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Everything posted by candide

  1. 1. It's really a pity her testimony has not been cross-checked by testimonies from people close to Trump who have been at the core of these conversations, and who could have contradicted her! What a shame! That's a maskerade of investigation! Oh wait! They refused to testify or took the fifth! ???? 2. Some of her testimony has been direct eyewitness and/or corroborated by other witnesses or other evidence (I.e. messages). You would know it if you had followed the hearings instead of just listening to MAGA propaganda. Anyway don't be too impatient, Cippolone is expected to testify on 7 July and will surely clear any misunderstanding. ???? 3.That's a lame distortion of her testimony. She never claimed Trump was driving while fending off a federal agent.
  2. The same source (see previous posts) which told Trump did not attack the agent also stated they don't deny that he wanted to go to the Capitol. That's the important information.about this event. Mind you. Do you doubt that the MAGA folks has screened every sentence of her testimony? The only things they found is that the wheel drive funny part may not be fully accurate, and that there is a disagreement over who actually write a note. Peanuts. That's actually quite a positive assessment of her testimony.
  3. No. It was not a discount paid back later. The UK was paying a net amount after having deduced the rebate. What the UK got back were the EU subsidies such as subsidies to agriculture or research. So what was written on the bus was a lie. https://fullfact.org/europe/our-eu-membership-fee-55-million/
  4. You are right that the ,"cowering" Republicans have much to lose. However, you have no evidence that she will be offered several high paying jobs.. It's not without risk for her. She will likely be blacklisted by her usual employers (GOP politicians), may find it difficult to work in the private sector (it may not please Republican customers or stakeholders). On top of it, she gets insulted, gets threatened, may be assaulted by a right-wing nutter, would need a security escort for some time etc... I guess she would prefer the normal life she had before Why do you assume that she was motivated by doing a little math, and not simply by the will to do her citizen's duty? Or should it be assumed that all Republicans are only motivated by greed?
  5. An interesting article. The Dumbest Coup Attempt ???? America was saved by pure indolence. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2022/06/hutchinson-testimony-trump-secret-service-jan-6-hearings/661427/ Quote: "I hope it does not sound like I am diminishing the gravity of January 6 when I say that it was among the dumbest coup attempts in history—not because it was destined to fail but because of the trivial reason it was destined to fail. That reason is Trump’s incredible laziness and complete aversion to personal risk"
  6. Putin's intent is very clear: annexion of the two Eastern provinces (It's already done for Crimea and, let's be realistic, will not be reversed ) and initially a regime change (I guess they have lost this hope). The Russian economy is not wealthy enough, and the population is decreasing (it lost 1 million inhabitants in 2021). So these two wealthy provinces and their population would be a good addition to Russia. There have been some attemps to negotiate, or to help negotiations ex U.N., Turkey, etc... The problem is that both Ukraine and Russia are not ready to give up the Eastern regions. It is also that Putin doesn't understand anything else than force and pressure. Additionally, even if Putin gets the Eastern provinces, There is also the risk that he will not have another try elsewhere, as it has worked in Ukraine (and before in Georgia, etc....) In the cases you mentioned, it was easier to negotiate. The objective was a regime change, an access to oil, etc... It was not the permanent annexion of a part of these countries
  7. In was curious to know who was second: 13.24% opted for Pita Limjaroenrat, leader of the Move Forward Party,
  8. End of work shift in Russia! (Their machines are so outdated! ????)
  9. So It's all they found about her testimony? A disagreement about a note? Meanwhile, Meadows plays the Ostrich, Faux News too, and Gini is whining.
  10. It's pathetic how MAGA folks try to divert attention from the key aspects of this testimony, which they cannot refute, by focusing on details, such as a disagreement about who wrote a note. One can be sure they have screened every sentence of her testimony, so if It's the only thing they found, It's rather positive for her testimony. ????
  11. Even if the steering wheel episode ends up being innacurate, there are still some good moments... ???? Trump rattles off a dozen livid social media posts in 2 hours as ex-aide gives explosive testimony to Jan. 6 panel: 'A Total Phony!!!' ???? https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-goes-off-after-cassidy-hutchinsons-damning-jan-6-hearing-2022-6?r=US&IR=T
  12. And that's the only reason he appears in this thread, as he is an unknown guy. Let's look at his pedigree on Twitter: "Entrepreneur. Previously HouseTrip (sold to TripAdvisor), now http://MeAndQi.com, the website that explains Chinese Medicine. I've been known to write decent threads." So after Caitlin Johnstone, Arnaud Bertrand......
  13. Ahem! We are talking about Trump. Do you really always expect a coherent behaviour from him?
  14. Of course you conveniently avoid to mention the most important part: Trump wanted to go to the Capitol and it's corroborated by the same source you cited.
  15. You don't (try to) get it! Hearsay means "X told me that". By making further interviews of X, it will be easy to confirm it. After that, it is not hearsay any more. As about the alleged incident, this is just the juicy part of it. From your source, the two agents are also ready to testify that Trump was angry and wanted to go to the Capitol.
  16. If it's not true, it's too bad, because I had a good laugh at the idea of Trump attempting to grab the steering wheel! ???? However, even these picturesque elements are not confirmed, it remains that Trump showed his will to go to the Capitol, and that's the most important for the investigation. From the article you linked: "The source said the two men do not deny that Trump was angry and wanted to go to the Capitol on Jan. 6 — but, the source said, he did not become physical inside the SUV."
  17. However: - some of it is already corroborated by written evidence (ex. messages) - the Committee (and the DOJ) now know exactly which other persons to interview, in order to corroborate her testimony. Of course, Trump's closest allies will refuse to testify or will take the fifth, but I guess people like Pat Cipollone will be ready to testify. So it is likely that not 100% of her testimony will be corroborated, but a large part will be.
  18. A promise (so to say, no agreement signed, only verbal assurances or opinions) made to a Union which has been dissolved (initiated by its own members, with the Russian Federation playing a key role in it). As to the "guided baton"! ???? You conveniently forget to mention that these Eastern Europe countries have been under the guided baton of the Soviet army for decades. By adhering to NATO, they wanted to make sure it wouldn't happen again with Russia. The Soviet Union and Putin's Russia are responsible for their own fate. Nobody wants to be associated with backward regimes which, on top of being imperialist, are unable to ensure their own economic development and the well-being of their citizen. The Soviet Union was a failure, and Putin's Russia is a failure. When you are failing, you cannot expect to win!
  19. That was better what In was expecting Here's a short analysis Why today's 1/6 hearing was utterly devastating for Donald Trump https://edition.cnn.com/2022/06/28/politics/donald-trump-january-6/index.html I just loved it ????
  20. This is really good to watch. ???? Trump Tried to Grab Steering Wheel to Go to U.S. Capitol Jan 6 -Witness https://www.usnews.com/news/us/articles/2022-06-28/trump-tried-to-grab-steering-wheel-to-go-to-u-s-capitol-jan-6-witness
  21. I read there's also a piece of the new video about a meeting which occurred right before elections
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