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Everything posted by richard_smith237

  1. Mask wearing outdoors has been lifted from 1st July (except in busy areas). Whatever ‘busy areas’ means is perhaps down to discretion... Thailand Pass also no longer a requirement from 1st July. IF Khaosod report is correct: https://www.facebook.com/KhaosodEnglish
  2. Interesting how this is Thai scammers / hackers.... but they still managed to deflect blame on non-Thai's... as if the Thai scammers would never have otherwise had their minds corrupted !!... Straight out of the ’Thai’s can do no wrong’ book of excuses...
  3. Agreed.... I’m seeing a ridiculous amount of news and media about negative impacts of Marijuana... I’m surprised we haven’t had masses of car accidents blamed on it... (i.e. must have been Marijuana in my soup at lunch etc).....
  4. I get what you are saying... but a car has 4 wheels, is more stable under breaking etc... so its more than reaction times that come into it... ... additionally, fewer people pullout and swerve in front of you in a car than a bike so you are less exposed to needing to emergency brake and have lightning reaction times. I think there is probably a transition period where riding a motorcycle is not advisable due to age, while driving a car is still fine, but at some point, driving a car also becomes dangerous for others - that age may be different for different people based on health and mental fitness etc... My father in law is kind of at that age now... their car always has new scratches on it.... luckily he’s stopped drinking after too many bumps and scrapes combined with age, poor eyesight... but we just can’t stop the guy from driving.. I imagine there are many who refuse to accept the realities of age (not just in Thailand, UK too, my own father is another example at 84 years old, still driving, still passes medicals etc but still needs to be told to take it easy belting round the country lanes in a large 4x4).
  5. There is also no thought beyond now... immediately now, fastest and easiest fix without any regard of consideration to the immediate or long term future. This is not at all limited to Thai’s, labourers everywhere have exactly the same attitude ‘<deleted> given’ range in the negative to zero... Its difficult to change that without effective supervision.
  6. Fair enough.... But, it does seem to occur at a disproportionately elevated level compared to many of our home countries.... It occurs such that it is one of the things I’m on high alert for whenever riding my motorcycle. Power cuts are also not exactly uncommon when a ‘large lorry’ snags one of those hanging wires and brings down the poles in a domino effect. So.. ‘all over, ducking and weaving’..... not all the time, but I have found myself with a wire snagged on my bike (luckily going very slowly down the side of traffic) and I have found myself ducking out of the way and dodging the odd hanging cable while walking down the pavement (sidewalk). I’m not so sure the comments are over the top... the issue certainly is over the top considering this is something that would be considered extreme with severe consequences for those responsible and accountable in many of the countries we come from.
  7. What’s the point of your comment ?? Are you implying that contrary to multiple news reports each month that hanging wires are not a problem because you haven't had an issue with them ? All those reports of motorcyclists getting garrotted and killed by hanging wires made up ???... https://aseannow.com/topic/1258295-surin-motorcyclist-killed-after-neck-becomes-entangled-in-hanging-wires/ https://thethaiger.com/news/bangkok/dangling-wires-cause-injury-in-samut-prakan-motorbike-crash https://thethaiger.com/news/national/electricity-cable-snatched-a-man-off-his-motorbike https://www.samuitimes.com/hanging-wires-another-motorcyclist-strangled-to-death/ https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/se-asia/female-motorcyclists-throat-slit-by-low-hanging-cable-in-thailand https://www.khaosodenglish.com/news/crimecourtscalamity/2020/01/20/2-tourists-swept-off-road-by-loose-cable/
  8. This is the issue.... ... wants those responsible to get their act together.... ‘get there act together’... thats all ? How about some charges, some penalties, some accountability and responsibility for those who allow such lazy work and dangerous results >???? The ineffectiveness and apathy of Thai Policing continues to enable the continued slack safety standards throughout the nation....
  9. I too sometimes feel sorry for my Wife..... but its usually when some half-wit thinks they have sufficient game to crack on to her... actually, I don’t feel sorry for her... she feels sorry for the poor fools who don’t know what league they're in !!! ????
