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Everything posted by candide

  1. Yet the context was quite different. The pre-Covid numbers were the culmination of a decade of continuous growth and job creation. The current situation is post-crisis with plenty of economic problems such as supply chain issues. "Only" reaching the same unemployment rate as pre-Covid in such a short time is actually an impressive achievement.
  2. Actually, the pure news programs on Fox News are not that bad. I watched yesterday their analysis of the MAL investigation and it was quite interesting. A bit biased, of course, but very far from the Tucker et al. B.S.
  3. 1. Biden did not have Trump raided. 2. We all know Trump was ready to use anything to discredit Biden. It included calling foreign countries for help on this matter and use Giuliani to diffuse Russian made fake narratives. Would have Trump hesitated to send his sycophant Barr if there was any valid reason? Could it be that there was no legal matter to investigate Biden? There has even been a GOP Senate committee which investigated the Biden's and found nothing!
  4. Why? Did they (will they) keep classified documents at home after leaving their position and refuse to give them back?
  5. What are your critics about Trump? You don't like his haircut?
  6. From the link "Trump supporters have spent the past week doxxing both Judge Bruce Reinhart, the magistrate judge who approved the Mar-a-Lago warrant, and an FBI agent involved in preparing the request, as well as their families. The information includes their purported home addresses, phone numbers, places of worship, private offices, and similar information about the men’s families and junior employees" It stinks fascism!
  7. This Timeline of Trumpworld Excuses Proves Mar-a-Lago Raid Week Was Even Stupider Than You Remember https://news.yahoo.com/timeline-trumpworld-excuses-proves-mar-222200690.html
  8. And as usual, what Trump says is not what he does! ???? Trump Votes By Mail (Again) Despite Months Of Voter Fraud Claims https://www.forbes.com/sites/jemimamcevoy/2021/03/09/trump-votes-by-mail-again-despite-months-of-voter-fraud-claims/?sh=4920957252da
  9. So when the U.S. gets similar inflation numbers it's Biden fault, but in UK It's because of lockdowns. ????
  10. It's actually a smart marketing tactic. As inflation will go down for different reasons (it has already started), they will be able to claim It's because of the bill.
  11. They have learned from WW2 that when it starts to smell fascism, It's better to go.
  12. It is seems to be a family tradition. His pimp grandad actually left Germany in order to dodge military service there.
  13. Fox News, really? ???? Fox News host wonders aloud whether Trump could have tried to sell highly classified material to the Russians or Saudis https://news.yahoo.com/fox-news-host-wonders-aloud-064434447.html
  14. Well, as it seems he agreed to play the role of a "fuse", he is part of the best people from Trump's perspective.
  15. So what is real, according to you? - Trump took classified document to MAL, had his lawyer sign a paper stating all documents but still kept a significant amount of them? Or alternatively one or more of the following? - the FBI planted documents (funny, you seem to have forgotten about it despite previous posts) - the documents have been declassified, despite no evidence of it,
  16. What is exactly the history of the FBI conspiring with the Dems and federal judges? The Russia probe has been audited by the IG, he found a flaw on a minor subset of it, but also declared that the Russia probe has been properly predicated. The Durham investigation found nothing. It also did not found the Russia probe was not properly predicated. So what is it exactly?
  17. And also scammed students https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/federal-court-approves-25-million-trump-university-settlement-n845181 He also got a conflict of interest by having the State fund his hotels, etc...
  18. And, as usual, fake news! You shouldn't get your information from Facebook and Twitter images. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/aug/20/viral-image/no-proof-biden-left-taliban-80b-weapons-or-he-want/
  19. And who was the world's laughing stock? ???? Trump cuts NATO summit trip short after world leaders appear to mock him in video???? https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-leaving-nato-summit-early-world-leaders-mock-him-video-2019-12
  20. And the Congresswomen is.... Marjorie Taylor Greene! ???? Equally laughable is that when one tries to copy your statement, this URL comes up! ???????????????? https://www.rt.com/news/560754-us-impeachment-attorney-general/?utm_source=Newsletter&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=Email
  21. Fun time! https://www.politico.eu/article/worlds-cartoonists-on-this-weeks-events-59/
  22. Brit but quite knowledgeable about U.S. right-wing propaganda, it seems! ????
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