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Everything posted by candide

  1. In particular, two key events occured at the beginning of the 70s: the definitive end of the Bretton-Wood system, and the oil shock. Additionally, UK was the sick man of Europe at that time. Looking at the chart I posted, it could be considered that joining the EC/EU has allowed UK to re-establish the basis of a competitive economy, until it left.
  2. And the reasons are well known, just like the reasons for the decrease in 2016 are well known. There are also macro-trends (this macro-trend is not restricted to UK, to be honest).
  3. Good comment. It would be more relevant to compare with the Euro.
  4. Which impeachment? The GOP has dropped the idea after having been regularly ridiculed. 😀
  5. Ahem' would the majority of Afghans object to such punishments? Not sure.
  6. The current rate may increase or decrease.... A retrospective look confirms the GPB rate has been lower than the pre-referendum rate for most of the last seven years. https://www.xe.com/currencycharts/?from=GBP&to=THB&view=10Y
  7. Right. It has already affected the GDP growth rates of other countries. Including UK, it seems, as the GDP growth rates of the two countries have been similar in 2023.
  8. Lol! The BP crashed after the referendum, not after the official leave date!
  9. The GOP fake investigation committee being ridiculised again! 🤣 Ex-Giuliani Associate Shares Video “Republicans Don’t Want You to See” https://www.yahoo.com/news/ex-giuliani-associate-shares-video-135950451.html “Was there any specific act that any of these people performed?” Giuliani asks. “Did they get a kickback? Did they get a bribe?” “No,” Shokin replies. Shokin was fired in 2016 for corruption. Three years later, Donald Trump and Giuliani started a conspiracy theory that the Biden family accepted a $10 million bribe to remove Shokin to stop a probe into Burisma, the Ukrainian energy company that Hunter was working with at the time. Republicans have also repeatedly claimed that Biden, while serving as vice president, said the United States would withhold aid money to Ukraine unless Kyiv fired Shokin. Both these claims have been repeatedly debunked by U.S. intelligence, the former Ukrainian president, and the owner of Burisma. But that hasn’t stopped Republicans, including Giuliani, from continuing to accuse the Bidens of corruption. That allegation forms the entire basis of the impeachment inquiry.
  10. As usual, trying to divert the attention to the only major country economy which fares worst than UK! Oh wait! 😃 https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn02784/
  11. I heard that Malta is providing citizenship schemes allowing to travel and reside freely in the EU, along other advantages! 😃
  12. Odd that the most vocal MAGA members are still trying to claim Joe Biden was corrupt after every GOP committee's attempt at smearing him failed miserably! FD-1023 anyone? 😆
  13. There are lots of questions to be asked, among others to the guy who said “Anyone who wants to prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state needs to support strengthening Hamas.” and allowed Qatar to finance Hamas. https://www.politico.eu/article/israel-funded-hamas-claims-eu-top-diplomat-josep-borrell/#:~:text=“Hamas was financed by the,by Spanish newspaper El País.
  14. Right. As they have no arguments to defend Trump and his aides, they can only resort to lame conspiracy theories, witch hunt B.S., etc.. 😀
  15. Napoléon le Petit! 😁 (Joke probably not understood by people who don't know French literature)
  16. So Eastman did not try to overturn the result of a free and fair election?
  17. Same question which will never be answered: In your country, which is often cited as a model of democracy, what would have happened to a PM who would have made fake accusations of rigged elections, ask officials to find him 11,800 votes, plot fake elector lists (well, something equivalent), send a mob to storm the British parliament and watch it during 3 hours on TV without doing anything? And to lawyers who had been instrumental about it?
  18. Right! So far only 91 bombshells..... Coming back to topic, it's quite possible that the fine will ultimately be reduced. for ex. to the current bond amount. Nice to know that Trumpers will be hilarious if he has to pay "only" $175m! 😀
  19. Is Macron's position on Ukraine significantly different from UK's position? As to the European army as a favorite Brexiteers' fantasy.... Having said that, more coordination and industrial policy is certainly necessary, and it should be done in collaboration with UK.
  20. Unlike MAGA fans, they don't believe everything and anything Trump says. 😀
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