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Everything posted by candide

  1. He did. As Obama and Biden did before him. Obama tells EU to do more to cut reliance on Russian gas (2014) https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-eu-summit-idUSBREA2P0W220140326 Biden Calls Nord Stream 2 Pipeline ‘Bad Deal For Europe’ (2016) https://www.rferl.org/a/biden-nord-stream-2-pipeline-bad-deal-for-europe/27945891.html
  2. Just one question: do you think there was massive fraud during the 2020 elections and that Trump actually won?
  3. So she was not a Republican because she refused to lie. I agree with your definition of Republican as liar.
  4. You have no idea of what defines the status of a theory. A theory remains a theory until it is refuted by empirical observations. Once refuted, it is not any more a valid theory, ex. the earth is flat is not any more a theory. While the evolution theory has not been refuted so far, the creation theory has long been refuted by empirical observations in biology, geology, etc... So it is not even a theory any more. It is lying, with the flat earth theory, in the graveyard of dead theories. There is no scientific debate about the creation theory any more. It's dead.
  5. Good question. At least, in Melania's case we know why she's with Trump.
  6. I 'm not going to spend my time searching the Internet for you. They found extra documents, that's fact. If you want details, search for them!
  7. Well, if you want to satisfy your curiosity about each and every aspect of this case, I'm afraid you need to spend time with our friend Google. Of course, the content of the documents may be an added bonus. However, they wouldn't need it for an obstruction of justice charge. The obstruction-related statute carries the strongest sentence of a fine and a maximum 20 years in jail for each offense.
  8. Meanwhile.... https://countryeconomy.com/ratings
  9. Which mistake have they made in this case? Any evidence of it? Or is it just your imagination?
  10. The content of the documents is irrelevant to some of the potential charges, in particular the obstruction of justice charge. But feel free to give free rein to your imagination about FBI conspiracies.
  11. Duly noted. Stay tuned! BTW, the missing hidden documents have been found.
  12. From the article: "ACE promises that its qualifications will get you into university. They didn't," she said. ????
  13. Old news already. https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-aide-caught-camera-moving-boxes-mar-a-lago-storage-2022-10?r=US&IR=T
  14. Another promoter of the Big Lie is a crook? Quelle surprise!
  15. Right. It's not like the current VP had been Attorney General of the fifth world's economy, and also a Senator involved in key committees, Oh wait!
  16. It's probably not true, but in case it were: as a magazine cover often comes with an interview: has Melania anything interesting to say (compared to Michelle Obama)?
  17. I guess believing in the Big Lie, or pretending to believe in the Big Lie would be a simple criteria to distinguish between them.
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