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Posts posted by candide

  1. 2 hours ago, steelepulse said:

    It would be interesting to know how many people that didn't get necessary cancer treatments will die within the next year or two that could have been prevented.  It will be good to know if the number of additional suicides is taken into consideration, or swept under the rug.  How deaths by despair.  Deaths by cardiac events at home and not being able to go to hospital.  The list goes on and on of extra deaths due to the draconian measures imposed.

    It takes about two years to get the results of the analysis of deaths/cause from the CDC. We'll get them in December 2022. 

    For the time being, we can only assume that they are part of the 25% of excess deaths which are not counted as covid-19 deaths yet.

  2. I saw a lot of discussion in this thread about whether the guy was right or not to post negative comments.

    I think this case also raises a more general issue.

    Will it (the fact that the guy was right or not) really play a significant role in the conviction decision? In other words: if someone is posting negative comments which are completely accurate and justified, can he be convicted for that?

    I am afraid the answer to this latter question may well be positive.

  3. 2 hours ago, nkg said:


    This seems to me like a clever move from Biden. Most of the votes are set in stone - if you love or hate Trump, nothing is going to change your mind.


    The minority of voters who haven't decided will react well to Biden taking the moral high ground. Attacking a hospitalized Trump would be a grave tactical error that could create sympathy for Trump.

    Exactly, it's not showing weakness, it's being smart.

    • Like 1
  4. 3 hours ago, Opl said:

    the impossible mission is to control what parents at home tell to their children - most of newcomers know nothing about France and are not interested - if not opposed- they have a unique guide -  no need for imams, it's hopeless. 

    I am not sure the home channel is that significant. For example, most terrorists, as well as people who joined ISIS, have been brainwashed outside their familly. Actually, one of their main common characteristics was their poor initial knowledge of the Muslim religion.

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  5. 17 hours ago, Isaan sailor said:

    First debate didn’t change anyone’s mind, I bet...


    17 hours ago, candide said:

    For once, we agree. I expect today's poll figures to be in the same range as the days before.

    As expected, no significant change in public opinion. Numbers are similar to previous days, across several polls. Only Rassmussen poll, which used to show better numbers for Trump than the other polls, is now similar to the others.


    • Thanks 2
  6. 8 hours ago, Tippaporn said:

    Chomper, you have zero excuse for claiming to have zero information regarding the extensive and damning evidence in favour of Flynn's case.  You were around when I was posting very heavily on a Flynn thread in April/May of this year in which I was linking to so much of this evidence as it was being released.  All of the documented information that has come out - note: documented - has proven that 1) Flynn committed no crime, 2) had threats against his son made by the prosecutors, and 3) was ill advised by the law firm representing him (for which Eric Holder worked).  You should know all of this by now.


    When all is said and done Barr will go down as one of the greatest AGs in U.S. history.

    I remember you were quite convincing. Then more information surfaced, including this one:


  7. 5 hours ago, Damual Travesty said:

    I don't trust the NY times. Let's revisit this story in a couple weeks and see if they apologize - again!

    It seems to be difficult to find a common ground about various Trump supporters' arguments. Some argue that it may be fake, and some argue that the NYT should indicted for leaking confidential information.


    Some are even using both arguments, lol! (Not you, I checked ????). Well, same as Trump! ????

    • Like 2
  8. 50 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


    Did Hunter Biden receive $3.5 million from a Russian oligarch? For what exactly? 


    Was Joe Biden well aware of Hunter's Ukraine business interests, at a time he was responsible for American policy in the Ukraine? If so, did he lie about not knowing it? Do State Department released documents exist that show Biden snr was briefed about concerns of conflicts of interest? Did Obama know?


    Or is it all fake news?

    As mentioned before by other posters, all the available information has been published in Johnson's report and widely commented in media. Interestingly enough, it's the Dems who are calling for more transparency and more information to be released...

    "Democrats raised concerns that Johnson would not honor a recent committee vote to release all of the witness interview transcripts alongside the report, except for in cases where classified information might be revealed. Johnson’s staff did not immediately release full transcripts on Wednesday, only quoting from witness testirmony in the report, often without full context."



    Hunter is not protected by any immunity and can be investigated as any citizen. In case there would be enough evidence to properly predicate an investigation, Barr could have easily started one.

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