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Posts posted by candide

  1. 19 minutes ago, Loiner said:

    No, but Europhiles within successive governments have done. Lying Tony Blair and socialists were only too pleased to nurture generations of a benefit-reliant populace. Closet socialists like Cameron were too. 

    Eastern Europeans replaced those UK worker national resources with imported wage slaves, all in support of their precious EU Freedom of Movement principles. 

    It was win - win for them, two sectors of society who would usually be Labour supporters. And they could rub the real conservatives’ noses in it. 

    The cream on top for the metropolitans came with cheaper and compliant home help, tradesmen, and staff for their businesses. 

    Well that’s all over now. 

    I am confused. Didn't BoJo announce an increase in benefits?


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  2. 3 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

    Sounds glorious ????.


    I'll stick with Freedom of Speech thanks. You can let the media, human rights organizations, European MP's, the EU commission and the European Court of Human Rights decide what you can and cannot say. 

    In most democratic countries, there is already a regulation against hate speech. The EU regulation will not change much about it.


    The issue here is not so much about regulating hate speech, It's more about holding Facebook responsible or not. In clear: when hate speech regulations are enfreigned, should Facebook be held responsible, or only the author (poster) of the speech?

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  3. 3 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

    Trump is attempting to Putinize the American judicial system, and make it far closer to a King's Bench system, or an imperial system. Or even worse, and naked theft of law and order, as already accomplished by King Vlad. Barr is an accessory to that, and does not deserve his position. He is an impostor. One can only hope he is pressured into resigning. But, that would be the right thing to do, and you can never count on Bill Barr to do the right thing. It is just not who he has been, since his conversion as a full fledged devotee of the false master. 

    If Barr resigns, the next one will be similar or worse. At least, Barr is smart enough to avoid bearing any significant risk just to please Trump.

  4. 40 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

    So what? He did not forbid any 'leave' referendum anywhere, right?

    Austria could have done it, if it had wished so.


    On top of it, the topic is outmoded. There has been only a short-lived surge of interest for leaving around the time of the Brexit referendum (Austria, Brexit, etc...). Juncker's comments would be irrelevant now.

    • Like 1
  5. 55 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    Yes, thats correct .

    I do believe that there was a massacre in Africa last week and theres been atrocities in Yemen , Rohinga been massacred in Myanmar .

      Lets all ignore that and try to get Israel prosecuted on Trumped up charges .

    So, yes, can be classed as antisemitism when you only focus on a Jewish state  and unconcerned  about anywhere else 

      Do spare me the usual *I am concerned about other Countries  as well*

    Except that what your assumptions are not true as concerns the ICC, despite obvious limitations to its scope of jurisdiction.

    ICC judges authorise opening of an investigation into the situation in Bangladesh/Myanmar


    It can be also noticed that a lot of cases so far were about Africa and involved Muslim perpetrators.


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