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Everything posted by candide

  1. And, of course, the GOP is on the frontline of this campaign! Lol! Talk about 'swamp!
  2. There are a few things DeSantis did not take into account about his different 'crusades': - Dysney employs 75,000 people, there are also thousands of induced jobs in hotels, shops, etc... These people also have family members. That's a lot of voters. - LGBT: more than 4% of Florida's pop. That's even more a lot of voters. - women: few actually use abortion, but many want to keep this option open to them. That's also a lot of voters.
  3. On top of it, the moron bragged publicly about it, confirming Disney's claim that is was indeed a 1st amendment issue.
  4. You may be right. I think the only way for Brexit to be successful (from an economic point of view only), would have been to adopt a ultra-liberal and ultra-globalist policy. Of course, from a social point of view, we all know what comes along ultra-liberal policies. I am not sure that would have been the wish of the people who voted for Brexit, in particular of people who felt they were being "left behind". This comment draws back to the origin of the problem, the initial flaw of the referendum: there was no clear project to vote for, leaving an infinite number of options open. People who voted for Brexit, while having in common the will to change you mention, had different concerns and visions of Brexit. At best they were aware of the advantage and drawbacks of their imagined scenario, at worse they were compiling the advantages of different incompatible scenarii, without being aware of any drawback. Under such circumstances, no wonder the people who voted for Brexit may diverge as to what Brexit should have been (or should be in the future).
  5. The "good people" of Bangkok have voted MF, this time. Anyway, they don't need the PAD any more as the constitution allows to make coups without military coups.
  6. His fault was to do what he was "told" to do. Instead of dissolving the House quickly and organising elections, as Yingluck did, he played the waiting game in order to make sure Prayut would be nominated in September as new army chief. Be a use that was the plan. Even if that meant letting the army kill around 100 protesters and other people (I.e. nurse).
  7. He's right to state that the Tories failed. However, opinions may diverge about why they failed. How would a Brexit "à la Farage" have fared? Better or worse?
  8. They can get some laws voted (it only needs a House majority), as long as there is no need to amend the Constitution. As long as there is the current Senate, (one year) it is unlikely that it will agree to amend the Constitution. After one year, there will be a new Senate appointed. It won't be appointed by the government and the establishment will likely stack it as much as possible with its people. However, the whole new Senate may not be controlled by the establishment and it may be possible that one third of them may agree to a change. It will all depend how the new Senate is selected.
  9. But Senators, in conjunction with the NACC and the courts, can easily sack him.
  10. Sorry to be a fun spoiler again, for bills amending the constitution, it would require a majority vote of the parliament (375). On top of it, that majority must also include one-third of the Senate, and 20 percent of MPs from all political parties https://prachataienglish.com/node/9086
  11. You are assuming that the government can appoint Senators. That's not the case. There is a process described in the constitution for appointing the next Senators, and they won't be selected by the government (of course). The selection committees will likely be stacked by the establishment so there's not much hope about it. As to changing or amending the constitution, it requires a majority vote of the parliament (375). Moreover, that majority must also include one-third of the Senate, and 20 percent of MPs from all political parties which do not hold positions as cabinet members, Speaker of House of Representatives, or Deputy Speaker of House of Representatives. https://prachataienglish.com/node/9086 In other words, they're screwed.
  12. After such a disaster, I doubt the establishment would still support Prayut. They will put forward someone else.
  13. I agree, That's why I mentioned it was excessive to state that. However, 2016 was still a very good year, comparable to the other peak around 1998. One of the two highest peaks in 50 years.
  14. Different sources show slightly different figures, but the trend is the same. https://www.ceicdata.com/en/indicator/united-kingdom/motor-vehicle-production
  15. That was a bit excessive, but it was doing quite well around 2016. https://tradingeconomics.com/united-kingdom/car-production
  16. It seems there is a way to reduce cognitive dissonance which was not listed in the article linked by Placeholder: use one's imagination!
  17. Details here Ford, Vauxhall owner and JLR call for UK to renegotiate Brexit deal https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/may/17/vauxhall-maker-says-brexit-deal-must-be-renegotiated-or-it-could-shut-uk-plant
  18. You know the saying about leaving a sinking ship....???? Key Trump attorney departs legal team https://edition.cnn.com/2023/05/17/politics/timothy-parlatore-trump-legal-team/index.html
  19. Placating foreign classifications such as left and right wing to the Thai political situation is completely irrelevant. For example, the Bangkok middle-class which elected MF in ALL Bangkok districts used to supports coups, and it is certainly not left-wing. Thaksin is certainly not left-wing, etc... There is barely anyone left-wing in Thailand. The relevant distinction is between appointed people and elected people.
  20. Prayut is toast. Thanks to him, the Bangkok middle-class (also called "the good people") which has always been a loyal supporter of the establishment has turned to MF. It's a real disaster for the establishment. I don't see them supporting Prayut any more.
  21. The GOP and Desantis have forgotten that LGBT people are also voters. In Florida, they should represent 4.2% of the population. https://news.gallup.com/poll/203513/vermont-leads-states-lgbt-identification.aspx That's a lot of voters! Not to mention that they have families, friends, etc...
  22. Let's have a look at the car production. https://tradingeconomics.com/united-kingdom/car-production
  23. Thank you for this link, I was too lazy to find it by myself. However, will the establishment stack the Senate with its own people, as it did under the 2007 constitution? I had a look at the document. It is very detailed about how Senators should be selected, but seems to be mute about how the members of the selection committee will be appointed (unless I missed it in the document). (My first remark about the composition of the committees, is the dominance of civil servants. Traditionally, high level civil servants have been pro-establishment).
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