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Everything posted by candide

  1. You made a claim Trump reduced inequalities. It cannot be measured on only one year. Now you deflect.
  2. So you also don't know. Everyone agrees with the objectives I mentioned, the only interesting point is how to achieve them, in particular how to finance the related expenses. Otherwise, it's just empty promises.
  3. How was it the years before? Was it a clear trend or just a particular case?
  4. Fine. How are they going to achieve (starting with financing) 5, 6, 11, 12, 13?
  5. So Trump and the GOP have no record of lowering inflation, no record of lowering deficit and debt (actually they increased them), and no one knows how they intend to achieve these goals. 😀 This knowing that tax cuts increase inflation by increasing demand, and tariffs also increase inflation....
  6. Trump never lowered inflation. He inherited a low inflation from Obama, and inflation was low all over the world. Actually his tax cuts resulted in a bit higher inflation than in other countries before Covid. Trump also never reduced or stabilised deficit or debt, he increased them significantly even before Covid. So it's just a list of empty promises, as even someone like you, who is well informed about Trump and the GOP, has absolutely no idea of how they intend to achieve it.
  7. Anyone can claiim he's going to lower inflation, reduce crimes, etc.. So how is Trump going to lower inflation and make life more affordable, exactly, as it seems to be a major claim?
  8. You are confusing wish list and policies. For example, how does Trump exactly intends to fight inflation (while at the same time giving tax cuts and imposing more tariffs)? Plus, plenty of those wishes are based on B.S. conspiracy claims, such as end the weaponisation blah blah...
  9. From another aggregator https://www.racetothewh.com/president/polls
  10. No no! According to Riclag and other MAGA posters she's a Marxist-Leninist and Chekist politician! 😀
  11. No wonder MAGAs are panicking and Illisdean has disappeared! 😀 https://www.racetothewh.com/president/polls
  12. No no! He's doing his own research! 😉 Lol! Just parotting what Trump and his minions say! 😀
  13. And it's not like Trump attacked Harris from the first moment she was endorsed, and did not present a coherent platform of clear policies! Oh wait! 😀
  14. His lame troll m.o. He has nothing to support his claim, so he deflects to another topic.
  15. Wrong target. It's not the anti-Trumpers who usually watch RT, or RT-inspired social media and politicians such as MTG! 😁
  16. That's why we haven't heard of Illisdean for some time! 😁
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