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Posts posted by richard_smith237

  1. I’m looking to rent a van / mini-bus (and driver) for 10 days for visiting friends in Feb.

    I’ve used the search function and while there is some good information for Chiang Mai, there is not much for Bangkok.

    I’ve also contacted a few companies this past week based on results from a google searches, classifieds etc. I’ve received some pretty silly quotes (i.e. 33,000 :).

    I believe that the going rate is approximately 1800 B per day (fuel on top).

    Any recommendations based on personal experience would be helpful and appreciated.

  2. Ahh jcon congratulations on joining the Bonnet Up Club. :)

    haha I welcome it!!! it's part of the 'charm' of owning a Range Rover!!!

    Maigo6, feel free go give me a honk as you pass on by, I'll just be cruising, 4.6 litres of environmentally-unfriendly V8 churning out fumes... but yes, I'd appreciate a tow but I wouldn't want to rip the chassis off your Fortuner while trying to tow the Rangie :D

    ... just stop and say hi and if you're feeling friendly you can wait with me for the flat-bed to come... I'll have a bottle of whiskey in the glove box for such occasions...

    edit: yeesipha... have you ever driven a RR Sport? Mmmm.... yum yum... If you have the means, why not? I admit 4.4 million is a bit much, but for some people it isn't.... our own Richard_Smith has a New RR (the proper HUGE one, not the sport).... some people just like their cars... you can't fault them for that, can you? This is, after all, the motor forum!!! Check out corky with his S-class and SLK!!!! And that guy with the Diablo in Malaysia (what happened to him btw?)

    There's an Exige for 3.99 MB on one2car... Now that would be track day fun at Bira.... Part of me died when TVR shot their load...

    Westfield??? I remember something about something about something about westfield near pattaya ? anyone ?

  3. Nice one JC,

    I'll give you a wave as I flash past you in my Fortuner. :)

    Dont be nasty,. you could have at least offered to tow him home when/if he breaks down ,.! :D

    I thought they were like Rolld Royce they send a covered truck every time you break down as the do not want to be seen.

    No... Been there done that - When the alternator popped it's pants last month (under warranty) it still cost me 2000 B for a tow which would otherwise be free with Citi Bank !

    Fortuna for the tow next time please, bottle of Whiskey OK ? ... (Please don't read other 'car' threads I've commented on - normally I accuse you Fortuna drivers of being a little too aggressive when manipulating your way through traffic ... solly na - You were probably correct all along, but you'd still rather drive an RR !!! Solly na again ! )

    (Edit: 'Cos I can't type properly !)

  4. Is it not simply down to exposure?

    More Westerners than not meet girls who make themselves more available. It's more probable that girls who are prepared to make themselves more available come from a less affluent demographic.

    Unfortunately, in Thailand area's of less affluence are also area's where the people are naturally darker.

    Hence, more Westerners may simply be justifying their choices of darker women.....

  5. When I first came to Thailand I visited the house of a long timer who I'd become friends with. I was new to Thailand and in my early 20's, he was about 64. Many different things which were strange to me he helped explain, although there were many more things for which explanation only created further confusion....

    Anyway..... I remember specifically that in his house in the sticks near Hat-Yai he had some sort of frame with a toilet seat on it. Kind of like a foldable chair with no back and a toilet seat for the seat. Very simple and effective, but watch out for the splash I guess !

  6. the fact that she tried even meakly to suggest 1 million baht would be acceptable shows she is not affraid to milk a guy for what she can get.

    I guess that this could play out as a good 'Qualifier' and is a good indicator of a woman's intent.

    i.e. A few years ago an Ex said that her parents would probably ask for about 500,000 B - I knew that was in the right ball park based on her status. If however she had come up with a figure such as 2 MB then I would have had concern towards her real intentions.

  7. 1 Million Baht ? Seems way over the odds based on my experience.

    Friends (Both Thai and Western) have married Politician’s, Surgeon’s, Businessmen’s daughters and other considered ‘hi-so’ ladies – The Sin-Sot’s have ranged from 400,000 baht to 1 Million Baht.

    In the case of some of my friends it was all returned, in others a small amount was kept by the family. And in others some was kept but cars, land etc were given to the couple.

    Based on what I have learnt living in Bangkok - The family of a Nurse from Khon-Kaen should be asking for about 100-150,000 Baht.

    I think this woman is seriously trying to ‘big up her perceived worth’….

    By the way – How is she almost a virgin ? Did she tell you ‘it almost went in’ ?

  8. My guess is that when we foreigners are charged the ‘international rate’ the difference goes into the pocket of the ticket seller who counts us in as a Thai national.

    This might be why in some places it’s more difficult to get the ‘Thai Price’ than in others.

    By the way – what is the mark-up at the crocodile farm in Samut Prakan ?

    If it’s just 50 baht to 100 baht then its no big deal. But if it’s say, 200 baht up to 500 baht it becomes more of an issue. It’s not the fact or even the factor of increase that I have any objection to. It’s whether or not I feel the actually difference is beyond the realms of reasonability or not.

    5. In the UK (and I would guess a number of other countries) it is illegal to charge different prices for the same service.

