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Posts posted by richard_smith237

  1. Depending on the type of pot….

    Move it back, then paint some kind of black tar under the rim so that when they move the pot, it gets all over their hands…

    By the way, that’s how a local pub stopped people smacking their sign hanging in the street. If they did, they’d get black tar on their hands….

    Another idea – Find some way of securing the pot to the road in front of their house in a location where it doesn’t affect you… I’m not sure how you could do this, some sort of concrete glue etc…

  2. i do find it quite amusing tho when peple ask about teaching jobs with english like this. english is not the first language for many on here so mistakes are quite forgivable. but when people who are claiming the intellectual high ground make the common 'their vs there and 'your vs you're' mistake its amusing to see some of the regular culprits jump on them. also the no paragraph posters make their own posts difficult to read.

  3. Is this a money thing ??

    In the same way people with motorcycles get harassed, bothered and generally screwed over where as those with cars hardly get stopped…

    If you travel home (to US, Aus or Europe etc) every 6, 12 months (or what ever the normal visa is) then you have no issues. If you border run every 15 days you are screwed.

    If you run a variable combination you are screwed after some time, and if you don’t have enough money in your account for the extensions of your marriage or retirement visas you are also screwed.

    It seems that one way or another regardless of your situation or the morality involved (families etc)… one thing remains true… “Thailand is ok for those who can afford to stay”…..

    It might seem harsh, but you get a ‘Big Red’ stamp… which to me seems like a ‘You Got Away With it a few Times Already, But We Know What You Are Doing’ stamp.

    Pretty decent of them really.

    How many countries give you this kind of warning?

  4. <Snip>

    Who cares about her ex ? Foreigner or Thai whats the difference ?


    IMO - If a Thai woman has had relationships with more than a couple of Western / Non-Thai men then there may be an underlying reason.

    There are girls here (some with decent careers) who choose to date only Western guys only - 'The Occupational Farrang Hunters'. They hang out in places where Westerners / Non-Thai's like to hang out to increase their chances of 'catching one'.

    If in my home country I had a history of only choosing to date women of a specific race and that race was generally known for having a higher wealth than the locally attainable average, then something is clearly not right. I do have my socioeconomic standards but race does not fit into that. Some girls clearly equate dating a westerner in Thailand to increasing their financial status. This is why I would tend to steer clear of Thai women who have a line of Western or Non-Thai ex's.

    Of course this is not always the case - But as generalisations go I think this one is not too far off the mark.

  5. Hmm… The only foreigners I know here are dating / Married to… Flight Attendant / University Lecturer / MD of family Company / Own their own business / Work for decent company.

    IMO in Bangkok at least, there are plenty of respectful and financially independent ladies around.

    I disagree with the majority of this post, but as it seems aimed at guys who are worried whether or not their girl is a BG or money grabber then behaving like this might be necessary.

    Neither anyone I know or myself would treat our girlfriend or her family in this disrespectful manner.

    One thing I read that I quite agreed with was the point that touched upon knowing how many western ex’s the GF has. Of the successful relationships I know of over here the answer is generally zero.

    IMO – A successful relationship is often a result of (but not solely limited to) both parties being of a similar socio-economic status, financial independence and similar age brackets as it would in many countries.

  6. Yep Agreed... I don't get it either.

    I was looking at business class: B144,000 to Manchester Vs B84,000 to Heathrow (but I had to be a little bit flexible with dates).

    The best price I saw with Emirates are B122,000.

    The Best Price in total was Gulf B79,000 after tax. I believe Qatar Airlines to be well priced but their delays between flights do not make them worth while to Manchester.

    If Emirates can guarantee the A380 to Birmingham - then that would snatch if for my girlfriend and I.

    So, its Etihad to LHR then pay the excess fare (£2.50 per mile) above 100 miles for the complimentary taxi (usually an S-Class Merc).

  7. It doesn’t look like a Ferrari… As soon as I opened your thread a Peugeot 406 jumped out of the screen.

    Different folks, different strokes etc etc… But really why would you bother? There are companies here that make classic Porsche replicas and also a Westfield manufacturer / importer (although I’m not certain if the Westfield’s are road legal or not – something to look into).

