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Everything posted by candide

  1. Maga fans calling others "brainwashed", that's rich! 😃 2020 'stolen' elections anyone?
  2. Not for Trump. He was so upset he lost the popular vote that he claimed the 2016 elections had been rigged! 😆
  3. Not the same country and not at all the sane type of controll.
  4. So, for you, it's OK that TikTok has a shareholder controlled by the CCP?
  5. No censorship. It's about forcing a CCP controlled Chinese firm to sell its shares to private non-Chinese investors.
  6. Isn't it necessary that the Senate first approves the referendum?
  7. And the bad war mongering U.S.A. was providing weapons to Russia, just as they are doing now to Ukraine! What a shame! 😃
  8. It's not accurate. Trump did claim the 2016 election was rigged: 🤣 - before the election, when polls were against him, - after the election, he was ashamed he had lost the popular vote, so he claimed thete had been 3 million fake voters. He even created an investigation committee about it. As the other GOP committees, it went nowhere.... https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-longstanding-history-calling-elections-rigged-doesnt-results/story?id=74126926 Oh, and he also claimed the 20212 election was rigged! 😃
  9. 2nd article from Jan 2020. For the other articles, the risk originates in the breach by the Kraken team which made the system available on a server. And anyway, there's no evidence the machines have been hacked for the 2020 election. No proof of massive fraud. You have nothing, as usual, to prove there was massive fraud during the 2020 elections. Not your fault nobody has.
  10. There is no proof anyone got a copy of the system before the election. Also note that the machines are not connected. The only ones who got a copy of the system have been the Kraken team. They had to illegally enter the office and got caught on camera. That was after the election. As usual, you have nothing.
  11. Right. It was not intended to you, but to the posters I initially replied to, who were accusing the current administration of war mongering for spending weapons to Ukraine. Sorry for being confusing.
  12. Under the lend lease scheme, they had not pay for that was used or destroyed during WWII. The Soviet Union paid back only 8% of what was provided. Actually less, if you take into account inflation, as most of the repayment was made in 1972. So that was war mongering according to the line of thought of pro-putin posters, wasn't it?
  13. Knowing the origin of Thaksin's return and the political stance of the Thai Pakdee party, it seems quite strange....
  14. And then the bad war mongering USA sent massive military help to Russia. Funny how history repeats itself! 😀
  15. It could be. However, you seem to forget that the Soviet Union has been dissolved so there was no gentleman's agreement any more (in case there was any). The irony is that the main reason for this dissolution was the unilateral independence declared by Russia in June 1991 (6 months before) which also induced the declaration of independence of Uhraine one month later!
  16. I wasn't around at the time either, but I've read it only happened after the alliance they had with Germany was broken when Germany invaded Russia. BRW, following your usual rationale, millions of Russian lives would have been saved if the U.S. didn't send massive military help to Russia and let Hitler conquer Russia! 😉
  17. They are starting to feel what an embarrassment he is!
  18. Most posts in this thread are a perfect illustration of the reason why I usually don't participate in such threads...... There's no way to post anything without being accused of the worst intent by either one or the other camp!
  19. Exactly! Trumpers and non-Trumpers are part of the same GOP swamp! 😃
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