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Everything posted by candide

  1. To make sure I understand, do you suggest that Tucker Carlson denigrating the brand on Fox News in front of millions of viewers, was actually part of M&M advertising strategy?
  2. I just read the article. So the right-wing morons are accusing the "woke brigade" wanting to "take your Xbox.", because Microsoft has added energy saving improvements to the Xbox? ???? There's no limit to their stupidity!
  3. Are you claiming that one of the most known brand with extensive advertising and presence in distribution needs to commit with Tucker Carlson and be involved in such a ridiculous story, in order to promote its business? It doesn't make sense at all.
  4. Well, that's exactly what they are trying to do by not using any more the spokescandies, because they have been the target of ridiculous and laughable attacks by conservative nutters. Or do you mean that by changing the shoes of spokecandies to sneakers, which is what most female kids and teens have been wearing for years, they have applied divisive politics?
  5. A comparison of the three cases.by AP Key quotes: "PENCE AND BIDEN: There is no indication either was aware of the existence of the records before they were found and turned over. It appears both sides turned over the records quickly, without intent to conceal. That’s important because the Justice Department historically looks for willfulness, or an intent to mishandle government secrets, in deciding whether to bring criminal charges." "TRUMP: The former president possibly faces exposure for obstruction over the protracted battle to retrieve the documents. And, since he’s no longer in office, he wouldn’t be afforded protections from possible prosecution." https://apnews.com/article/biden-politics-united-states-government-us-department-of-justice-michael-pence-7e616d65db8a76a078d1ec9268c13a77
  6. 100 is the minimum quantity (not sure It's really enough) to have an effect, and to benefit from scale effect in training. That's why Leopard is so useful as It's the most diffused in Europe. I am not downplaying the high quality of British or French tanks, but if there isn't a large quantity of them, It's a lot of trouble for a relatively limited effect
  7. Well done Pence! You rightly adopted the same faultless behaviour as Biden by turning over the documents to the NARA and the FBI, instead of hiding them and obstructing as Trump did.
  8. I could not imagine someone could be subject to such fetishism! I don't dare to think about what he could do with M&M& bags! ????
  9. It has all to do with the guy you just criticised and his pals. While your country is rightly making sacrifices to support Ukraine, this guy and other MAGA folks are espousing Russian propaganda. Welcome back to reality! https://www.theguardian.com/media/2022/oct/02/tucker-carlson-ukraine-vladimir-putin-propaganda
  10. Have you read the OP? Right-wingers have criticized the brand's rebranded female M&M candies, dubbing them "less sexy.", after they changed their high heels shoes to sneakers. Before you start the anti-woke B.S., have you noticed that most female kids and teens are wearing sneakers, and not go go boots or high heels shoes?
  11. It seems Pence was jealous not to get enough attention. Note how, like Biden, and unlike Trump, he did not try to hide them and did not commit any obstruction. BBC News - Classified documents found at Mike Pence's home https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-64392871
  12. When you want someone to keep silent, you don't send him to court, you do like Trump give him more money.
  13. Not an EU Vice President, the EU is not a federal state like the US. An EP Vice president, which is the equivalent of a select committee chair in UK. No one is downplaying it. It's you continuously overplaying it, claiming that the whole EU institutions are corrupt, that the EU will collapse, etc... Still waiting for the discovery of mass corruption and the collapse of the EU.....
  14. As already replied to you before. Not an excuse, a fact which may be relevant as the law specifies that intent is a necessary condition. The law specifies: "knowingly removes such documents or materials without authority and with the intent to retain such documents or materials". I doubt having a few classified documents scattered here and there can be used to accuse him of such intent! https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1924 Its very different from Trump's case. Trump knowingly removed documents (his own statement in a court document), and has shown intent to retain. Actually he did knowingly retain, hid 11,000 documents, lied about it. An obvious obstruction case. As usual, Trumpers pretend to ignore it and try to distract attention from it.
  15. Important precision ommitted by Sky: when “don’t knows” are removed "In the first poll on Scottish voting intention released in 2023, backing for a Yes vote was at 46% when “don’t knows” are removed." https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/other/poll-suggests-54percent-of-scots-would-vote-no-in-independence-referendum/ar-AA16yRXi Has anyone found the detailed results?
  16. Can't you read? Or are you knowingly changing the meaning of others' posts? I wrote "it starts going back to a more reasonable level", not "has returned to a more normal level". Your percentage is also not accurate, BTW. https://fiscaldata.treasury.gov/americas-finance-guide/federal-spending/#:~:text=Spending Trends Over Time and,the United States that year.
  17. He was connected to Manafort. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oleg_Deripaska#:~:text=On 22 March 2017%2C the,United States%2C starting in 2005.
  18. Same reply as before. The law requires intent. A few documents forgotten somewhere doesn't support an accusation of intent (it doesn't exclude it either but does not support it) The law specifies: "knowingly removes such documents or materials without authority and with the intent to retain such documents or materials". I doubt having a few classified documents scattered here and there can be used to accuse him of such intent! https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1924
  19. He's not only characterised by what he has done that day.... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rasmus_Paludan
  20. Not an excuse, a fact which may be relevant as the law specifies that intent is a necessary condition. The law specifies: "knowingly removes such documents or materials without authority and with the intent to retain such documents or materials". I doubt having a few classified documents scattered here and there can be used to accuse him of such intent! https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1924
  21. A wilfully misleading post 1. The quote has been taken out of context. It doesn't mean what you claim it means https://apnews.com/article/biden-politics-united-states-government-wilmington-merrick-garland-f2384a87dcddbd38796f63e1269c6baf 2. The "60 minutes" interview occurred in September, the documents were found in November.
  22. If European countries want to send Leopard tanks, it must be worth it, i.e. together send 200 or 300 tanks. If It's just about sending 50 tanks, It's not worth the trouble for Germany.
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