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Posts posted by candide

  1. 58 minutes ago, MajarTheLion said:

    Police officers are trained to aim for center mass for practical reasons. First off, aiming for center mass allows the most error while still hitting the suspect. Second, hitting the suspect means hitting someone else, perhaps an innocent bystander, is far less likely.

    Now, do you have any evidence to support your claim that the officers involved went against their training to aim for center mass and instead were shooting to maim with intent to kill? Yes or no?

    At point blank range, really? 

    • Like 1
  2. 5 minutes ago, MajarTheLion said:

    For example, both Biden and Pelosi only had whining about xenophobia and racism to offer after Trump restricted travel from China

    No. That's only what Trump said

    They did call him racist etc.... because of the second so-called Muslim ban. The rest of your post is at the same level of accuracy, so it's not worth losing more time with it.

    "The Trump Administration’s expansion of its outrageous, un-American travel ban threatens our security, our values and the rule of law. The sweeping rule, barring more than 350 million individuals from predominantly African nations from traveling to the United States, is discrimination disguised as policy,” Pelosi said in a statement."



    Now in case you intend to find a statement by either Biden or Pelosi calling Trump a racist and mentioning the CHINA travel ban, I wish you good luck! ????


    • Thanks 2
  3. 1 hour ago, Thunder26 said:

    Russia is ready to vaccinate their population at the moment. I don't know what WHO is thinking? India has already ordered large amount of vaccine from Russia.

    "Widesprayed" means widespread, not only being available in a few countries.

    On top of it, other countries may not accept to bypass the usual health controls as Russia did.

    It's easy to give an emergency authorisation for a relatively untested drug such as remdesevir, because it concerns a limited number of people, who may not have any alternative treatment available.

    Vaccines are inoculated to a large number of people, so it something goes wrong, it will go wrong at a large scale. That's why health organisations are so cautious with vaccines.

    • Like 2
  4. 1 hour ago, oldhippy said:


    So, to summarise:


    England and Wales have lost control over 55% of their fishing rights, since they sold them.

    The only way to harass EU fishermen, would be to equally harass their own fishermen, by reducing the quota for all fishermen, including those who overwhelmingly voted for brexit.


    The other 45% is open for negociations, for give and take, unless there is No Deal.


    Maybe the English and Welsh fishermen who voted for Brexit were too busy reading stuff about the NHS on red busses, to realise all this.



    It's not what I understand. I am not 100 % sure because I never found any text explaining it clearly.

    My understanding is the following (it's probably a bit more complex).

    The EU defines a quota for each species. Then each country gets a quota for these species, mainly according to historical data.

    Then each country is free to manage fishing rights in the way it wants, according to its own laws. UK has chosen to allow the traditional owners of fishing rights to sell them to other companies, British or foreign. So now foreign companies own 55% of England and Wales fishing rights. That's only for the UK national quota. That's not likely to change after Brexit.


    However, as fishes often migrate and don't respect borders, and also because of historical traditions, a national quota can be caught in another country's zone. For example, part of the quota allocated to France is caught in the British zone. That's what is at stake after Brexit: all what is fished in the British zone, but is currently not part of the UK quota.

  5. 1 hour ago, nauseus said:

    Quotas are not rights. This seems to be an ongoing point of confusion.

    Agree. In case of no agreement, there will be two different issues:

    - the fishing rights inside the current UK quota. They have been sold according to UK property rights law and should not be changed, whoever is the owner, unless by paying a fair compensation. Same as when you own a property: the State can seize it, but needs to pay.

    - the current foreign quotas that are actually caught inside the UK zone. From next year, UK will be able to manage it in any way it wants. UK will also have the right to increase or reduce quotas in its zone.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 10 minutes ago, John Drake said:

    Conspiracy theory, eh? Might want to read the second paragraph of the seattle newspaper. It was the feds, not the locals and the "extreme-right." Stop making up stuff.  "The officials said the suspect, Michael Forest Reinoehl, 48, was killed during the encounter in Lacey, Washington, southwest of Seattle, when a federal fugitive task force moved to apprehend him."

