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Everything posted by richard_smith237

  1. Hell no... Being a passenger is enough....!!! Seriously though - I'm just ribbing MG's for fun as some posters have been waxing a little too lyrical about them for too long now and really, they're just an average A to B machine.... (by waxing lyrical - I mean those posters who'd over egg the pudding and suggest they drive 'exceptionally well'.... when really, they get from A to B in relative comfort without hassle).
  2. Don't do it... or at least wear a face-mask and sunglasses if you do !!!.... Seriously though, its safer and has better storage than a motorcycle... so there are some positives...
  3. Correct - this is so the Vehicle can be registered in your name (and to your address). Your UK Driving License will (should) be sufficient.... (and if you have an IDP 1969, then any ambiguity in a police stop is also removed) - You can drive in Thailand on your Standard UK license - But, as mentioned above, if staying here long enough to be buying your own car, then its worth while getting your own Thai Driving license (simple process). Careful of Agents advertising on Facebook - lots of scammers. Personally, if you have the time, just head down to the DLT and go through the licensing process yourself..... you will need. 1) Colour Copy of your Passport (ID and Visa Page) 2) Copy of Medical Certificate (from any small clinic (about 200 baht)- ask for driving License Medical Cert and they'll do rudimentary checks (such as check for elephantitis). 3) Go to Immigration and Get a Letter of Residence 3b) OR... Go to Embassy (and get an Affirmation of address - far more expensive - but some Embassies will not issue this). 4) Have Colour Copies *(front and back) of your UK license. 5) Go to Department of Land Transport (early in the morning) i.e. about 8am and go for the Walk-In Queue (as its difficult for foreigners to make appointments online)... show documentation and state you want to get a Thai Driving Licence - communication will be hit and miss, but they'll nudge you through the process (you don't need to be a Thai speaker).
  4. No one needs a permit to buy a car here. A person (any person, any nationality) can buy a car here. What you do need is a form of proof of address so that it can be registered in your name. That proof of address comes as a) Certificate of Address - (usually obtained from Immigration) b) Affirmation of Residence - (obtained from your Embassy, if they will do it). IF you have a UK driving License... you can drive here legally. A 1969 International Driving Permit may smooth things over, but tecnically its not required (this is often a subject disputed on this forum). To avoid ambiguity - you can get your Thai License very easily with just your UK Driving License (and a couple of other documents such as Proof of Address and Medical Certificate). Yes, there are agents - they will charge you for something you can very easily do yourself.
  5. Why yawn? Your kidding. Who cares? Get out of the cab, take a snap with the phone you don't have and get on with getting another cab. Why post about such mundaneness. The vast majority of Thais if not all of them don't wear seatbelts in the back and up front many only wear them when the BIB is around. OK... in that case... YAWN... read the thread, don't have any real opinion on it other than YAWN... so just move along and don't bother posting on it... Exactly the same criticism applies to your post as that you are throwing at the Op.... And whether Thai's wear seatbelts or not has no relevance - the Post is that the Op wanted a seatbelt, so do I, so do many when they're in a car because we're not idiots brainlessly happy to travel at speed in vehicles without an restraint. The Op made a thread about it - yup, some people are just that sad... but its just as sad as your pointless and completely irrelevant comment when we get down to the nuts and bolts of it.
  6. I read the link... They tried to move the body to business class but 'couldn't fit it through somehow'.... so they place the deceased into the seat next to a person.... ... Sure, the person could have moved.... OR, someone with a smart service mind would have just upgraded the nearby passengers to business class..... (never miss an opportunity to turn a negative into a positive).... Now we have a story where Qatar Airways places dead bodies next to passengers, rather than something more positive. At least they didn't just shove the deceased in the loo and lock the door !!!
  7. Why yawn ??? are you one of those fools who doesn't bother putting on a seatbelt or wearing a helmet ??? - you're not worthy of protecting yourself ?
  8. The NETA EV looks like a failed plastic 80's Fisher-Price toy, where someone tried to crossbreed a potato with a suppository. The front end has all the charisma of a half 'farted' whoopee cushion, with headlights positioned like an asean-now boomer needing a poop while stuck on Pattaya Soi 6... Step inside, and you’re greeted by an interior that feels like it was constructed from melted bar-stool seats found on Soi 6 mixed with tupperware and the shattered dreams of failed SAS hero's and financial power-players... The touchscreen lags so much half the asean-now boomers who'd drive it would pass-on before the input is registered and the seats have the comfort of plastic noodle stall stool... Driving is like piloting the aging mamasan in the wonky-nipp!e bar; zero excitement and sloppy with an overwhelming sense of regret. The worst thing about driving the NETA EV? the engine can't drown out the sobs of embarrassment... something MG drivers can relate to !!!
