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Everything posted by candide

  1. Ok but there are also many Americans who want this to end, but they are held hostage by the gun lobby, gun-friendly morons, crooked politicians, and a conservative biased supreme court.
  2. Jews are usually against racism and discriminations, whoever is concerned, because they have suffered from it in the past. They also know they may well be the next target. A good example is the case of white supremacists who were mainly anti-black and recently also turned antisemitic.
  3. I never said that all wars were just. I said that the weapon industry is always making profits, independently from the fact that a particular war may be just or not. There's not necessarily a causal link. A better example you could have evoked is the war in Irak. It was based on lies and some key actors (ex. Dick Cheney) were obviously compromised with the militaro-industrial complex. It's completely different from the Ukraine case. Actually, several people and countries who are now supporting Ukraine, were against the war in Irak (in particular in Europe, I.e. France)
  4. We'll see what comes up from the investigation. The law specifies: "knowingly removes such documents or materials without authority and with the intent to retain such documents or materials". I doubt having a few classified documents scattered here and there can be used to accuse him of such intent! https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1924 BTW my personal opinion has always been that Biden is too old for a second mandate (provided another good candidate can be found, of course).
  5. What I indirectly evoked, in case you did not get it: he cannot be accused of obstruction, unlike the guy who should not be named.
  6. It's very easy to understand. They are ready to do and say anything, including lying and cheating, including campaigning against their sexual orientation, etc.... in order to succeed!
  7. The weapon industry makes money. It doesn't mean the cause is not just. For example, the US industry made a lot of money during WW2, does it imply the US was wrong tu support the allies and ultimately make war?
  8. From a legal point of view (and from a fundamental freedom pov), it shouldn't be forbidden to burn any religious book. Having sais that, It's obvious that this guy is a despicable anti-muslim racist, who is surely not guided by enlightenment philosophy.
  9. Right! Six documents! So the total number of documents found is what? 26? Note the full-cooperation demonstrated (very different from the behaviour of who shall not be named): "The FBI found more classified documents at the Wilmington, Delaware, home of President Joe Biden during a consensual search Friday that lasted nearly 13 hours, his personal lawyer and a prosecutor said Saturday evening" https://www.cnbc.com/2023/01/21/search-of-bidens-home-by-doj-finds-6-more-classified-documents.html
  10. Trump news – live: Humiliated Trump withdraws suit against James after $1m fine over ‘frivolous’ Hillary claim https://news.yahoo.com/trump-news-live-humiliated-trump-173604076.html Not me saying! Eh eh! ????
  11. Lol! Another conspiracy theory.Testifying before congress about what?
  12. Are you serious? You don't see the difference between media which are censored (and state controlled on top of it), and media which independence is protected by law? Really?
  13. They don't dare to go after Putin or the Russian army, so they chose this indirect way.
  14. Actually, the group even operates beyond the law in Russia, where private military contractors are officially forbidden.
  15. Of course, you are able to show where anti-white racism is taught in this program? ????
  16. It would be an interesting suggestion if it didn't already exist. Latin America history has been taught for years. Including Florida https://www.cpalms.org/PreviewCourse/Preview/594
  17. Actually, the source you used (The Balance), calculates the debt increase per president differently. They use the federal fiscal year, as each president is starting with a budget which has been voted under the previous president. Quote: "For example, President Donald Trump took office in January 2017. He submitted his first budget in May. It covered the 2018 fiscal year, which didn't begin until October 1, 2017. Trump operated the first part of his term under President Barack Obama's budget for fiscal year 2017, which ended on Sept. 30, 2017." Using fiscal years ( what has been voted under each president) shows a different picture: Obama's last mandate: FY 2017: $671 billion FY 2016: $1.42 trillion FY 2015: $326 billion FY 2014: $1.09 trillion Trump mandate: FY 2021: $1.5 trillion FY 2020: $4.2 trillion FY 2019: $1.2 trillion FY 2018: $1.3 trillion So for Obama's last mandate, the average debt increase per year is 876 billion, and for Trump's first two FY, the average is 1250 billion. That's 42% higher than Obama's last mandate. https://www.thebalancemoney.com/us-debt-by-president-by-dollar-and-percent-3306296
  18. And the MAGA fans will complain about it, after loudly calling for the DOJ to open an investigation into Biden. They already started to complain about the nomination of s special counsel on this forum.
  19. Nice to see that the DOJ and the FBI are doing their job. No double standards!
  20. It's been discussed several times already in this forum. 20 documents may get unnoticed, not tens of thousands documents. Only during the "raid", the FBI seized 11,000 documents. About Obama, there's no evidence he took documents. Only Trump is claiming that. (BTW, who can reasonably trust what Trump says without checking it) No double standards at all!
  21. There was never such a narrative. I maintain that crisis years cannot be compared with "normal" years (even Nauseus who likes your post used it as an argument in favour of Trump). 2021 is an atypical year. If you look at 2022 (in the graph you posted), it starts going back to a more reasonable level.
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