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Everything posted by candide

  1. Do you mean that the FBI planted a napkin? That would be quite stupid from them. Oops! I forgot! The "planted" campaign, that was yesterday! Today it's the "napkin" campaign. ????
  2. Donald reading documents! ???? Can't you find a more plausible argument?
  3. So the FBI planted declassified documents? Not very smart from them.
  4. I am confused. I thought documents had been planted. So now they are declassified? ????
  5. Trump's Save America PAC sent out a fundraising email Tuesday morning in which Trump urged supporters to "rush in a donation IMMEDIATELY to publicly stand with me against this NEVERENDING WITCH HUNT." ???? https://abcnews.go.com/US/trump-allies-raising-funds-off-fbis-raid-mar/story?id=88209632
  6. You won the prize! ????
  7. It seems you have answered yourself the question: "how often the FBI lied and mislead the FISA court to illegally spy on Trump campaign.". One time! ????
  8. Garland said the Justice Department filed a motion requesting the Trump warrant and property receipt be unsealed. So the court will decide. It seems that the DOJ wants to make sure it does everything by the book. Those who were expecting anything else will likely be disappointed.......
  9. As expected, it seems you have adopted the new mantra. Before it was " Trump never said it", now It's "maybe he has good reasons for suggesting it. .
  10. Trumps lawyer said they seized boxes.
  11. Who has planted anything on Trump before?
  12. The right analogy would be that there's no reason to believe a known drug dealer when he claims that the police has planted drug on him.
  13. Ok, then why did Trump say it (carefully worded in order to avoid being sued for defamation)? Did he just say it randomly? Or was it to spread the idea that evidence may have been planted?
  14. Hardly a supporter of Trump? ???? He assisted Trump during his impeachment trial. BTW, he was also part of the team which negotiated the infamous Epstein agreement under a GOP administration. ????
  15. Others have already replied about growth and unemployment: continuation Obama's trends and more debt. Inflation was low worldwide just as it is currently high worldwide. So-called "peace deals" were not peace deals, as these countries were not at war and their relations were not even antagonistic.
  16. Which hypocrisy and double standards? Biden has been investigated by a GOP Senate Committee and they found nothing. An investigation has been launched by Barr and it has not been hindered by Joe. Same for the Durham investigation: not halted by Biden. Additionally Trump can thank Comey for diffusing information about zHillary's emails right before elections.
  17. Fact: Trump illegally removed, kept (and maybe destroyed) confidential WH documents in his home. Opinion: nothing to hide, nothing to fear! ????
  18. Talking about conspiracy theories, lol! ???? The IG found the FBI did not display any political bias when initiating the investigation of Trump and the Russian government. The Durham investigation did not prove the opposite, despite the time and money wasted. On top of it, knowing that it will likely be investigated by the GOP, one can be sure that the FBI (led by a Trump appointee) did everything by the book.
  19. By curiosity, what do you think Trump did was bad, and good?
  20. An interesting question raised in the article: do current models still represent the current structure and behaviour of markets.
  21. So what? Republicans are lying all the time. Dems can lie a bit too! ???? The truth is that no government (not only in the U.S.) can significantly reduce inflation on short-term under current global economic conditions. Increasing interest rate may have an impact but it's out of the scope of government's responsibilities. On this subject the GOP is also lying, when it claims it would be able to reduce Inflation. Anyway, no budget deficit increase as Hanaguma claimed, and no Inflation increase as you claimed. To the extent the Wharton's model can be trusted, of course.
  22. I personnaly never claimed it would reduce inflation. It's you who claimed it would increase inflation.
  23. Well, Wharton School of Business, cited by Hanaguma (in a post you liked), desagrees with it and considers the impact on inflation will be statistically indistinguishable from zero,
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