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Everything posted by candide

  1. It would be more accurate to state: at least, since the last coup there are no YELLOW shirts in the street. The people in the street assaulting government buildings and attacking election offices, while Yingluck was PM, were the PDRC. You could also add that there were no red shirts while Thaksin was PM. The red shirts have been created in 2006 as a reaction to the coup and the yellow shirts.
  2. This is interesting from an intellectual point of view. However, predicting the future, based on innacurate data about the past, is useless.
  3. Exactly! Masks are useless outside, unless people are very close to each other. Probably even more useless in Thailand because of high temperature and UVs. However, in closed places where people are staying rather close to each other, such as bars and restaurants, It's quite possible to be contaminated.
  4. Not sure. Most of it is sold to Algeria, China, Egypt, India, and Vietnam. But be sure the Chinese will take advantage of it to renegotiate prices! ????
  5. Completely useless. Hotelbeds is a hotel room wholesaler. It means it buys rooms from hotels and hotel chains.TAT is not a hotel chain so It's purely cosmetic.
  6. Which missiles in Ukraine? Only Putin stated the US wanted to put missiles in Ukraine. Do you believe the Russian propaganda? BTW, there are currently only two ballistic missile defence centres in Eastern Europe, in Poland and Romania, and they are not particularly near their Eastern borders.
  7. As before (I.e. the coup), Prayut will do what he is told to do.
  8. It surely makes Putin angry. However, this promise was made to an entity (USSR) which has been dissolved in December 1991. A dissolution mainly caused by the Russian Federation, when its democratically elected government decided to leave the Soviet Union in June 1991 and declared its independence. So basically, the head of Russia is complaining about unkept promises, which have been made to an entity that Russia officially left more than 30 years ago.
  9. Please stop the BS. Russia is not "perceived as a threat". Russia has fully confirmed it is a threat by invading Ukraine. As about NATO being "responsible". The USSR colapsed because is was deficient. The Russian federation contributed to it as it left it in June 1991, as the democratically elected government declared its independence, 6 months before the USSR dissolution by Gorbachev. Then after an initial growth period, Putin <deleted> up by being unable to define and implement a Russian development model. Fact is that Russia is unable to attract any country, from both a political and economic perspective, unless this country is governed by another dictator (ex Belarus). Having said that, I may well agree with you that the EU should have its own army, but if there isn't any, It's not particularly because It's "forbidden". There was simply, up to now, no agreement about it among Member States.
  10. What you are describing may happen, but not always, as you mention. Basically, it's just a statistical error factor and doesn't challenge the fact that there is a high number of deaths caused or triggered by Covid-19. There is an unbiased indicator, which is the number of excess deaths. Accidents etc.. are not causing excess deaths from one year to another, apart from minor variations. In developed countries, the number of Covid deaths is always near to the number of excess deaths, broadly in the +/- 10% range. That's fact, not conjecture. So it's poosible that there may be some errors in measuring Covid deaths, but the phenomenon is rather well captured within a margin of error.
  11. OMG! I did not think about noodles. It seems to be common for instant noodles. Apparently the only way to take it out is to boil the noodles, throw away the water, and then only use the noodles. I.e. put them in the soup and not cook them in the soup As a general rule I avoid all what is mixed, mashed, etc... unless I know I can trust the maker or restaurant. Not only meat balls, but also Lasagna, Parmentier, chilli con carne, meat pies, etc...
  12. I guess It's the same with the fish balls and meat balls which are very popular in Thailand.
  13. On top of it with an army brass as unofficial suspect, at a time the government is allegedly targeting corruption in the RTP. ????
  14. On the other hand, It's not difficult to understand why countries like Poland rushed to apply to NATO. The USA did not need to push hard, considering the Russian imperialism tradition towards its neighbours.
  15. With current capabilities of missiles and military airplanes, I am not sure a few hundred kms would really make a difference. On top of it, There was no intent from NATO to make war with Russia, as its current reaction confirms.
  16. That's in the same order of magnitude as my estimate of excess deaths using Ourworldindata numbers. Discussions about comorbidities are really hair-splitting, as there are so large discrepancies between official covid numbers and excess deaths numbers.
  17. On top of it there are websites providing fake email services or temporary email addresses.
  18. Excellent article. It allows to compare Thailand with UK about the way Covid deaths may be counted vs. excess deaths.. Thailand: 23,646 official Covid deaths from the begin of the pandemic to 12 March. To compare with 70,950 excess deaths* from 1 April 2021 to 29 February 2022. That's around 3times more! UK: 162,738 official Covid deaths. To compare with 143,032 excess deaths, That's minus 12% So in one country (Thailand) the number of excess deaths is around 3 times more than the Covid deaths count, and in another country (UK) the number of excess deaths is the number of covid deaths minus 12%. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-51768274 https://ourworldindata.org/excess-mortality-covid (* the sum of excess death numbers for each months, from the attached figure. The numbers in the square on the Tailand figure show the example of the month of February)
  19. Exactly! You may well be right to suggest that there's something wrong in the way Covid deaths are counted! ???? The number of excess deaths for the month of February (compared to February 2021) is 3967. It's 5 times higher than the official Covid deaths count (763) for February. https://ourworldindata.org/excess-mortality-covid I am not sure your statement also applies also applies to other countries, as there is usually not such a big difference between Covid deaths count and excess deaths from all causes count (at least in most developed countries).
  20. On top of it, Thailand is a nest of Sars cov2 related coronaviruses. As well as its neighbours. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-021-21240-1
  21. How can this splitting hairs' statement by Anutin be considered seriously with such a large number of unexplained excess deaths? The number of excess deaths for the month of February (compared to February 2021) is 3967. It's not the usual margin of error of 5%, 10% or even 20%! It's 5 times higher than the official Covid deaths count (763) for February! What can explain these excess deaths? https://ourworldindata.org/excess-mortality-covid
  22. Number of raw deaths all causes now available for February. The number of excess deaths for the month of February (compared to February 2021) is 3967. It's 5 times higher than the official Covid deaths count (763) for February. It's an increase of 2275 deaths compared to the number of excess deaths in January (1692). https://ourworldindata.org/excess-mortality-covid
  23. NATO or the EU don't "extend", It's countries which have freely decided to apply. No one has compelled them to do so! The truth is that the badly governed and autocratic Russia is not attractive to any country. They don't see any benefit in being under Russia's domination. As about Trump, he was Putin's bitch, so no wonder you prefer him to Biden!
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