfectly legal Boxes, where I have no doubt that information is being secretly ‘planted’ by the scoundrels in charge,” ???? He knows he's toast!
  5. Sorry but it won't happen. In order to amend the Constitution, it is required to have the agreement of at least one third of the Senate and at least 20% of MPs from each political party. https://prachataienglish.com/node/9086 So the next Senate will be selected by committees and panels (in which representatives of agencies will hold the majority of votes). Who will select these committees? The EC, which has been selected by the NCPO.
  6. There are facts in the two articles linked. If you disagree with the reality of the facts mentioned, feel free to indicate which ones. There are also plenty of other references available, such as: https://www.politico.com/news/2022/02/08/manchin-family-coal-company-00003218 Moreover, his wife is also mentioned: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/manchin-wife-broke-conflicts-of-interest-ethics-pledge-emails
  7. It's not a conspiracy theory, It's the observation that he always acted/voted in a way to helped his own business. There is an obvious conflict of interest there.
  8. You are placating again your own interpretation on what other posters write. It's not what was meant, as the reply from the poster shows.
  9. Why is it that MAGA fans seem to prefer corrupt politicians? https://www.salon.com/2022/03/29/a-stunning-portrait-of-political-corruption-exactly-how-joe-manchin-made-millions-from-coal/ https://www.nytimes.com/2022/03/27/climate/manchin-coal-climate-conflicts.html
  10. Gag! Adam Schiff Gets John Durham to Admit Russia Helped Trump https://news.yahoo.com/adam-schiff-gets-john-durham-204247109.html "When Republicans brought Special Counsel John Durham to the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, they thought it’d be an opportunity to score points on Democrats—particularly Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), who spent years hyping up Donald Trump’s connections to Russia. What they got instead was a viral moment when Schiff got Durham—the man tasked with concluding whether the FBI’s investigation of Russia’s connections to the 2016 Trump campaign was appropriate—took Durham to task."
  11. Going after the deep State! Sure!???? Except the oil industry deep State, the big pharma deep State, the NRA deep Statet, the real-estate deep State, the rich who got tax cuts deep State..... not to mention the Evangelist deep State, the Catholic deep State, etc...
  12. On top of it, what could also not happen is a House committee investigating a private citizen for a few miserable millions, while looking the other way when a Presidents business, or when government officials (who could be, for example, members of the President's familly) received sums that are 1000 times higher (from Sharia abiding countries who used to finance terrorism).
  13. Why a notional disgrace? There was no big crime or offense. Of course, it would be a national disgrace if people were considering that a Presidents family would be like a royal family. You know, the kind of families in which children and other family members are appointed to very high positions because of birth. That couldn't happen in a Presidential regime! Oh wait! .......
  14. That's why I asked this question. The article is actually a good discussion as to why the GOP could be called fascist.
  15. Good news! Now it's clear! So no conspiracy theories any more! Ahem! Not so sure....
  16. So he could bragg about having the power to press the button while he was president!
  17. Was it allowed under previous laws to have books with pornographic images in school libraries or was it illegal? I mean there are already laws banning the distribution of pornographic material to minors, straight or gay. So it seems it was already illegal to give access to this book to minors. Ex. "Federal law strictly prohibits the distribution of obscene matter to minors. Any transfer or attempt to transfer such material to a minor under the age of 16, including over the Internet, is punishable under federal law. It is also illegal to use misleading website domain names with intent to deceive a minor into viewing harmful or obscene material. For example, using a cartoon character or children´s television program in the domain of a website that contains harmful or obscene material may be punishable under federal law. In addition, visual representations, such as drawings, cartoons, or paintings that appear to depict minors engaged in sexual activity and are obscene are also illegal under federal law." https://www.justice.gov/criminal-ceos/obscenity
  18. Such as economic growth, record low unemployment, energy production and export, infrastructure, industrial renewal, semi-conductors, green energy, Ukraine,etc...
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