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Everything posted by candide

  1. You did not read well. I made the point that immigration from former British colonies has been much higher than from the EU. I just mentioned India and Pakistan as example. According to the ONS, among non-UK born, there were 3.5 million EU born (incl. 415,00 Irish who always benefited from a special regime) and 6 million non-EU born. Country heritage is not considered in these stats. https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/populationandmigration/internationalmigration/bulletins/ukpopulationbycountryofbirthandnationality/2020 @Bluespunk the reason I mentioned it was that I was anticipating the usual EU bashing about it.. And there was no mention of country heritage.
  2. And if one excludes Irish immigrants for obvious reasons, not so much caused by EU nationals. The largest share of immigrants has been from former British colonies, in particular India and Pakistan.
  3. According to this article there is a UK law which may be used, but It's not what the Geneva Convention says. There is also a jurisprudence against it, if I understand well, as also cited in the article. So, at least according to international law, they have no obligation to apply in France. As the article states: "OUR VERDICT Incorrect. The UN Refugee Convention does not make this requirement of refugees, and UK case law supports this interpretation. Refugees can legitimately make a claim for asylum in the UK after passing through other “safe” countries."
  4. Up to my knowledge, there is no such obligation, Do you have a source confirming your assertion? (I mean a law analysis, not a politician's statement).
  5. Easy to find with Google search https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/cbp-8049/ If UK leaves the Council of Europe and the convention, you lose an extra level of appeal.
  6. They have no idea about what the ECHR is doing, I.e. they don't know that most cases related to UK were about defending UK citizen against abuses by the administration (I.e. by the bureaucrats and technocrats Brexiters tend to hate). They just a Pavlovian reaction whenever they see the word "European".
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