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Everything posted by candide

  1. How the door was opened is explained in the affidavit. "DEPAPE stated that they went downstairs to the front door. The police arrived and knocked on the door, and Pelosi ran over and opened it." https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/man-charged-assault-and-attempted-kidnapping-following-breaking-and-entering-pelosi-residence
  2. It's been already replied to you in the other thread. Just pretend you did not see it, lol! From the affidavit: DEPAPE stated that they went downstairs to the front door. The police arrived and knocked on the door, and Pelosi ran over and opened it. Pelosi grabbed onto DEPAPE’s hammer, which was in DEPAPE’s hand. At this point in the interview, DEPAPE repeated that DEPAPE did not plan to surrender and that he would go “through” Pelosi. f. DEPAPE stated that he pulled the hammer away from Pelosi and swung the hammer towards Pelosi. DEPAPE explained that Pelosi’s actions resulted in Pelosi “taking the punishment instead.” https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/man-charged-assault-and-attempted-kidnapping-following-breaking-and-entering-pelosi-residence
  3. So he was posting MAGA content, people who know him are saying he's MAGA, he wanted to confront Pelosi and Dems with their lies. Isn't it enough? Surely not enough for our MAGA fans. Expect more hair splitting and loony theories! ????
  4. Only one side is frantically grasping at loony theories.
  5. Do people under stress always react in the most rational way?
  6. You haven't read well. "e. DEPAPE stated that they went downstairs to the front door. The police arrived and knocked on the door, and Pelosi ran over and opened it. Pelosi grabbed onto DEPAPE’s hammer, which was in DEPAPE’s hand. At this point in the interview, DEPAPE repeated that DEPAPE did not plan to surrender and that he would go “through” Pelosi.”
  7. The problem is more that it would be a massive loss of face for Xi and the CPC, after having bragged for years about their successful policy to protect the Chinese people. There is no prior immunity, the "weak" people have not died already as in other countries, and their vaccine is not very good. Would they allow it to run its course, it would be a huge pandemic and a huge blow to the government's credibility. They trapped themselves in it and there's no acceptable way out for them.
  8. Better than media relating the content, the orginal complaint and affidavit document is accessible here https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/man-charged-assault-and-attempted-kidnapping-following-breaking-and-entering-pelosi-residence
  9. This one has no paywall "Last year, David DePape posted links on his Facebook page to multiple videos produced by My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell falsely alleging that the 2020 election was stolen. Other posts included transphobic images and linked to websites claiming Covid vaccines were deadly. “The death rates being promoted are what ever ‘THEY’ want to be promoted as the death rate,” one post read. https://edition.cnn.com/2022/10/28/politics/pelosi-attack-suspect-conspiracy-theories-invs/index.html So a guy who posted MAGA content, including about the Big Lie, states he wanted to take Pelosi as hostage in order to confront her with her lies, etc... and show the Dems their actions have consequences. You will likely raise further doubts about it. In any case, it's surely much more significant than the absence of flags on the bus.
  10. https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/2022/10/29/david-depape-blog-pelosi-fairies/ https://news.yahoo.com/attacker-wanted-to-hold-nancy-pelosi-hostage-planned-to-break-her-knee-caps-194449972.html
  11. I wonder which conspiracy theory our MAGA posters (or assimilated) will be able to evoke now? ???? “DePape also later explained that by breaking Nancy’s kneecaps, she would then have to be wheeled into Congress, which would show other members of Congress there were consequences to actions,” read the filing. After Paul Pelosi called 911, DePape allegedly said he did not leave “because, much like the American Founding Fathers with the British, he was fighting against tyranny without the option of surrender.” Police claim he reiterated this sentiment elsewhere in the interview." https://news.yahoo.com/attacker-wanted-to-hold-nancy-pelosi-hostage-planned-to-break-her-knee-caps-194449972.html
  12. I guess the SC is starting to find Trump quite embarrassing.... Trump asks U.S. Supreme Court to block lawmakers from obtaining tax returns https://news.yahoo.com/trump-asks-u-supreme-court-170123244.html
  13. It's Ukrainska Pravda, and the url is in ua, not ru.
  14. If you refer to my post, it was linking the Ukrainian Pravda, not the Russian one.
  15. Actually, it comes up the attack in Sevastopol has been made by unmanned surface vessels. Videos in the linked article https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2022/10/30/7374125/
  16. I know this street. It was always packed at night on normal weekends.
  17. Right https://nypost.com/2022/10/29/paul-pelosi-attacker-david-depape-lived-in-a-school-bus/
  18. Of course not! He was invited, then given a hammer and told to hit, in order to give the MSM an opportunity to discredit the MAGA and QAnon sphere. ????
  19. Right. Fox News is only highlighting the nudist connection (dating from 2013!). ???? It's different on the Washington Examiner website. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/david-depape-qanon-trump-paul-pelosi-attack
  20. How is it "desperate"? It's all spread in his social media activity. The guy is likely nuts, as you suggest, but he's been provided causes on a silver plate by the MAGA world.
  21. Apparently, Ukraine used underwater drones. Russia claims no damage. Sorry, It's from the Daily Mail, but they show interesting pictures. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11367993/Explosions-hit-key-naval-port-Sevastopol-Crimea-Russia-claim-major-Ukraine-drone-assault.html
  22. Right, but still evoking force majeure as a cause. “Of course. The very sanctions that prevent the maintenance of units, which prevent them from moving without appropriate legal guarantees, which prevent these legal guarantees from being given, and so on.” “It is precisely these sanctions that the Western states have introduced that have brought the situation to what we see now,” Peskov added." Officially, Russia is not cutting supplies, It's forced to do it for technical reasons! ????
  23. It's about control, That's how they are. The CP cannot stand not having control of anything and It's even worse with Xi. That's why they cracked down on Alibaba and other digital giants. They could not stand having this sector flourishing without controlling it. The issue is that they have bragged so much about having stopped the diffusion of Covid that they would lose face in case of a large epidemic in Thailand. And It's a quasi impossible mission. The recent variants such as Omicron can diffuse more easily and faster and cannot be eradicated. It will be a continuous assault. Unlike other countries, they don't have a large share of the population which is at least partly immunized by prior infection, the most at risk people have not died already, and their vaccine is not very good (at least up to now). In other words, they are screwed. It's either a large epidemic leading to a very embarrassing loss of face, or an unending succession of lockdowns.
  24. Well, not fundamentally different from what we can read on this forum!
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