    IMO driving around in a replica of a modern Ferrari might make you look like a bit of a twerp. However, I can’t explain why I feel that the classic Porsche replica seems to cut it….

  8. Whistle blower… Can you post a photo of yourself on here?

    Should you ever get into trouble and need assistance from anyone we will know to give you a wide birth due the persistent criticism you would surely give.

    The world is not ‘Black and White’ and a boxed up nicely for you.

    For pages now you have persistently attacked Howard’s integrity. Don’t you get it? He’s a volunteer and simply trying to help people in a questionable environment and as with many people perhaps some minor mistakes have been made. On the greater scale does this even matter? He is helping and certainly not doing any more damage while doing so.

    Let it go – while having interest in what others have to say on this thread, your rhetoric stands out as simply childish.

  9. After reading so many of comments and responses I can't help but assume that there are some rather unintelligent folk who make judgments of other people according to their own limitations. Of course if you are one of these people it is unlikely that you are able to recognise that this post is aimed at you!

    As such this post is for the benefit of those intelligent and open minded enough to recognise the fact.

    The world does not exist to please narrow minded monkeys, to fit within 'their' box or correspond to their understanding of the way things should be.

    Some people do take great satisfaction, fulfilment and enjoyment out of assisting others.

    If the negative and narrow-minded Muppets have not worked out how yet that's unfortunate, but 'they' are not contributing much to this forum with 'their' perpetual narrow minded and repetitive diatribe. By using more of 'their' intelligence in understanding others 'they' might then appreciate events with a little more clarity and have the ability to recognise the positive intentions and motives in others without the negative connotations.

    It's apparent to myself and I'm sure others in this forum that these negative people have 'shot their mouth off' without anything other than an opinion. When faced with fact 'they' fail to recognise error instead choosing to let 'their' ego take over providing further argument without evidence and in doing so making 'themselves' appear rather unintelligent.

    The word 'Pillock' springs to mind.

    And for guys like Howard and anyone else who works in a voluntary organisation assisting others, you have plenty of peoples respect and recognition for your hard work.

    Regardless of what the ill-informed say, the Tourist Police Volunteers are certainly doing no harm. And by all available accounts and evidence they do some excellent work in mitigating situations that for many of the tourists involved would otherwise get well out of hand.

    two sides to every story, and therefore you should respect other people's opinions.

    the tvp do some good work i agree with you; but they can also be fairly criticised - as some have done in this and other threads.

    look more carefully at your own language. highlighted above for convenience

    Good point.

    The post was aimed at someone in particular and their repetitive rubbish. Many differing opinions are refreshing, the same persistent diatribe from the same person is boring...

    Howard: The uniform is appears too aggressive...

    And, what on earth do you have in your Uniform belt ????

  10. Given the recent news articles it came as somewhat of a surprise that after reading the full version the majority of Sir Anthony Rumbold's letter to Mr. Brown was rather complimentary to Thailand.

    It is quite clear that he offered his successor a candid insight into the Thai politic, persona and culture.

    While making politically correct apologies for his comments perhaps many people have overlooked the numerous compliments Sir Rumbold paid to Thailand and its people. His letter to his successor offered advice and recommendations as to how the United Kingdom can best assist Thailand in its development and how the UK can develop trade with this developing nation.

    After reading the full letter is it shockingly apparent that a couple of news agencies have subtracted a couple of sentences from their context and sprinkled them into a wok of political incorrectness.

    In doing so a sub-political shit storm has materialized where many Thai’s are now annoyed at the British for such arrogance, but without being given the opportunity for clarity of context.

    Shame on the reporters...

    "And if anybody wants to know what their culture consists of the answer is that it consists of themselves, their excellent manners, their fastidious habits, their graceful gestures and their elegant persons. If we are elephants and oxen they are gazelles and butterflies"

    Along with the negative, why did we never see that quote in the press?

    Answer: Sensationalist glory seeking bastÆrds !

  11. Could it be something as simple as accepting the cards you are dealt with in life ?

    i.e. In general Western people are always chasing that dream, horizons change and we are perpetually goal orientated throughout the financial spectrum. It is apparent that in Thailand; combined with a general lack of education and opportunity poorer people simply accept what they have and get on with it.

