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Everything posted by candide

  1. I hope for them they got paid in advance, because they gave Trump a good reason for not paying them ????
  2. Right. I also did not find anything on the homepage and had to search a bit. They obviously don't want to put this topic forward now.
  3. Surprisingly enough, a rather good factual account about this letter in this article, which is hidden inside Fox News website. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-signed-off-fbi-review-trump-records-national-archives-letter-reveals
  4. Interesting quote from the article (I cannot read the rest, It's under paywall): "Merrick Garland, the attorney-general, would have anticipated that. He is a painstaking former prosecutor and judge—too painstaking for many Democrats who, just as Republicans claim, are quivering to see Mr Trump prosecuted. If Mr Garland made the decision himself to proceed, as seems likely, he must have concluded that legal considerations left him with no choice"
  5. Like this one? ???? https://www.amazon.com/Trump-Coloring-Book-M-Anthony/dp/1682610284
  6. But no "books about me" section!
  7. More fun from the Fox News article ."This Mar-a-Lago Break-In, Search, and Seizure was illegal and unconstitutional, and we are taking all actions necessary to get the documents back, which we would have given to them without the necessity of the despicable raid of my home, so that I can give them to the National Archives until they are required for the future Donald J. Trump Presidential Library and Museum" Trump library! ????
  8. And Trump goes on with his incoherent lies.... "ALL documents have been previously declassified," Trump said. "We are demanding the appointment of a SPECIAL MASTER to oversee the handling of the materials taken in the raid. We are further demanding that the DOJ be forced to turn over a REAL, without ‘plants,’ inventory of my property that was taken and disclose where that property is now located." ????
  9. Nothing to hide, nothing to fear!
  10. The trade war has been a complete failure, as expected. The trade deficit with China even increased after the introduction of tariffs. Trump also scrapped the TPP, leaving the region under the economic influence of China. On top of it, the tough man shamelessly asked China for help ???? "Trump publicly asks China to probe Biden, even amid impeachment inquiry" https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-whistleblower-idUSKBN1WI0BC "According to Bolton, — who reportedly based his memoir on notes and contemporaneous accounts — during the meeting with Xi in 2019, Trump suggested increased agricultural purchases by Beijing from American farmers would help aid his reelection chances." https://www.forbes.com/sites/jackbrewster/2020/06/17/trump-pressed-chinas-xi-to-help-him-ensure-reelection-according-to-bolton-book/?sh=3bcabe062e41
  11. I understand McConnell.......???? https://www.huffpost.com/entry/dr-mehmet-oz-old-poop-tweets_n_63039e94e4b0f7df9bb25903
  12. Rasmussen report...... What was the question? " Do you agree that there's “a group of politicized thugs at the top of the FBI who are using the FBI … as Joe Biden‘s personal Gestapo.” ????
  13. Outdated poll (May 5-7,9-10, 2022) before the effect of the committee could really be felt. A more recent one (21 July): "A majority (57%) said Trump is to blame a great deal or a good amount for the Capitol riot, including 92% of Democrats and 57% of independents, but just 18% of Republicans. https://www.npr.org/2022/07/21/1112546450/a-majority-thinks-trump-is-to-blame-for-jan-6-but-wont-face-charges-poll-finds
  14. Why is it that when I check a source linked by MAGA folks, I so often find out It's <deleted>. Quote From your source (an OPINION paper, not a research): "Rather than review all 10,000, I focused on the most recent 50 claims in both “economy” and “jobs,” mostly because I’m confident in the subject matter, and the data is well at hand. I found 27 out of 100 Trump comments to be defensible if not unimpeachably accurate." 50 selected cases out of 10,000! ???? What about the Big Lie, Crowdstrike was a Ukrainian company, "This is a flu. This is like a flu", etc... "an honest capable President respecting his adversaries"! ???? Are you trying to compete with Trump? Or did you forget birtherism, pizzagate, "lock her up", the Democrats have stolen elections, Ilhan Omar supports al Qaeda, Biden will destroy protections for pre-existing conditions, etc... And what about McConnell, who is the subject of this thread, does Trump respect him with so much name calling?
  15. In brief, do you agree to parents making deaths threats to and harassing school officials, as your previous post suggests?
  16. He was a war apologist. Now he knows what It's like to have his child killed!
  17. Right, the MAGA fans have been completely incoherent: ???? - the FBI planted evidence, but it was not classified, then it was a napkin, etc... Completely incoherent! "If" the FBI would have planted something, it would make sure it is compromising - the documents were not classified, but Trump was keeping them in a safe place. It is also completely incoherent as you mention. If de-classified, no need to keep them safe and secret, - what follows next?
  18. Stock market level is often correlated with GDP growth, but not always. https://www.economicsobservatory.com/does-the-stock-market-reflect-the-economy
  19. The fact that markets have crashed shows their (relative) inability to anticipate.
  20. "A source close to former President Donald Trump told Fox News...." Also an anonymous source.... Anyway, the chronology of interactions between Trum, NARA and FBI will likely be shown when the affidavit is published, so I guess we'll have a more precise account then.
  21. How do you know Wray is going to hide official documents in his home after leaving office, and refuse to return them? Do you have a crystal ball? ????
  22. Exactly! The fact that FBI Directors are always Republican (like the current one) is quite suspect! ????
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