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Everything posted by candide

  1. Exactly. And in most Western countries, it is no perceived as a problem. All types of people watch LGBT prides, just as they watch carnival. Kids find it funny to see some men dressed as women and that's it.
  2. Trump claims he's 'at least as innocent' as Pence in classified document scandal ???? "Just announced that they are not going to bring charges against Mike Pence on the document hoax," Trump posted to Truth Social. "That’s great, but when am I going to be fully exonerated, I’m at least as innocent as he is. And what about [President] Joe Biden, who is hiding at least 1850 boxes, and some located in Chinatown, DC? When will the witch hunt against 'TRUMP' stop?" https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/campaigns/trump-claims-innocent-as-pence-classified-document-scandal
  3. Exactly "The document will be brought to Capitol Hill on Monday, and Comer and Oversight Committee ranking member Jamie Raskin (D-MD) will be the only two members to view it in a SCIF, an ultra-secure room used for viewing highly classified information where technology is not permitted." https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/house/fbi-document-top-oversight-members-viewing
  4. More fun! Exclusive: Trump attorneys haven’t found classified document former president referred to on tape following subpoena https://edition.cnn.com/2023/06/02/politics/donald-trump-iran-subpoena/index.html
  5. On top of it, inflation has fallen slightly under 5% in April
  6. Yet old Joe cannot stop winning! "The U.S. added 339,000 jobs in May. It's a stunningly strong number" https://www.npr.org/2023/06/02/1179621886/jobs-employment-employers-labor-market-economy-recession-inflation?utm_source=flipboard&utm_content=user%2Fnpr#:~:text=The U.S. added 339%2C000 jobs,a stunningly strong number %3A NPR&text=Press-,The U.S. added 339%2C000 jobs in May.,the Labor Department on Friday.
  7. It's funny in a way. However, I wonder what Hunter's lawyers will think about it.
  8. While we're at it. Poland could also give back the properties seized from the Jews.... https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/aug/01/anger-as-poland-plans-law-that-will-stop-jews-reclaiming-wartime-homes
  9. It's not only the judiciary and the Senate, It's nearly the whole bureaucracy. In Thailand, elected people have relatively little power on appointed people. The key problem is that, in order to get things done, the "intern" may need to compromise with them, and if he compromises, that mean he won't be able to fully apply his program. The only positive factor is that, from the election results in Bangkok, it seems that a significant part of the 'virtuous' component of the establishment has switched to MF.
  10. Protect what? Why isn't Comer going to have a look at the file as he's been invited to do?
  11. Right-wing gun fan's arguments for defending Hunter Biden! Eh eh!
  12. Alternatively, the police will use the files that it has on them, their family and their connections. The army tried to investigate the Thai police after the coup, as it was perceived as pro-Thaksin. Then the police arrested an army general for human trafficking. The message was well received by the army and the investigation into the police was terminated.
  13. On the one hand, increasing interests rate may lead to recession, one the other hand it tends to reduce inflation. Well, at least in the EU. "Inflation in Europe drops to lowest level since Russia invaded Ukraine" https://edition.cnn.com/2023/06/01/economy/europe-inflation-drop-ukraine-war/index.html There is an obvious issue of fine tuning there.
  14. Some critics may not like it, but the public (you know, the people who actually pay to see a movie) seem to like it. More precisely: - it remains that the website has been massively trolled by right-wing racists, - a claim was made that live action remakes are not good for Dysney's business, and in particular the little mermaid. Fact is that the box office numbers are quite good for these movies, including the little mermaid. It shows it was a lame claim.
  15. There is a right-wing review bombing campaign which is exactly that: artificially influence the ratings in a negative ways. Rating should be written by people who have actually watched the movie, not by trolls. Every board, forum or website is applying measures to avoid being massively trolled. Meanwhile, the movie started quite well at the box-office, so it means people like it.
  16. They are actually doing quite well with their live action remakes, including the little mermaid which made an impressive start. https://screenrant.com/disney-live-action-remakes-movies-box-office/#the-little-mermaid-2023
  17. Actually Derkach was even deprived of citizenship. https://babel.ua/en/news/89191-zelensky-deprived-the-citizenship-of-ukraine-of-lawmakers-victor-medvedchuk-taras-kozak-renat-kuzmin-and-andriy-derkach
  18. According to the article it comes from Ukraine, probably from his pro-Russia friends (ex. Derkach) who have been sanctioned in the U.S. and in Ukraine. No wonder even Barr did not accept it. "Ukraine's main domestic security agency said on Friday it had uncovered a Russian spy network involving Ukrainian lawmaker Andriy Derkach who was previously accused by the United States of being a Russian agent." https://www.devdiscourse.com/article/law-order/2085889-ukraine-accuses-us-sanctioned-lawmaker-of-working-for-russia?amp "Zelensky deprived the citizenship of Ukraine of lawmakers Victor Medvedchuk, Taras Kozak, Renat Kuzmin and Andriy Derkach" https://babel.ua/en/news/89191-zelensky-deprived-the-citizenship-of-ukraine-of-lawmakers-victor-medvedchuk-taras-kozak-renat-kuzmin-and-andriy-derkach I knew that coming from Giuliani it could only be a scam
  19. Oh, I did not pay attention to that. I guess it comes from the Russian operative (Derkach) Giuliani has been in contact with. The guy has been excluded from the Ukrainian Parliament for his pro-Russia stance. https://www.devdiscourse.com/article/law-order/2085889-ukraine-accuses-us-sanctioned-lawmaker-of-working-for-russia?amp Also sanctioned in the US. https://archive.kyivpost.com/ukraine-politics/us-cracks-down-on-russian-linked-friends-of-rudy-giuliani.html So definitely a Giuliani scam that even Barr did not accept.
  20. That's why nobody believed it was not fake: it came from Giuliani, known for spreading Russian disinformation (and later for being a main promoter of the Big Lie). Giuliani has zero credibility. As about MSM, as recalled already many times, they were not given the content of the laptop. Only the right-wing biased NYPost got it at that time.
  21. The US debt ratio on GDP is not very good, as it is around twice the debt/GDP ratio of Germany, but is at the same level as UK. Moreover, Biden's USA is still trusted by financial markets as it is rated AAA, (while UK is rated AA-). Practically, it means USA is paying lower interest rates for its debt than most other countries.
  22. The contrast is illuminating indeed! A Q1 growth rate which is 11 times higher than UK is considered as low in Biden's USA, while 0.1% is considered as a remarkable achievement in Brexited UK.. That says it all! "In the first quarter of 2023 US real GDP expanded at an annualised rate of 1.1%, according to the initial estimate from the Bureau of Economic Analysis—down significantly from 2.6% growth in the fourth quarter of 2022." https://www.eiu.com/n/us-gdp-growth-slows-sharply-in-the-first-quarter/
  23. Moreover: "The document has origins in a tranche of documents that Rudy Giuliani provided to the Justice Department in 2020, people briefed on the matter said." ???? https://edition.cnn.com/2023/05/31/politics/christopher-wray-congress-contempt/index.html
  24. To be noticed: ???? "The document has origins in a tranche of documents that Rudy Giuliani provided to the Justice Department in 2020, people briefed on the matter said."
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