  12. After reading so many of comments and responses I can’t help but assume that there are some rather unintelligent folk who make judgments of other people according to their own limitations. Of course if you are one of these people it is unlikely that you are able to recognise that this post is aimed at you!

    As such this post is for the benefit of those intelligent and open minded enough to recognise the fact.

    The world does not exist to please narrow minded monkeys, to fit within ‘their’ box or correspond to their understanding of the way things should be.

    Some people do take great satisfaction, fulfilment and enjoyment out of assisting others.

    If the negative and narrow-minded Muppets have not worked out how yet that’s unfortunate, but ‘they’ are not contributing much to this forum with ‘their’ perpetual narrow minded and repetitive diatribe. By using more of ‘their’ intelligence in understanding others ‘they’ might then appreciate events with a little more clarity and have the ability to recognise the positive intentions and motives in others without the negative connotations.

    It’s apparent to myself and I’m sure others in this forum that these negative people have ‘shot their mouth off’ without anything other than an opinion. When faced with fact ’they’ fail to recognise error instead choosing to let ‘their’ ego take over providing further argument without evidence and in doing so making ‘themselves’ appear rather unintelligent.

    The word ‘Pillock’ springs to mind.

    And for guys like Howard and anyone else who works in a voluntary organisation assisting others, you have plenty of peoples respect and recognition for your hard work.

    Regardless of what the ill-informed say, the Tourist Police Volunteers are certainly doing no harm. And by all available accounts and evidence they do some excellent work in mitigating situations that for many of the tourists involved would otherwise get well out of hand.

  13. After a sporting accident earlier this year I ended up walking / hobbling out of Samitivej and going to Bumrungrad. The Dr at Bumrungrad confirmed my suspicion that the Dr at Samitivej was very wrong with his 'pulled muscle diagnosis and an X-Ray then MRI confirmed further damage.

    At Bumrungrad they requested a deposit for a B12,000 MRI. I refused, but showed them the card I'll be paying with anyway, they carried on.

    GF's mum just had a shoulder op. B630,000 at Bumrungrad which I thought was a crazy price, but apparently thats the going rate for this type of surgery, I'm not sure if she was asked for a deposit.

  14. There is an indoor simulator at All Star Driving range in Bangkok. It measures the speed and trajectory of the ball, but not the spin.

    Winding Golf in Bangkok also have these simulators, I think the ones here might be more advanced.

    It might be worth popping over to these places and finding out the manufacturers and where to source this equipment.

  15. I had a similar experience selling a car. We agreed on a price and shook hands. Then he called up to lower the price by B20,000, I agreed. Then he called up later to lower the price again by another B20,000 - So I told him I didn't want to sell the car to him at even the original price.

    I didn't really need to sell it but I had two cars, so I just enjoyed them both until I found a decent buyer - I sold it 7 months later for B50k less than the original asking price.

    I have to say though that one Thai guy agreed on the price, offered a deposit but I declined because he said that he still has to ask his wife's permission and it was unfair. The next day he called telling me his wife wouldn't let him buy the car !

    So for me it was 50/50.... (Western / Thai) - time wasters, but I think thats to be expected when selling a car or doing similar business.

  16. I had a disagreement with a driver who wanted to u-turn and go a different way from the direction I thought was best (correction, the direction I knew was best, quickest and most direct). So, he stopped and told me he didn’t want to go in that direction.

    Nothing more to say, so I just got out and walked off. Watching him drive down the road stopping and starting trying to get his passenger door to swing shut was rather amusing… (yes, childish I know). I caught another cab and went in the correct direction without issue)....

    Once I refused to take a taxi because it was so old, dirty and decrepit I really couldn’t see it arriving at the airport and if did, my clothes would have become oily.

    The driver was a little peeved after stopping for me, but I didn’t really care. In hindsight I could have missed a flight had it broken down.

    I take mild satisfaction in saying… “Ok, Mai-pen-rai krup” when an indecisive driver has taken a little too long to reply while deciding if he wants to take me or not, or whether or not he’s going the play the ‘meter no work game’…

    You can often see their mind ticking deciding whether or not I am 'rippoffable'

    Generally speaking, no issues whatsoever. I'd say less than 10% of drivers are bad apples and / or drive too dangerously and erratically.

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