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Posts posted by candide

  1. 46 minutes ago, Logosone said:


    You have absolutely hit the nail on the head, this medical crisis will pass. Eventually a vaccine will be found. However, the true financial implications of this virus are still to come and will be with us long after the virus is vanquished.


    We are already seeing German trade unions clamouring for additional hand outs for employees and the German governments at local and national level look to be ready to bend over and give the panicked electorate whatever it wants. So we can see an increase in debt for Germany, granted not to the obscene levels of the UK, but the virus will have a similar effect on borrowing for Germany.


    The real crunch time will be if there is any real issue with the financial system, as a result of multiple large company failures. If people start withdrawing their money from banks in a bank run to save their cash it could be real bad.


    But then Germany overcame hour zero in 1945, so this should be a cake walk.

    Apparently, corporate debts is likely to become the key issue. As concerns Germany, they have a very specific banking system which may help protect the economy, at least partly.

  2. 22 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    This below was the history and projections BEFORE the coronavirus, Trump's $1 billion bailout plan, and the likely coming recession came along:







    From Feb. 2019:






    Exactly. It is advised to follow counter-cyclical policies. Trump stupidly followed a pro-cyclical policy. On top of unnecessarily increasing debts, it creates speculative bulbs that burst at first occasion.

    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, URMySunshine said:

    Quote from the article in the Guardian ????

    "On 10 March Sean Hannity, Fox News’ most-watched host and a personal friend to Trump, accused the left of creating “hysteria”. He attempted to downplay Covid-19 by comparing it to the flu, and also suggested the Democratic frontrunner, Joe Biden, was using it as an excuse to cancel rallies.

    Hannity’s outlook had changed by last Friday.

    “This virus is serious,” Hannity said. “We’ve been telling you that from day one. We need to take the flu seriously. We need to take cancer seriously, this virus seriously. Of course, we all need to prepare accordingly.”"

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  4. 2 hours ago, gamesgplayemail said:


    I was thinking that only Thai could not understand the real problem with this virus ? but it seems that foreigners also need to learn...


    This virus is not a problem for 90% people, but for 10% it can lead to death.


    The problem is not to treat the symptoms as we just need respiratory help, the problem is that in a country like Thailand 200000 people could need some respiratory help when only 10000+ machines are available in hospitals...


    So the only problem is that if too many people will need ICU at the same time, hospitals cannot treat them because not enough beds.


    Nothing else to think about or understand.





    Exactly, It's a demand/capacity management issue which is similar to the one service companies such as airlines usually experience. Except that one cannot increase prices at peak time to divert demand.

    The virus is unstoppable. The objective of the current decisions is flatten the demand curve in order to reduce the gap with the current health system capacity.

    • Like 1
  5. 15 hours ago, candide said:

    There is a clear trend in daily polls since respondents became aware that Trump was talking B.S., even in polls such as Rassmussen which usually shows a pro-Trump bias.




    Same trend on March 17th

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Crazy Alex said:

    Oh no you don't! How an investigation started is ALWAYS relevant. I know that having relied on some phony *whistleblower*, you liberals want to pretend it doesn't matter. But it does. The spirit, if not the letter of the law in American justice dictates a legitimate reason to begin an investigation. If it turns out Russia was just an excuse to go after Flynn, that would leave a lot of rotten fruit to get thrown out. And of course there is going to be back tracking about why Flynn was questioned about Russia. That's why the documents are relevant. And that's also likely why they *disappeared*.

    Nice try. If, if, if....


    How does the rather long article you linked support your claim? Could you please quote what supports your claim in this article? What supports your claim that (1) the missing documents are related to the way the investigation into Flynn was predicated and that (2), as they cannot be produced, the investigation would not be properly predicated?

  7. 4 hours ago, Brian Allen said:

    .... Mueller's "investigation" detailed Moscow's interference in the 2016 U.S. election "to boost President Trump's candidacy," as well as "numerous contacts between Trump's campaign and Russia" ....


