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Posts posted by candide

  1. 2 hours ago, xofswen said:

    US is on pace for less annual deaths in 2020 than covid free 2019. Unlikely the CCP virus killed 200K + in the US, which is now a contentious issue for political and economic interests and reasons and questioned by many for it's veracity. The high death rates are becoming very unconvincing now.

    2017 Total Deaths US: 2,813,503 (234,000/month)

    2018 Total Deaths US: 2,839,205 (237,000/month)

    2019 Total Deaths US: 2,855,000 (238,000/month)

    2020 Total Deaths US (jan - week 9/26): 2,130,000 (236,000/month)


    2,130,000 + (236,000/month x 3) [Oct, Nov, Dec]
    [assumption based on monthly avg]
    = 2,838,000

    2020: 2,838,000 [3-month assumption insert]

    2019: 2,855,000

    2018: 2,839,000

    2017: 2,814,000

    Cuomo NY-Gov policies blamed for 1000's of deaths.



    Your calculation is flawed.


    To start with, a high number if excess deaths from all causes has already been recorded:

    "the US suffered some 260,000 more deaths than the five-year average between 1 March and 16 August, compared to 169,000 confirmed COVID-19 deaths during that period."



    Then your calculation is flawed for the following reasons:

    - you calculate the average number of deaths from the three first quarters. However, covid-19 deaths only became significant from April. By doing so you lower the number of expected deaths.

    - even without Covid-19, death numbers are higher at the end of the year (in 2019: around 239,000 in October and November, 256,000 in December). Your average is already lower than pre-covid numbers last year.

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  2. 8 hours ago, TopDeadSenter said:

    End of the day, the voters seem more than happy with the results of the last 4 years. Now while I am convinced there is some way to spin that a higher rating is a bad thing, I will take it at face value. One possible reason for such a disconnect with Biden/Trump polls could be the question is not "risky" to answer in the same way that a direct "do you support Trump" question could be?


    "More American voters believe they are better off after four years under President Donald Trump than they did at the end of the first terms of former presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush, new polling data has revealed.

    The latest survey from Gallup found that a clear majority of registered voters (56 percent) believed they were better off now compared to four years ago."


    The explanation may be in your article:

    "But Americans were also more likely to feel that Biden had presidential qualities lacking in Trump. Forty-nine percent said that the former vice president had presidential traits, while only 44 percent said the same of Trump."

  3. 40 minutes ago, Susco said:

    If you look at the video I posted in #83, anyone can see that he has breathing issues, at some points even to the extent that he is gasping for air.


    Also seen articles where medical experts said he was using his neck muscles to breath.


    And that person dares to claim that he feels better than ever in the past 20 years?



    Let's see when he comes down from a high after finishing his treatment....

  4. 4 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

    He appears to be going off the deep end.


    Not sure if it's the drugs or just a rapid progression of his frontotemporal dementia, but those rants on fox business and hannity were the ravings of a crazy man. He could have been screaming "Get of my lawn" and he would have come across as more "normal".


    I am shocked that enablers like bartiromo and hannity, and his children let him make such a fool of himself. And that green-screen proof of life video was insane.


    I think everyone knew he'd flame out, but who knew it be this startling?


    On the plus side, he is a perfect physical specimen.







    Next time he will be taken by men in white, it won't be because of Covid-19! ????

    • Like 2
  5. 26 minutes ago, johnnybangkok said:

    'In a scathing opinion in March, U.S. District Judge Reggie Walton, a George W. Bush appointee, also ordered the Justice Department to turn over an unredacted version of the document for his review in private.'    https://www.courthousenews.com/justice-department-release-less-redacted-mueller-report/




    Trump is just trying to get ahead of what he was going to be ordered to do any day now. 

    And add the Clinton emails which nobody is asking him to release.

  6. 2 hours ago, Opl said:

    Still sick Trump on steroids - about Biden - 

    "Donald J. Trump

    He’s been a wacko for years, and everyone knows it. The Lamestream Media is stuck with him and they are just now trying to clean up his act. Notice how all of the bad things, like his very low IQ, are no longer reported? Fake News! #MAGA
    "President Donald Trump has tweeted or retweeted content more than 40 times this morning, much of it propagating conspiracy theories about the Obama administration and the Russia investigation."
    Where are the men in white?

    His tweeter account is always good to watch for fun! On top of it, it's a good predictor of what will be soon posted on this forum. ????

    • Like 2
  7. 1 hour ago, RoadWarrior371 said:

    Ok, let's play your blame game for a moment.  What do you propose that Trump could have done, and when, to save how many more lives? Or are you just assigning blame based on political bias?  C'mon.



    Plenty of answers in previous posts, I.e. by Heybruce. The problem is that he did nothing in anticipation, unlike SK or Germany, just to name a few examples.

    Apparently, you seem to think that Trumps response has been adequate. So what did he do that has been an efficient and timely response?

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, snoop1130 said:

    The world's second-biggest cinema chain said the reluctance of studios to push ahead with major releases such as the new James Bond film had left it no choice but to close all 536 Regal theatres in the U.S. and its 127 Cineworld and Picturehouse theatres in the UK from Oct. 8.

    Interesting to see how the movie industry is self destroying. By not releasing new films they cause their traditional distribution channels to bankrupt. When they eventually release them, there will be nearly no movie theaters any more, and they will be further squeezed by Netflix and Amazon.

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