    Oooops! I did not pay attention to it!

    • Sad 1
  7. 13 minutes ago, Kelsall said:

    He was an admitted member of a terrorist organization Antifa and an admitted killer. Details are sketchy but I wonder if Trump ordered the hit. 

    It's strange. The guy openly confessed his crime and had no reason to be surprised by a visit. Either he was executed, or he wanted to die during a glorious fight. 

    If executed, I don't think Trump ordered the hit. I would rather bet on the local police's friendly relations with extreme-right groups.

    • Haha 2
  8. 1 hour ago, Kelsall said:

    The article gives some info about what happened that night.


    "The man who captured video of the shooting, Justin Dunlap, said it appeared that Danielson reached to his hip.

    “He pulled from his side, just like he was pulling a gun,” Dunlap said.

    But in other video shot during the encounter, someone can be heard flagging that Danielson was pulling out a can of mace. “He’s Macing you, he’s pulling it out,” the person warned.

    It appeared from the video that Danielson sprayed mace just as two gunshots could be heard, and Danielson went down."

  9. 2 hours ago, Logosone said:

    I got news for you.


    Everyone discriminates. Let that dissolve and sink in.


    Even wonderful black lives matter people discriminate against whom they do not like. Gays and lesbians discriminate. Old people discriminate. Young people discriminate. Feminists discriminate. It's a fact of life. Everyone does it. People best get used to it because it will never disappear.


    And people like BLM and Lewis Hamilton are only using the discrimination card to gain attention and moral high ground for themselves. It's a non-issue, unless you decide to make a big deal about it. Personally I wouldn't burn a city down because some German guy got whacked by police. But hey, you can support the lunatics if you want. Don't claim to have any moral high ground though. You don't. And neither does Hamilton as he pontificates about lack of privilege in his 28 room mansion.



    The historical context should not be ignored. The Civil Rights Act was voted only in 1964 and racism did not stop after that. It's not that long ago.

    On the one hand, racism is still noticeable in the US, in particular in the social and geographical strata where police officers have been recruited.

    On the other hand, it is quite understandable that black people may be oversensitive due the historical and current context.

    It's quite different from your false equivalence about German people.

    • Haha 1
  10. 5 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

    The original article from foxnews is better:

    "Democrat Joe Biden is ahead in three key states that President Donald Trump won in 2016, according to new Fox News statewide surveys of Arizona, North Carolina, and Wisconsin." 



    Actually, this brand new article is not even mentioned on the first page of fox news website. I wonder why...... ????

    • Thanks 2
  11. 8 hours ago, Tippaporn said:

    Folks, this is too funny.  Couldn't happen to a nicer tool.  This guy is about as sharp as a ball bearing.


    The Federalist - Portland Protestors Occupy Mayor Ted Wheeler’s Apartment Building Demanding His Resignation


    A group of activist protesters organized a sit-in at Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler’s apartment building on Friday, demanding that he “reduce the Portland Police Bureau budget, commit to never voting for police budget increases again, and resign.”

    The demand letter also commands Wheeler, who it labels as a “true embodiment of white supremacy” to “complete abolition of the Portland Police Bureau by 2022, with no private or technological replacement” and redirect the money from the PPB into social programs.


    And Ted's closing statement in his letter to Trump:


    In Portland, we are focused on coming together as a community to solve the serious challenges we face due to systemic racism, a global pandemic and an economic recession.


    When do the Feds roll in?


    So it does not confirm previous Trumpers' claims that he was a dangerous leftist supporting rioters. Thanks for outlining it! ????

    • Confused 1
  12. This investigation claim is ridiculous:

    - in case they had prohibited items on them, they would not have been allowed to board with them,

    - in case they had an inconvenient behaviour on board (i.e. harassing other passengers), they would have been arrested after landing,

    - in case they were just travelling together to a protest, There's nothing illegal about it, so no ground for an investigation.

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