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Everything posted by candide

  1. During a short period of time only (UK is the black line). https://tradingeconomics.com/european-union/food-inflation
  2. I took the most recent figures from your link, in the column called "last". Now, if you think that it is relevant to compare UK to Latvia, Hungary or Serbia, well, It's your choice! BTW, as you stressed yourself, food inflation rates have decreased in the EU compared to previous month, while in UK it remained more or less the same (from 19.1% to 19%).
  3. Of course, if you compare with Latvia, etc... ???? Take out Eastern European countries and Turkey, UK food inflation is higher than any other countries Uk: 19% EU: 16.41% Eurozone: 15%
  4. The invasion of Ukraine increased the global inflation which had already started post-Covid, in particular energy prices and prices of agricultural products such as cereals on the global market. As you perfectly know.
  5. Are you claiming that Trump was the cause of low global gas price, and not the state of supply and demand on the global market?
  6. Additional comment In the 1997 constitution, the Senate had more power and was elected, so there could have been some indirect influence if elected Senators had the same political orientation as the government.
  7. Certainly not the government! As a general principle in Thailand, elected people have little power on appointed people who mainly appoint each other. It may vary according to the Constitution and the type of court. The basic principle is that they are selected by a panel or committee, in which appointed people have a large majority of votes. For high courts, the Senate may have some approval power. Ex "Under Section 36 of the Regulation of the Judicial Service Act B.E. 2543 (AD 2000), the Judicial Service Commission shall consist of: (1) the President of the Supreme Court, as chairman; (2) 12 qualified members of all levels of Courts, four persons from each level (i.e., the Supreme Court, the Appeal Court and the Court of First Instance); and (3) 2 qualified members who are not and were not judicial officials and who are elected by the Senate." http://thailawforum.com/articles/charununlegal4.html
  8. Exactly. Like this bikini parade exposing quasi-nude women and even kids! https://www.al.com/gulf-coast/2012/03/video_panama_city_beach_sets_b.html
  9. What was wrong about these deals? Did the Chinese partners got a 'favour' from the US government? On top of it, as I wrote in another post, the amounts are ridiculously low for corrupting the WH. From the BBC news article: "Hunter Biden’s spokesman, George Mesires, told NBC News that Hunter Biden wasn’t initially an “owner” of the company and has never gotten paid for serving on the board. He said Hunter Biden didn’t acquire an equity interest in the fund until 2017, after his father had left office. And when he did, he put in only about $420,000 — a 10 percent interest. That puts the total capitalization of the fund at the time at about $4.2 million — a far cry from the $1.5 billion that Trump has alleged."
  10. Since when is it illegal or even suspect to receive money and do from foreign entities and make business with them, including from China? On top of it, the amounts considered are ridiculously low. For you or me, it seems to be a lot, but for consulting firms, It's peanuts. On top of it, a few miserable millions are not even worth getting corrupt at this level. Look what Jared got: billions! That would be a more reasonable amount at the WH level
  11. I looked on Google and there are several of occurrences of girls raped in 'normal' toilets in the UK.
  12. Thaksin was a crook, we know that. However, he wasn't more crooked than the others by Thai standards, and it's not the reason why he was ousted. He was ousted because he threatened the dominance of the (just as crooked, if not more) yellow-green network. The main merit I attribute to Thaksin is that he opened the Pandora's box of democracy. He has shown average people that their vote counted. He has shown the citizen that they had power. He told them that the bureaucracy was paid by their taxes, and that they should be at the service of the people, and not the opposite (the bureaucracy never forgave him for telling this). Actually, there probably could not have been a MF victory now, if Thaksin had not opened the Pandora's box before.
  13. Sometimes there is a blip and Trump says something which makes sense.
  14. I don't know if he's working as little as you are claiming, but in case there is some element of truth in your claim, It's not the only standard. It also depends on how efficient his working time is. Biden is experienced in all possible subjects, he doesn't need to be explained things during long hours, he is rational, he knows how to select his staff and how to delegate tasks to them. Fact is that Biden is getting things done.
  15. Well, you already got a reply about Tak bai from other posters. The reply about the war on drugs is that the full reply includes an element which cannot be discussed, and that's why the case has been buried by the yellow-green establishment.
  16. It's easy to get lost about Giuliani's connection in Ukraine, but the main issue is not Parnas and his pals, It's Derkach. Parnas was only a (crooked, how surprising) business associate of Giuliani. He tried to help Giuliani to find dirt on Biden, but was not a Russian operative. Derkach was a Russian operative, and It's him who fed Russian disinformation to Giuliani.
  17. According to the article linked by Placeholder, the document was brought by Giuliani and the information comes from Ukraine. Interestingly enough, Giuliani has been previously in contact with Russian operatives and has spread Russian disinformation before. For example, he was in contact with Derkach, who since had his nationality retrieved by Ukraine for being a Russian spy." Treasury Department says Ukrainian linked to Rudy Giuliani is 'Russian agent' https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/treasury-department-ukrainian-linked-rudy-giuliani-russian-agent/story?id=72942083 ( note that this news is from 1 September 2020, during the Trump administration) Other interesting information from the CNN article, is that Barr had this document reviewed and did not trust it.
  18. Possible, so it may be during an event happening once a year in a limited number of places, event which he was very unlikely to attend. So how often has he (and you, as you cared to reply) been "subjected" to this sight, considering that it is unlikely that he (or you) would attend a gay pride. Let's say, since the end of the pandemic (there was no gay pride during the pandemic).
  19. Ahem, you are singling out one particular year, 2015, compared to 2014. Your first source shows that the crime rate has been fluctuating over time, sometimes increasing, sometimes decreasing. Moreover, 2014 was a very particular year. "After reaching a peak of 1,115 per 100,000 residents in 1992, California’s violent crime rate steadily fell, reaching a 50-year low of 392 in 2014." https://www.ppic.org/publication/crime-trends-in-california/ As to your second source, it also shows an increase in the US in 2015.
  20. Actually, It's not that bad for Comer. He will still be able to claim whatever he wants. We have the precedent of Jim Jordan who claimed the opposite of what Mike Morell actually testified.
  21. What a big problem! By curiosity, how often have you been "subjected" to this sight and where?
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