  10. They have been indoctrinated to believe that they are married that's all. When challenged they mostly agree that unless it is certified and legalised in an Amphur then legally they are not married. One could argue that marriage is/should be a state of mind rather than a state of legalese but that is not the point raised here. Agreed... It's the cultural norm for people who have had Wedding ceremonies to believe they are married, to live as if they are married to refer to each other as husband and wife, yet legally they are not... But that doesn’t stop people from saying they are married when asked - I know of many such couples in Thailand. In this case (SAFET FIRST) ,the girl's friends have said the girl is married, they may have attended the wedding ceremony etc... Yet when pressed and asked the question if she has a wedding certificate the girl in question answers know. This is perhaps the reason for the contradicting responses. IF someone doesn’t know of the culturally accepted (but not legally) married status, then they really need to get out and about more.
  11. So, you have a document saying you are married? Yes..... and there are many people in Thailand who consider themselves marred who do not have such a certificate but have had the wedding ceremony. You seems to struggle with this idea which is why I questioned how long you have been here... everyone knows about this.
  12. I reckon I've been in Thailand longer than you. if she's married she's got a marriage certificate. Yet you don’t know that many Thai’s consider themselves married having gone through a ceremony yet never certified their marriage at an amphur office....
  13. Anyone who has spent time in Thailand knows about the ‘marriage set up’ here... Officially married certification and Married with just the ceremony. If she’s told her friends to tell you she’s married.... take the hint - she’s not into you.
  14. You can renew within 1 year of expiry before you have to go through the process again.
  15. How long have you been in Thailand ????.... Many many marriages in Thailand are Marriages without having gone through the process of registering the Marriage at the Amphur office. i.e. People have the Engagement ceremony in the morning, wedding ceremony in the evening and go through the whole process of getting married.... thats good enough for many - they are married. Example: My Wife and I went through the Engagement and Wedding ceremony at the hotel etc... Then we signed at the Amphur office on our return from our honeymoon....
  16. Op has the following options to cover his bases. 1) UK Passport Application - In place: Await arrival of passport. Timing is out of his control. 2) Await a response from Embassy regarding emergency travel document: He’s taken those steps, ensure he has all his paperwork (particularly documented illness of relatives highlighting need to return urgently and a full length version of his Birth Certificate). The rest is out of his control. 3) Apply for UK Visa with his sons Thai Passport - This is in his control he should do this ASAP and then await a response - timing of result is out of his control. Thus: All the Op can do now is ensure he has required documents for #2 and #3 apply for UK Visa with his sons Thai Passport... After that there is no point worrying over that which he has no influence.
  17. The cynic in me suggests that the BiB will find a way to establish that the THC content is more than 0.2% and levy their usual hefty fines to allow the crime to ‘go away’.... Its potentially a good earner... Dope is legal, but not that dope !
  18. (or meat and one veg) When you google, remember is ‘Nong Natt’... not Neung Nut !!! ????
  19. An extremely p!ss poor response... Basically, we may or may not help you, we may or may not let you know in 5 days. If we don’t let you know if we can help you it means we can’t. Try and apply for a passport but that’s going to take a long time. How did the Government of G8 nation ever let standards at their passport office drop to such an outrageously atrocious level of service that a British Citizen is unable to travel to his home country ? This is an utter embarrassment for anyone working in the British civil service - It seems inefficiency, apathy and polite but utterly useless responses to serious queries are order of the day. IF this were a private run company people would have stopped using them years ago... unfortunately, they operate without competition at the speed of the lowest common denominator with the consideration of the whoever gives the least £ucks...... Wholly disappointing... What can we do... renew passports a year ahead of time when we know we will not need to travel. For anyone with a British Child, apply for their first passport immediately. And... what of those who require regular travel for work ?... a passport renewal means no travel for 12 weeks until they get the new passport ?? The passport office is slow slow, is it now necessary for people to have two passports to cover themselves against the utter inefficiency of the British Passport office ?
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