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Everything posted by candide

  1. Good point, I forgot Eric could not be trusted more than his father. Actually, following your line of thought, I looked at old news and found out that Trump lost money from the first year in 2014, so it cannot have been caused by Sturgeon either.
  2. Apparently, there is no agreement about the cause of loss in the family. Eric Trump Blames Dad's Beloved Brexit For Millions In Losses At Scottish Golf Courses https://news.yahoo.com/eric-trump-blames-dads-beloved-150819143.html
  3. The problem is that a lot of people don't care whether it is fake or not, as long as It's what they want to believe, or as it fits their political or cultural narrative. We've seen it on this forum, too. I doubt it will have much effect. Google's prebunking will not stop people from believing that children have been raped in pizzeria, that elections were rigged in 2020, or that vaccines kill more people than they save. On top of it, it won't last long before it is called something like a 'deep State left-wing woke fake debunking service', by people who want to diffuse fake news.
  4. I also liked "President Trump will always keep fighting for true and honest elections in America!" ????
  5. While it may possibly make sense, It's not smart to state it publicly. It's a very bad negotiation tactic.
  6. When we were young, life was simple: coke, snow, speed, LSD, .... Now I feel completely outmoded! ????
  7. "Trump took it all on the chin like a champ tho." ???? Really? He's been continuously whining about it, losing his temper and insulting anyone including judge and special counsel.
  8. He never seemed fazed....???? Gaetz sought pardon from Trump over DOJ probe into sex trafficking allegations: report https://thehill.com/homenews/house/3647888-gaetz-sought-pardon-from-trump-over-doj-probe-into-sex-trafficking-allegations-report/
  9. Woke is a convenient word for rightwingers to express their prejudices without explicitly targeting people. They don't dare to say I hate gays, blacks, muslims, etc, so they just say "I hate woke".
  10. I agree with the "force majeure" argument, but I think It's a bit more subtle. First, It's not Russia, but Gazprom which is the contractor (ok, it is controlled by the State). In order for Gazprom to avoid penalties, the government must issue an order or law mandating it to stop deliveries. While it is technically possible, the problem is that Russia is desperately looking for new sales opportunities for its energy products. Who would contract with Russia, if it had a policy to just stop exports in case of disagreement?
  11. Another coward.... Pro-Kremlin propagandist loses it on live TV after his son's patriotism was called into question for not fighting in Ukraine https://news.yahoo.com/pro-kremlin-propagandist-loses-live-114730667.html
  12. And who is this person? ???? "As late as February 2022, Dağdelen denied references by Western intelligence agencies to the imminent Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022. On 18 February 2022, she appeared at a demonstration in Berlin with the slogan "Security for Russia is security for our country," where she accused the German media of spreading the "tall tales of the U.S. intelligence service".[9] After the Russian invasion occurred, Dağdelen was among the co-signers of a statement attributing significant responsibility for the Russian invasion to the United States.[10] In April 2022, she praised German protesters who opposed an increase in German military spending, and she described it as "madness" to deliver military weapons to Ukraine.[11]" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sevim_Dağdelen
  13. Lol! I can imagine the meeting: " dobre, Lavrov, we authorise the Nordstream investigation, and in exchange you authorise an investigation into war crimes during the Ukraine war!" ????
  14. As you are not a parent, I will tell you what parents always do: whether it is a drag queen show or any non-drag queen type of entertainment, parents enquire about it in order to check it is suitable for children. That's what parents always do. Additionally, in case they would make a mistake and take them to a rather sexy show (drag queen or straight), there is likely a guy filtering people at the entrance who will warn them it's not suitable for families. There may even be an age limit in sexy shows venues.
  15. So much B.S. said about drag shows. Some people have too much imagination. Most shows are just funny, with drag queens singing songs such as Lili Marlene, not strip tease shows. Here is a sample of drag shows, I don't see what's revolting in the shows. https://www.eventbrite.com/d/united-states/drag-show/
  16. Well, as concerns misuse of parliamentary allowance, there is certainly no culture of impunity. EU recovers £200,000 from Ukip MEPs accused of misusing funds https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2019/may/03/eu-recovers-200000-from-ukip-meps-accused-of-misusing-funds
  17. I guess such objects have been flying over the U.S. for years. It's just that they now detect them.
  18. Nothing astonishing. If they had found anything, that would be astonishing! Meanwhile, millions of morons still believe in the Big Lie......
  19. Ahem.... "the first quarter of 2022, the volume of social media ad impressions was three percent higher than in the third quarter of 2021. In the last presented quarter, the volume was 23 percent higher than during the third quarter of 2021." https://stagingfr.statista.com/statistiques/1272413/social-media-ad-clicks/ "The global social media advertisement market is expected to grow from $111.97 billion in 2021 to $130.53 billion in 2022 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 16.6%" https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2022/09/23/2521928/0/en/Social-Media-Advertisement-Global-Market-Report-2022.html#:~:text=The global social media advertisement,(CAGR) of 11.4%.
  20. Cependingt on the plane model, they can go up to 43,000 feet. Moreover: "The exact height chosen for a given flight will also depend on wind conditions. Aircraft will aim to take advantage of or minimize the adverse effects of high-altitude jet stream winds. To help with this, pilots may find that they need to adjust their altitude. They will also seek to avoid areas of turbulence and adverse weather by climbing or descending accordingly if permitted by air traffic control." https://simpleflying.com/how-high-can-commercial-passenger-planes-fly/
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