  9. IF they were originally planning to move the deceased lady into a business class seat out of the way and struggled to get her there instead placing her in an Economy Seat... ... the very least they (cabin crew) could have done was relocate the 'other' nearby passengers to business class so they don't have to sit nest to a dead body...
  10. Or Beckton Sewage Treatment Works.....
  11. Why would that be a joke... My 6 year old (at the time).... Loved walking / running through Kensington Gardens... Its great for them to be outside in an environment where they are not perpetual over-heated and sweating.... (there is also a play pirate ship which they'd enjoy).... ... And the street performers.... in both Covent Garden and Leicester Square simply captivate the kids... from the jugglers, the magicians, mime artists, living statues, clowns, one man bands, singers... the list goes on.. kids love it.
  12. One idea.... Is he into Football ??? A stadium Visit ??? (even a game if it times out) ???
  13. Presumptuous fool, if only you had read the entire article before embarrassing yourself with your foolish speculation. If only. Oh... you're at it too.... So... What exactly happened... ???? How was the Grab Rider 'touched' there is no clear informatoin. AGAIN - I'm not defending the Iranian... but I am suggesting the 'pile-on' of some who seems to be bigots and want an Iranian hung consider other possibilities.... I have highlighed how a Thai friend of mine has been 'banned for 3 months from riding grab' after a female rider reported that she was 'touched inappropriately'.... when he held on to her shoulder while getting on and off the bike.... something I have done and perhaps many of us have.... So... before you play your 'presumptuous fool' virtue signalling card along with the other halfwits, consider pocketing your 'dumb presumptions' and consider real world possibilities... At least wait for the CCTV before condemning..... Given what happened to my friend, I am certainly cynical about this.... I think rightly so. BUT... IF the Iranian guy did in fact 'sexually assault and grope' this lady, then of course, I would hope he receives the full punishment of the law.... except, in none of the reports has the words 'sexual attack or sexual assault' been used.... So... read the article - What words were used exactly ????..... now careful there both of you, it gets slippery on that soapbox, especially when the lofty heights of sanctimonious judgement cloud intelligent evaluation of whats been reported. Again - just to reassure you - IF he did try and sexually assault and grope here, then yes, throw the book at him !!!....
  14. hmmmm.... Perhaps take him to Soi 6 and teach him to prop up a bar all day long... Seriously though, my Son loved the Transport Museum, Natural History Museum and playing in Kensington Gardens... *he was about 6 at the time.... we're probably due a return visit. Also good.... though I think Kensington Gardens next to Hyde Park is better (and has a good kids play area etc)... Covent Gardens and Leicester Square are great for the street performers that will surely capture and childs interest.
  15. Natural History Museum – Primary choice (excellent, but gets busy) Science Museum – Excellent Choice (less buys than NHM – very interesting). Victoria & Albert Museum – Depends if he’s interested in art (most kids would find it boring) Theatre – The Lion King – All kids love it. Street Performers in Covent Garden, Leicester Square. London Transport Museum – my son seems to love it there. Ice Cream (yes – its on the list) Venchi Gelato – Voted best Icecream in Europe (worth a visit and nearby the museums above). https://maps.app.goo.gl/bzAVNEF5vLNZaNUaA Walk Through Kensington Gardens – pleasant and just takes you away from the hustle and bustle Camden Town – Gets busy (maybe your son is too young) but some astonishing people watching. The Tate Modern – IF Art is his / your think (interesting displays)… St Pauls Cathedral Across the river from the Tate (across the Millennium Bridge) Palace of WestMinster and Big Ben – (if interested – just to see it) Buckingham Palace (good for a drive by in a Taxi) Things to Avoid IMO: The London Eye – Rip off, long queues, boring (*get a window seat flying into London and out – excellent views, especially in good weather and landing from the east) Madame Tussauds – Rubbish waxworks, busy and waste of money. London Dungeon – Poor displays, busy and waste of money.
  16. Same here... there are not many car's where the Seat is not 100% back. I think the Volvo XC-90 I wasn't 100% slid back.... ... the other issue is then seating position as we are kind of 'reaching' for the wheel, which makes for a somewhat of an awkward position... some cars are designed for taller people, others are not. I do wonder if the Chinese and Asian manufacturers in general are designed for an 'average' shorter person...
  17. I don't... I've been in them !!!.... I'm make the same comment about NETA's too !!! In fact, if I get a NETA as a BOLT or GRAB, I cancel it !!!... I just don't rate them at all, not even in the slightest much to KhunLA's sphinctal clenching... I'm negatively bias against MG's... I admit that... Its not an Anti-Chinese thing.... as I really want the new Xiaomi when it comes here.... Its an anti-MG thing, I just think they are cheap rubbish, but for some, I can see how they offer value for money.... I'd rather have a BYD. All personal tastes of course.
