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Everything posted by candide

  1. Fine. Everything is done by the book and according to high standards of ethics. What a contrast with the Republicans whose first concern is to muzzle the ethics committee.
  2. So the Republicans were lying about him. How is it possible?
  3. It's been mentioned to you many times that it doesn't matter as: - the law doesn't require the documents to be classified, So it doesn't make any difference, whether it is about Trump or Biden. In a previous post, you also stated that Biden was in a worse situation than Trump, because he had no declassification power, you forgot about it?
  4. The same B.S, again. China started to give money to UPenn in 2014, four years before the creation of the Biden Center. Actually it receive more money before, than after the creation of the Biden Center. 115 universities also got money from China. This is ridiculous. From your own link: "The Ivy League college raked in a total of $54.6 million from 2014 through June 2019 in donations from China, including $23.1 million in anonymous gifts starting in 2016, according to public records."
  5. It's been mentioned to you many times that it doesn't matter as: - the law doesn't require the documents to be classified, - there is no evidence that Trump declassified the documents he had. How many times will you post it? Should I copy my reply so that I can just paste it in my replies whenever you post it again? That would save me time.
  6. The big difference is that there were facts against Trump. Anyway, thank you for acknowledging that the Trump cult is diffiusng wild accusations and imaginary scenarios based on speculation. We can at least agree with it.
  7. Why that? He's not refusing to give them back and lying to the FBI and NARA, as Trump did, he's actively cooperating. From your link: "Biden aides have been sifting through documents stored at locations beyond his former Washington office to determine if there are any other classified documents that need to be turned over to the National Archives and reviewed by the Justice Department, the person familiar with the matter said."
  8. As well as the national security bill he signed himself in 2018!
  9. Well, even fox news admits that Trump's case is far worse than Biden's case "KARL ROVE: Well, there are differences, but you can’t make this stuff up. But there are differences. For example, how many documents in Biden’s case, there appear to be about 10. In the case of President Trump, hundreds. How did they get there? We don’t yet know how the documents got to the Biden office connected with his activities on behalf of the University of Pennsylvania. We know that President Trump ordered the removal of the documents to Mar-a-Lago. How responsive were they? When that when when the Biden people found out about it, they called immediately, called the appropriate authorities and turned them over. We spent a year and a half watching the drama unfold in Mar-a-Lago, and it had to end in a police search to recover the documents." https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/biden-gets-assist-on-fox-news-as-karl-rove-busts-out-white-board-to-explain-why-trump-s-classified-docs-issue-is-worse/ar-AA16b82T?item=flights%3Aprg-tipsubsc-v1a&ocid=windirect And of course....???? Trump seethes on Truth Social after Fox News analyst debunks his lies about Biden classified docs https://www.salon.com/2023/01/11/seethes-on-truth-social-after-fox-news-analyst-debunks-his-lies-about-biden-classified-docs/
  10. Not to mention boosting oil and gas production and exports, despite what right-wing propaganda says.
  11. Moreover, given that it would lead to the annihilation of Russia as well. Even "small" nuclear powers, such as France or UK, have enough missiles in their submarines to destroy Russia.
  12. This is not accurate. It is the GOP and Trump who have made it a top priority, by changing the law in 2018. Trump is actually being investigated by "the guy Donald Trump appointed for violating a law Donald Trump enacted". Trump increased his current legal jeopardy by signing a 2018 law on handling classified documents "a 2018 law Trump signed that elevated the unauthorized removal and retention of classified government documents to a felony, punishable by up to five years in prison." https://theweek.com/donald-trump/1015830/trump-increased-his-current-legal-jeopardy-by-signing-a-2018-law-on-handling PS As Biden retrieved the documents before 2018, the updated law may not apply to him (I let people more competent about law comment about it, if needed)
  13. It's not about declassifying, it's about officially having access to classified documents. I wonder who could have allowed the VP to access classified documents, hmmmm....
  14. That's rich! Jim Jordan, the guy who refused to comply with subpoenas or to answer questions is now threatening others! ???? https://www.newsweek.com/ted-lieu-points-out-jim-jordan-ignored-subpoena-gop-threatens-more-1772127
  15. Now that you've been cornered as it was impossible that Joe could have been involved in a conflict of interest because he was not holding any official function at that time (in case it may be confirmed one day he was the big guy), you move the target of your conspiracy theory. It's not only Joe, it's any congressman or Judge Joe may be acquainted with! ???? Whatever the scope of your conspiracy theory, it still has the same flaw: neither the Chinese oil company nor Hunter has been involved in any transaction with the U.S. government at any level. No public procurement, no licence, no subsidy, no drilling permit, etc... nothing, nada, waloo! Neither Biden, nor any other politician, could have influenced anything, because there was nothing to influence. About Hunter Biden, whatever one may think of his prior experience (he's still a lawyer who graduated from Yale with years of experience, but never mind), he obviously parasited his familly name and I have no particular esteem for him. He may well have been able to oversell himself as much better than he really was. However,he was not a government official (contrary to Trump's familly) so that concerns only himself. He's being investigated by a Republican, and if he has committed any offense (from what we know, nothing more than tax fraud), then he must be treated as any private citizen.
  16. Definetely no ethics! George Santos campaign paid staffer nearly $100k to pretend to be Kevin McCarthy's chief of staff and get money from donors ???? https://news.yahoo.com/george-santos-campaign-paid-staffer-115735463.html
  17. Exclusive: US intelligence materials related to Ukraine, Iran and UK found in Biden’s private office, source tells CNN https://edition.cnn.com/2023/01/10/politics/biden-classified-documents-iran-ukraine-united-kingdom-beau-funeral/index.html
  18. Putin, you're scr.....! ???? Joking apart, It's impressive how the allies managed to significantly overcome their initial dependence on Russian energy.
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