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Everything posted by candide

  1. So Florida universities and their faculty must be very good and efficient then. I wonder why DeSantis is attacking them and wants to change a system which works very well.
  2. There was no previous experience about the process of leaving. Howrver, there was a clear knowledge about possible options from previous trade agreements with other countries (Norway, Turkey, Canada etc...) and there was also a clear knowledge about the principles and concerns of the EU, as UK participated in previous negotiations as EU member state. UK was not treated in an unexpected way, and was not treated worse than other third countries which negotiated an agreement with the EU.
  3. There is no straight pride because straight people don't feel the need for it, as they are not facing any problem in society for being straight. There is an LGBT pride for two main reasons: - they celebrate their recent (more or less) equal rights, - they protest for full equal rights in an untertaining way, because they are still facing problems. The OP is a very good example: no one is threatening Target employees for selling clothes and other items for straight people.
  4. Your link uses outdated data. The ONS report uses the latest data as it has been released one month later.
  5. Can't you read what I posted? According to the latest results (Q3 data released on 12 May, not forecast): "The level of quarterly GDP in Quarter 1 2023 is now 0.5% below its pre-coronavirus (COVID-19) level"
  6. The ONS report was published on May 12th. Release date:12 May 2023 Have you noticed this on the FT article? Valentina Romei in London APRIL 13 2023
  7. Hmmmm... The latest 2023 Q1 report by the ONS (released 12 Mai, so more up-to-date data than the article you linked) "The first quarterly estimate of UK real gross domestic product (GDP) shows that the economy increased by 0.1% in Quarter 1 (Jan to Mar) 2023 (Figure 1). This follows growth of 0.1% in the previous quarter. The level of quarterly GDP in Quarter 1 2023 is now 0.5% below its pre-coronavirus (COVID-19) level (Quarter 4 2019)." https://www.ons.gov.uk/economy/grossdomesticproductgdp/bulletins/gdpfirstquarterlyestimateuk/januarytomarch2023
  8. When other G7 countries have recovered pre-pandemic level at latest last year and UK still won't reach this level at the end of 2023, it strongly suggests there is a negative impact of Brexit. "Project fear" confirmed so far.
  9. Barely avoiding recession with a predicted GDP growth of 0.4% is not "rosy". It won't even allow UK to reach pre-pandemic level at the end of 2023. About your second claim, well, It's always the fault of others....
  10. Who's mentioning LGBT all the time? The only people I see mentioning LGBT all the times are right-wing. This case is a very good example. Target was displaying pride month items. It would have been unnoticed in the news if not for the right-wing guys, just as when they sell sports teams items during sport season, baklava cakes during Ramadan, or Mickey mouse masks during carnival season. The right-wing mentioning LGBT all the time is getting really boring.
  11. Are you claiming that the type of parents who have complained about it could have been able to read and decrypt it? It's very unlikely
  12. I guess not the whole year long. However, LGBT prides can attract a lot of people. Additionally, LGBT represent 5-7% of the population. It's small but not neglectible. (BTW, they also vote. The GOP seems to forget this fact).
  13. Break monopolies? They really want to make sure they will be ousted and banned! ????
  14. Gag! ???? “So Dominion gets almost a Billion Dollars and I, after years of Fake News, Hoaxes, Scams, and Investigations, am entitled to NOTHING? Is that really the way it’s supposed to work? I don’t think so!” the former president wrote on Tuesday." https://news.yahoo.com/trump-launches-bizarre-jealous-rant-194644517.html
  15. Well, China will lend them money....with guarantees attached.
  16. It remains that: the specific way UK is calculating GDP in 2023 shows that is it below pre-pandemic level, calculated in the same specific way. Same indicator before and after the pandemic (they changed the calculation in 1998, according to your link.
  17. Splitting hairs! The claim was that UK economy was thriving in 2008, and that it is the reason why UK appears now to be a laggard, as it is below pre-pandemic level. I showed two evidences (comparison by Eurozone and G7) showing that the UK economy was not particularly thriving. Two evidences are better than only one.
  18. Grasping at straws? Why not? Is it a wild idea to compare UK with the Eurozone? Why are the economists working for the House of Commons making comparisons with both the Eurozone and the G7.
  19. And? Is it irrelevant to ALSO mention the Eurozone in order to assess the claim that the economy was thriving in 2018. Didn't I put a comparison with G7 in the same post? This is becoming ridiculous.
  20. The only "indirect hate" I see comes from the parents who complained about this poem, and is against Biden.
  21. So you first complained I made a relevant comparison with Eurozone, and now you complain I compare with G7. Both (eurozone and G7), are recognised by economists as relevant to assess the performance of the UK economy, including economists working for the house of commons https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn02784/#:~:text=Compared to the pre-pandemic,UK GDP growth was 4.1%. Actually the graph I posted is even more interesting re. Bexit. It shows that UK was regularly among the highest GDP growth countries in G7 until the referendum (and often ranked first), and sank to the bottom after that. Invariant: Tory government Variant: Brexit Anyway, my initial point (before you introduced yourself in the discussion) was that despite a predicted 0.4% growth in 2023, UK will still be below pre-pandemic GDP level at the end of 2023. You may consider It's irrelevant about Brexit, others don't.
  22. Are you really able to not distort what I wrote. I wrote "Eurozone or G7".
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