  18. You'd save yourself a little effort and time if you were so neurodivergent literal... Its obvious what he meant... I'd also like to believe you are cleaver enough to know that without being pedantic for the sake of it, LL.... there's no need to 'let yourself down like that'...
  19. Your 'urgency' to climb on that virtue signalling soap box without fully reading the comments has made you look rather a dim silly numpty...
  20. I direct correlation between atmospheric CO2 and Global Temperatures has been proven. The relationship 'could' be more complex than just atmospheric CO2, or it could be 'just down to CO2..... ... nevertheless the evidence is damning..... Accepting it an living with it is a little weak. But we cannot life without energy... So we need Oil & Gas until we find something better, which we have not done yet; with the exception of nuclear which the world is scared of, but we'd still be significantly reliant on petroleum (Oil & Gas).... So I believe we really should be concentrating on carbon recapture, while also looking for alternatives. Batteries are not the solution by any means at all... they just give us cleaner city air, thats all (and are a future catastrophe in the making). Correct - in fact they are 'doing worse' their coal consumption has increase 3x over the past 10 years. The USA and EU is playing it cleaner... jumping through hoops with clean energy clean products, starving ourselves and ruining our own industry as we can't comply with our own clean demands, meanwhile we purchase so much from China who obliterate the rulebook our own nations are forced to play by by our on governments.... With struggling economies, we are then forced to get into bed with countries such as China as we have killed off both our own industry and expertise.
  21. You're comparing two Chinese cars... as much as I see the improvement of Chinese Vehicles, Its not a comparison thats filled with critical credibility...
  22. IMO - thats exactly the way it should be.... 'Have a child and get to stay Visa Free'.... Or... Be Married (and / or) have Children and get to stay on a long term visa, similar to ILR and enter the pathway to residency and citizenship. Just my opinion of course - but I see no reason why after 15 years of Marraige here that I shouldn't be permitted Citizenship.... ( I can't becasue I dont work here )... But, if we move to the UK, my Wife can 'step on the road towards nationality'.... on the basis of being both the Wife of a British National and Parent to a British Child... there are hoops to jump through, but it easier than me getting a Thai Passport (which I'd like for future medical care reasons when health insurance care becomes to expensive). Thus: Imagine the Chaos - What Chaos exactly ? people living with their family's but without having to do years extensions of stay ??.... that would make Immigration's life a lot easier.
  23. Yeah... But its an MG... Your Son could look at any other car...... AND... as mentioned the physical attachements of the runners could be adjusted backwards (mechanically) to shift (alter) the minimum and maximum 'slide positions' so that he comfortably fits... Depending on the car, this may not permit for much rear occupant leg room (on the drivers side) but thats always the case with tall drivers anyway....
  24. Nope. What I was saying was that nobody on here who has an EV bought it to save the world. Seems they bought them because they are excellent value for money, they have better performance and comfort, lower running costs etc. I don't believe there is a single person here who's primary reason was to save the world, they really don't care. For some reason... ExpatOW has an extreme negative bias against EV's but I just can't work out why... it makes for a rather pathetic 'gone down the rabbit hole of irrelevance' arguments that make no difference. I don't for a moment think that EV are any answer to offsetting our carbon footprints. I do believe that the raise in CO2 levels in the atmosphere is related to an increase in temperature. I do believe that work needs to be carried out to remedy this - I don't beleieve electric vehichiles or any battery tech is the soloution to any of this. BUT... there is also the other aspect of 'clean city air' and I think that battery tech is an ideal solution to this. Thus: If someone is driving less than 300km per day and can charge their car at home and EV is an idea solution. I never thought I'd get an EV... I never really liked any of them, I didn't believe in them as a solution. I just bought the car I liked and it happened to be an EV. Is is better.... Yes... Much better... and No, also much worse... Its a LOT more convenient to use. Its faster, quieter, cheaper.... but on corners its notably heavier so not as nice to drive (when comparing like for like - but then again no one drives an SUV for its 'drivability').... I think a lot of the EV - ICE debate involves those with the loudest voices arguing flawed and readily refutable points over and over again just to express their bias.... ... when in reality.... the world is sutiable for both.... EV's in your driving is mostly in the city, ICE's if you live well away from infrastructure... As far as bias arguments commonly used - I just find them stupid and the user of said arguments allows their bias to mask their intelligence.
  25. Really? Which are the "many" UK banks that have "closed down" recently? He means the 'actual physical branches' themselves are closing down not the 'establishment / business' itself.... and a lot of them are doing so.
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