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Everything posted by candide

  1. Yet 100% of developed countries (which have a similar economic development to UK) have an inflation rate between 6.1% and 10.5%, 5 above UK and 10 below UK.
  2. Energy prices are global. It is not a limited increase in U.S. production which will solve the current problem. It also takes time to develop new production drills, so the additional production will come too late on the market. On top of it, the future price of oil may not allow new investment to be profitable and operators know it.
  3. Ok. It remains that the EU rate is affected by Eastern Europe, which is not comparable to UK.
  4. Ireland, Netherlands and Luxemburg are also below UK. Sorry I forgot the link in the unedited post https://tradingeconomics.com/country-list/inflation-rate?continent=europe
  5. You are right about the EU and UK figures. However, is it a relevant comparison? Most EU countries with a higher inflation than UK (and affect the average rate) are less developed countries located in Eastern Europe. They have different economic conditions and are also more affected by the war in Ukraine. The other most developed countries have a lower inflation rate than UK (except for Belgium and Spain): France, Germany, Italy, Austria, etc... https://tradingeconomics.com/country-list/inflation-rate?continent=europe
  6. Right, global energy prices and global inflation started to rise before the Ukraine war. In the U.S. it has been aggravated by the fast rate of job creation which induced wage increases, which then further fuelled inflation. So, according to you, the government is doing little to fix it. What are the GOP practical proposals to fix it on short term? I didn't notice any.
  7. You don't have to assume anything as I wrote myself it was during Obama's last mandate, as they were "normal" years without the post-crisis years which were atypical, just like the Covid years were atypical for Trump. There were similar economic conditions as during Trumps first two years. Now if you want to play it stupid and consider that all years must be included, without thinking and paying attention to specific economic conditions, then we must compare Obama's two terms with Trump's full term. The average is 55% higher for Trump. ????
  8. Od course, it's a dishonest comparison as it includes the post crisis spendings at the beginning of Obama's first mandate. Now let's compare what is comparable (similar economic conditions). The average debt increase by Trump during the first two years pre-covid was 50% higher than the average increase during Obama's last mandate! ???? https://www.thebalance.com/us-debt-by-president-by-dollar-and-percent-3306296
  9. The moron will never stop! ???? Quote from the article: "Vos told WISN-TV that the July 10 court decision regarding ballot drop boxes would have an effect on the law moving forward and couldn't be applied retroactively." Is Trump so stupid that he cannot understand that a law cannot be applied retroactively? Or is he just relying on the stupidity of his fans?
  10. Not even smart! If Russian troops believe it, they will be more afraid of Ukrainians than before.
  11. Thursday's hearings will be interesting. Let's see how much of Hutchinson's testimony (disparaged as hearsay by the MAGA guys) will be confirmed by Cipollone. ???? https://thehill.com/homenews/house/3561779-ex-trump-counsel-gears-up-for-starring-appearance-in-jan-6-hearing/
  12. Interesting. I wasn't aware of it. Quote from your source for lazy members: “Due to a lack of LNG import terminals in Europe, the UK is a key global importer of the fuel which it then exports to Europe via pipeline, particularly given small storage capability in the UK.”
  13. The problem is not a U.S. supply problem, it's the (international) price of oil. There is a problem of oil supply at the global level and it can be solved only if more oil is on the market.
  14. Obviously, it was Blair's fault. I don't deny it and I think he should have been punished. But the fact that there was no WDM was an open secret that most politicians were just pretending to ignore because of the "special relationship".
  15. Come on. Everybody knew there were no WDM. The French I.S. knew it and the British intelligence in Irak was at least as well introduced, if not better. It was all about "the special relationship" with the USA and the Tories were as keen to preserve it as Tony Blair.
  16. B.S.! The government did not choose to whom it was send. It was a competitive bidding process and the oil has been sold to the highest bidders per current regulation. Oil price is a global price so in order to decrease prices, there is no other way than to increase global supply. Be it by selling strategic reserves, by allowing Iran to sell its oil or by convincing S.A. to increase supply, the outcome is the same. It doesn't really matters who buys or sells, It's the law of supply and demand at the global pevel
  17. What? I did not know the BLM also assaulted the Capitol in order to steal elections! They should be severely punished for that!
  18. What? I did not know the BLM also assaulted the Capitol in order to steal elections! They should be severely punished for that!
  19. Because it never happened and because Pelosi is not in charge of security at the Capitol anyway. Stop spreading lies! https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/jun/13/sean-hannity/no-evidence-pelosi-rejected-trumps-authorization-2/
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