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Everything posted by candide

  1. Cependingt on the plane model, they can go up to 43,000 feet. Moreover: "The exact height chosen for a given flight will also depend on wind conditions. Aircraft will aim to take advantage of or minimize the adverse effects of high-altitude jet stream winds. To help with this, pilots may find that they need to adjust their altitude. They will also seek to avoid areas of turbulence and adverse weather by climbing or descending accordingly if permitted by air traffic control." https://simpleflying.com/how-high-can-commercial-passenger-planes-fly/
  2. There are known pro-Russia and even pro-Putin tendencies in the AfD. And, oh surprise, It's the AfD raising this issue. Ex. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/sep/20/far-right-german-politicians-accused-of-pro-putin-propaganda-trip
  3. Yet UK is the only G7 country which has not caught-up to pre-pandemic GDP level, and is not expected to reach this level before 2026. Bank of England takes pessimistic view of Britain’s prospects https://www.ft.com/content/d411a8eb-5fa4-4ae5-86aa-c856c57c6769
  4. It's interesting to see the German extreme right supporting the POV of the "anti- nazi" Putin
  5. House Republicans’ Hunter Biden Probe Begins With a Thud "House Republicans failed in the opening salvo of their investigation into the finances of Joe Biden’s family to produce evidence substantiating their claims that US intelligence officials worked with Twitter Inc. to suppress an unflattering 2020 news story on the president’s son." https://news.yahoo.com/house-gop-opens-hunter-biden-103000184.html
  6. I know It's hard to keep updated, but... "The April 2022 report, titled “People’s Republic of China High-Altitude Balloon,” found a Chinese spy balloon “circumnavigated the globe” in 2019 – while Donald Trump was president – at an altitude of roughly 65,000 feet, and “drifted past Hawaii and across Florida before continuing its journey,” the US Air Force document states." https://edition.cnn.com/2023/02/06/politics/military-intelligence-report-china-balloon-trump/index.html
  7. The GOP surely did not like this part of the hearings. It's a big fail for them. "But Roth denied the accusations, telling the committee that the FBI did not tell Twitter the laptop hard drive was fake or hacked. Twitter's former Deputy Counsel James Baker, who was fired by new Twitter CEO Elon Musk in December, also said he was not in communication with the FBI about the company's decision to suppress the article." https://abcnews.go.com/US/former-twitter-execs-house-committee-removal-hunter-biden/story?id=96979014
  8. More reactions from the "crazy". ???? "Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) was torn apart on Twitter after she seemed to forget that detail in a tweet about President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address on Tuesday. “Hey Joe, YOU CLOSED THEM!” she tweeted, citing a line from Biden’s speech in which he said: “In the midst of the COVID crisis, when schools were closed and we were shutting down everything, let’s recognize how far we came in the fight against the pandemic itself.” https://news.yahoo.com/twitter-explodes-over-lauren-boeberts-012932674.html
  9. The NYPost checking facts. What a joke! I.e. they forgot to mention that the 2021 FY budget was voted under Trump.
  10. So what's the position of MAGA fans about it? Is Trump a liar, or is DeSantis a paedophile? ????
  11. Well, she was right at least on one thing: "In her 14-minute address, Sanders, who was elected in November, argued that the new "dividing line in America is no longer between right or left; the choice is between normal or crazy," She just did not realise it is her own side which is "crazy". You know, like elections were rigged by Hugo Chavez and Trump won, those pesky Jewish lasers, M&M shoes, I have been chosen by God, De Santis is grooming highschool students, etc.. ????
  12. Full text here: https://edition.cnn.com/interactive/2023/02/annotated-fact-checked-president-biden-sotu/
  13. Full text here: https://edition.cnn.com/interactive/2023/02/annotated-fact-checked-president-biden-sotu/
  14. The 3 Chinese spy balloons spotted during the Trump administration were initially classified as UFOs https://www.businessinsider.com/chinese-spy-balloons-seen-during-trump-administration-classified-as-ufos-2023-2?r=US&IR=T
  15. So what's the added benefit of not being in the EU????? There was already an FTA between the EU and Chile, which has been extended in December 2022. The EU also signed a cooperation agreement with Malaysia in December, which is more than what the UK currently has
  16. A particular poll may be inaccurate (within a margin of error). However, when successive polls show the same trend, the trend cannot be wrong. https://www.statista.com/statistics/987347/brexit-opinion-poll/
  17. Maybe because it's been debunked long time ago, and also because no one trusts the GOP led committee for telling the truth https://www.factcheck.org/2022/04/attorney-general-never-called-concerned-parents-domestic-terrorists/
  18. Trump has been rather quiet about it, indeed. It's now three weeks since the last time he insulted the special counsel. It's unusual.
  19. Gag! Trump golf resorts at Turnberry and Balmedie lost £4.4m in 2021 "Brexit has impacted our business as supply chains have been impacted by availability of drivers and staff, reducing deliveries and the availability of certain product lines," he wrote. Eric Trump also said staff availability had been a "challenge" due to wage inflation caused by "increased business levels" in the retail and logistics sectors, adding the "staffing pool" had been indirectly affected by Brexit "with lack of access to European staff for businesses in general resulting in greater demand for the individuals previously available at the resort". https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-scotland-business-64497946
  20. She's actually quite well considered in the MAGA sphere, including by some BMs. Of course, she's an embarrassment, but her B.S. also works well among some categories of voters. I think most GOP politicians are quite happy to have a few people specialised in spreading useful B.S., without being themselves compromised with it.
  21. He admitted long ago that he was smoking crack, so no scoop! Have sex with prostitutes, OMG, what a crime! And It's not like a former President would have a track record about it! ???? Influence peddling: from what has been made public so far, there's no evidence of it in the emails.
  22. The NE is one of the regions most affected by Brexit, in particular because the dependence of its industry from EU markets. Contrary to the title of a song by a famous rock band, they have been fooled again, it seems.
  23. He may have hoped that it would calm down slowly. However, there will be soon a fake house investigation about him.
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