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Posts posted by candide

  1. 2 minutes ago, Pattaya Spotter said:

    Again...do you know the difference between civil and criminal charges? Any businessman of Trumps stature is likely going to be involved in numerous civil actions, brought by both private and public plaintiffs, on all sorts of matters. However, criminal charges are an entirely different and more serious matter...again for which the President has NEVER been charged (despite how much some people may wish he was); because there has to be actual evidence of a crime and not just wild speculation in the media and online that crimes have occured.


    Let's just call him 'dishonest' instead of 'criminal', for now.

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  2. It is highly farsical to see Trumpers (for whom China is a key target) now praising Snowden, after he leaked how the US was spying China. As a result, China removed Cisco equipment from its network, thus depriving the US from valuable intelligence. It also had a negative impact on the US IT industry.




    On top of it, Snowden provided valuable intelligence information to China (and also to Russia).




    It's not surprising that Snowden has been initially protected by both China and Russia...... And now by Trump?



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  3. 1 hour ago, shdmn said:

    Funny how these "hey look over there, see those dirty illegal immigrants commin to take yer jaabs" stories always come out when there are negative Brexit stories bubbling up into the main stream.

    It's even more funny to know that UK law directly derives from having signed the Geneva convention as a country (not as EU member State). On top of it, after leaving the EU, it will likely not benefit any more from the Dublin regulation and will not have the right to send back refugees to the country of entry into the EU.

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  4. 6 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


    You typify the sentiments and judgments of most, if not all, left wing sympathizers.


    When Cohen was working for Trump the left pilloried him - lying, untrustworthy, can't believe anything he says.


    Now he's trying to make money by "revealing" stories, he's suddenly Mr. Honest whose words can be trusted.


    Left wing of politics - double standards, hypocrisy, u-turns and do as we say not as we do, in abundance.

    No, no! We all know he's a crook! He was a close Trump's associate, so it leaves no doubt about it.

    So it's a crook's word against another crook's word.

    Ok, let's be honest and assume that the odds that he may tell the truth are only 50%. ????

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  5. 2 hours ago, OZinPattaya said:


    Common ground with the CCP. Good luck with that. That does seem to be the strategy of Britain and Europe: To cherish a false and utterly deluded hope of "compromising" with the CCP while secretly, and in most cowardly fashion, depending on the might of America to rescue the Western world as Britain and Europe do absolutely nothing in the meantime, besides cower behind their "woke" and globalist sentimentality.


    Countries like Poland REMEMBER what it was like to live under a communist, far-left regime, so it should come as no surprise that they are reluctant to embrace all this sanguine multiculturalist rigmarole. No surprise that they should cherish their independence and their sovereignty. If that makes them "proto-dictatorships"--a typical example of leftist hyperbole--then more power to 'em!




    When you have no rational argument, you distort other people's words. Pathetic.

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