    What utter rubbish. Despite that it knew what it would "find" even before it began its attempt to procure President Trump's malicious prosecution, Mueller's Mob spent two years and more than Forty-Five-Million Dollars to come up with ZERO crimes involving the corruptly-criminally concocted allegations against candidate and then President Trump. Mueller's Mob was part of the "democrats'" Deep State's attempted coup. An effort to reverse the results of the 2016 election and to deny We, The (Sovereign, American,) People our right to elect the government of our choice. 


    As for Mr Flynn's hounding, blackmailing, standing-over and shaking-down and false prosecution, it's important to note that then General Flynn was employed for YEARS by the Obama Mob -- and, before being fired by it, 45 days peripheral to Mr Trump's crew.

    Complete B.S. conspiracy theory.

  8. 22 minutes ago, Crazy Alex said:


    I gotta say, you almost had me! I did some reading up on this case to refresh my memory. The FBI's investigation into Flynn started with questioning Flynn on his dealings with Russia. So yes, those documents are absolutely relevant. Fruit of the poisonous tree. That was slick. I'm gonna have to keep a closer eye on you.  ????





    Where is it written in this article that Flynn is currently accused of being a Russian agent?

    "The government has not alleged in any filings in this court or before the court that the defendant is an agent of Russia. That is not part of this case. That is not part of the act that he has pled guilty to. It was lying to the FBI about particular communications involving Russia, not being an agent of Russia," prosecutor Brandon Van Grack said.



  9. 1 minute ago, Crazy Alex said:

    Thanks for the link. I have read it. So prosecutors held back what can be perceived as an irrelevant document. OK, so what else did they hold back?


    Also, the fact that the judge has held back sentencing indefinitely clearly casts doubt on the narrative. While we don't know for sure whose narrative, I suspect it's the government's version. In the end, I will respect the judge's decision.

    You are free to speculate as much as you want.


    It is not unbelievable that investigators may sometimes be negligent with documents that do not relate to the actual charges.


    Fact is that the lost documents were not relevant and could not clear him. Trump's fake news once more.

    By the way, more details on Fox News website.


  10. 21 minutes ago, candide said:

    As usual, when it comes from Trump's mouth, It's fake news. The lost documents could not clear him because they are not about what he is accused of.

    "In September, Flynn's lawyers said the prosecution was unable to produce an internal Justice Department memo clearing Flynn of being a Russian agent.

    A government lawyer on the case, however, declared the claims irrelevant, stating Flynn was not accused of being a Russian agent."



    1 minute ago, Crazy Alex said:

    None of that makes *losing* relevant and likely critical case documents. This is the United States of America, not some third world, sh1thole country banana republic.

    Just in case you did not read my post.

    • Thanks 1
  11. 17 minutes ago, Mulambana said:

    Europe, USA, UK none of them are reporting all. Infection rate is 10-20 times more than what is reported. Are you kidding me? With a open border, they are able to contain it waving a migic wand of Merlin? I do beleive India's number because they have closed all borders early in March and put a complete travel ban, inclduing for permanent Indian residents. Only citizens are allowed in. That's the only way to contain it. No other means can contain it. Thailand should immediately close its borders and put a complete travel ban for UK, Europe, and USA if they want it not to get out of control. 

    It's too late for Thailand. They already let in too many Chinese, Koreans, etc...

  12. 37 minutes ago, Crazy Alex said:

    Actually, the truth coming out is the issue at hand. The federal government *losing* case documents is problematic, assuming one supports an open justice system over Soviet-style show trials and gulag justice. Which side of the coin are YOU on?

    As usual, when it comes from Trump's mouth, It's fake news. The lost documents could not clear him because they are not about what he is accused of.

    "In September, Flynn's lawyers said the prosecution was unable to produce an internal Justice Department memo clearing Flynn of being a Russian agent.

    A government lawyer on the case, however, declared the claims irrelevant, stating Flynn was not accused of being a Russian agent."


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