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Posts posted by candide

  1. 4 hours ago, Isaan sailor said:

    C’mon, man.  Only 88 days of violence, before Biden recognizes it.  And we all know why he waited.  Antifa and BLM, as well as CCP, have been key supporters all along.

    Sure! ????

    May 31, 2020 - 1:15 AM


    "Protesting such brutality is right and necessary. It’s an utterly American response. But burning down communities and needless destruction is not. Violence that endangers lives is not. Violence that guts and shutters businesses that serve the community is not," 


    • Thanks 2
  2. 1 hour ago, GinBoy2 said:

    This is where I can't get my head around the data.


    So what makes one country's case/fatality rate higher than another?


    From my previous post I just can't get my head around why there is such a wide distribution in case/fatalities.


    I thought maybe if you took the top few, UK, Italy, Belgium, France and The Netherlands it could possibly be attributed to a generally older population, but then you get Mexico!


    Now again many variables. Mexico has a generally younger population but with an awful health care system.


    So how to normalize all this is a mystery to me

    I just replied about Trump says the increase in cases is due only to more testing.

    About the more general issue you address, it seems to be quite complex, I agree.

    My modest understanding is that at least two variables are very relevant to moderate comparison of raw figures between countries:

    - the time of the first significant outburst. Not all countries started at the same time, I.e. US later than Italy

    - density of population, I.e. UK density higher than US, N.Y. density higher than Texas

  3. 2 hours ago, GinBoy2 said:

    This is where, as much as I hate myself for saying this, I actually agree with Trump on the issue of how much testing does the US do, compared to other countries.


    You can play with the tool from John Hopkins, but for example;


    The UK does 128 per 100K population daily tests

    The US does 139 per 100K population daily tests.


    And tellingly France does 17 per 100K population daily tests!


    So the idea that the number of tests is what drives the numbers in my previous post just doesn't jive.


    The chart was updated Aug 29th, so this is the latest data.



    One should not believe anything Trump said.

    The % of positive tests has increased since the beginning of July. The growth rate of cases has been higher than the growth rate of tests.


  4. 12 hours ago, chilli42 said:

    I would not trust the WHO leadership to cut my lawn.  Why would any government put their fate in the hands of these by buffoons?

    Because the WHO leadership (executive board) is composed of senior executives actually employed by its member states (so on their respective payroll). You know, by countries like UK, Germany, Korea, Australia, etc.. (and the US before Trump's withdrawal).



  5. 6 hours ago, rcummings said:

    It does seem that the resurgence of Covid infections in Europe so far has not resulted in many fatalities even taking into account lag time. Would that were the case in the USA where Donald Trump and company pushed for reopening way too early.

    One of the main reason being that mainly young people are infected. There's still a risk they may then infect older people.

  6. 32 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    Baby faced and shooting a rifle...


    How the police who came into close contact with him prior to the shootings could not have recognized or at least questioned that he's a juvie is hard to fathom... Or maybe they did recognize, and just didn't care.


    Now, if he had been a BLACK teenager with a rifle out amid the chaos, somehow I'm wondering if the local cops would have been passing out water bottles, or perhaps doing something else...

    Right! And how his parents could allow that is beyond me.


    "Mum, I'm going to the protest with my rifle!"

    "Ok, have a glass of milk first! And don't forget to take extra ammunition, you airhead!"

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Berkshire said:

    55555....what a fantasy.  If Trump is reelected, i.e., he'll no longer worry about being reelected, Trump will be laser focused on lining his pockets, helping out his buddies (coal barons and dictators alike), going after his (perceived) enemies, and stuffing the DOJ with people who will ensure that he never sees a jail cell for his years of criminality.  He'll spend most of his time on Trump properties golfing.  He won't give a hoot about what goes on in the cities....not his problem. 

    Isn't it mostly what he's already been doing?

    • Haha 2
  8. 1 hour ago, scammed said:

    he was particularly bad, because he had the majority to balance budget,

    but instead he went in the opposite direction and wasted tax money on 'green alternatives' through subsidies, and didnt even try to balance budget.

    the rest at least to a degree can be excused for being blocked left and right,

    but obama had a unique opportunity through popularity to get anywhere

    Obama applied an anticyclical economic policy in order to recover from the crisis. That's considered as sound economic policy.

    During his second term, he started to reduce the deficit.

    Instead of going on, Trump increased budget deficit again, during a period of natural growth, thus applying a procyclical policy. Pre-covid, he actually increased debts more than Obama during his first term.

  9. 11 hours ago, LomSak27 said:

    All things come to an end. I did however sell some more on my Mutual Fund this week in fact. Don''t get caught when the music is over.


    The Republican Convention was trying, desperately, to frame Trump as a American (middle class) savior, & its media outlet FOX was slamming into overdrive to pump that message out. Everything was looking good. Then another police shooting and resulting protests. Can it get any worse?!


    Yes, yes it can. A Hurricane is bearing down on the Texas/Louisiana coast that has a record breaking storm surge. Meanwhile the wuhan virus lurks and some Unis who did open are now in backlash, paralysis and likely legal trouble, heh (Go Tide!)


    Bad luck for Donald Trump.

    Right, it's time to sell.

  10. 2 hours ago, AgMech Cowboy said:

    You seem to believe that Taiwan is defenseless. There will be many aerial and sea engagements long before boots get on the ground. Sure they could drop from the sky, but I don't see them doing this.

    The so called allies are the EU (and NATO) and Obama's USA. (You know the same Obama that got caught with an open microphone telling Medvedev that he (Obama) would have more flexibility to negotiate (missile defense, etc.) after the U.S. election that November (2012). The Ukraine didn't have any allies. Obama and Biden sent them blankets. 


    So, all China needs to do is hope for a Biden election to president. They won't budge as long as President Trump is still there.  ????

    The Chinese have time on their side. They don't need to hurry up. They don't care who is President. The more time they wait, the more powerful they become. They will wait until they think it's the right time to do it. Likely before 2035.

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