    I don't think this is so for Uni education in the UK, Non E.U. Pay a lot more.

  9. Having learnt the Thai Language while you are here will certainly make your life easier, but I can't see that it would make much difference in a international company.

    IF you taking an expat role - you will be employed in a position that cannot be filled by a Thai (according to work permit regulations) as such, in the majority of cases if speaking Thai was a priority then that job would simply go to a well educated Thai. You will be chosen for your skills and qualifications. In an international company, you will speak English.

    There are agencies that should cater to candidates such as yourself, I'd suggest doing a google search and getting your CV out to as many companies and regional agents as possible. Specify your experience and tailor your CV to each company. Come out here on holiday and try and meet as many companies as possible. If you are not worried about receiving an 'Expat package' then being out here certainly can't harm your chances.

  10. An Ex girlfriend paid somewhere in the region of £13000 for her M.A. at Central St. Martins college. The same course is offered at about 25% of the cost to EU citizens and I believe it’s free to British nationals.

    As far as paying extra to get into central parks etc – I try to get away with it by using local ID etc, but its not a big deal if I have to pay more.

    In a hotel I walk out if I witness double pricing.

    In the ‘Coffee shop’ example above, I’d just place the B20 on the counter and walk away with a smile.

    I sometimes feel like a second rate citizen here, usually by some ignorant local guy or woman. Depending on the situation I have laughed it off, ignored it, or put the person right and received a varied response to apology and respect to total detest…

    Some locals are incredibly confused when it comes to the ‘Pecking order’ and where we fit in compared to them. Some are just stupidly racist. Others think the sun shines out of our backsides. I think any minority in any country gets treated in a similar way.

    I see Thai’s treat those who they see as below them in the hierarchal pecking order quite terribly. We are just an extension of that pecking order.

    Given that we add a certain hierarchal confusion we can cross class boundaries quite easily, and as such we are often judged by our native peers rather than ourselves.

    Mostly I am treated as an equal and get calls to go out, drink, have dinner, play golf etc with guys I have developed good friendships with.

  11. I’ve taken my car inside the Embassy grounds where it was subjected to a brief search. My entrance was pre-arranged, I was a guest and was dealt with as such, I was not frisked and did not have to turn in my phone etc.

    If the Dept. Prime Minster wished to enter the Embassy premises for a visa application or whatever purpose then I’m sure his entrance was pre-arranged through a separate gate and that his diplomatic status granted him certain respect, trust and liberties.

    At a guess I assume that the phone ban has more to do with maintaining the peace and quiet of the public area’s of the consulate rather than security issues. We can’t be trusted not to natter on the phone at volume with total disregard for others in the waiting room, guests however can. We don’t have to take off our shoes and belts etc so I don't see a specific security angle.

  12. Unbelievabuen....

    Check the other threads... There have been quite a few running on this topic.

    The news you saw was most likely related to JJ jet ski scam artist and his filmed conning of some British Royal Marines.

    There has been much news on this subject ranging from a recently aired TV show in the UK, to meetings with the jet ski operators (scam artists) regarding insuring their jet ski's....

  13. very elegant katyb.. glad to know Im not the only one who wears next to nothing at work all day - livin' the life :D

    Aren't there lots of women in Nana who've made similar claims... :)

    Solly na ! ... that was Jealousy rearing its ugly little head, I wish I could work in just my shorts. I was a part time lifeguard in my Uni days and working in shorts is great.

    Comments for this thread - Some classy outfits here. It's great to see elegant and classy women rather than so much of the 'too much cleavage' and too much leg that is often seen here and at home.

    And for the record I'm trying hard so you gals don't have to endure the 'too much belly' look !

  14. I just watched the whole of the first episode, thanks to Monty's link and help with torrents. :)

    Nothing that happened either in Phuket or Pattaya surprises me in the least. In fact I suspect it is the "tip of the iceberg', judging by the almost daily reports in the press, and from farangs of their increasingly unpleasant experiences at the hands of certain sections of the Thai Mafia.

    I have no desire to stir up a hornet's nest, but to those who say that it put's Howard's mob in a new light I can only say that it would, wouldn't it?

    Howard and his mob have clearly cooperated in the making of this documentary, and for all we know may have had some editorial control over the footage, or at least the right to review footage prior to transmission.

    I'm not suggesting that if the cameras were not present he would have behaved any different, but let's keep a sense of prospective here about the merits or otherwise of having untrained foreigners, masquerading as cops, strutting around Walking Street in "blackshirt" uniforms. This programme has been made with the help and cooperation of the TPV's (or whatever they are called), in fact without their tacit approval, I doubt it could have been made at all.

    Some of you may recall a recent incident when an innocent punter was filming Howard (without permission) in Walking Street and had a very unpleasant experience.

    No doubt Howard will have his own comments to make here :D

    I saw that and don't think the FTP over reacted. In fact if someone was filming me, I wouldn't be best pleased about it, I think HM handled that situation well.

    I agree that the uniform is a little over the top... Surely a white Polo Shirt with Foreign Tourist Police, Here to Help... Or something similar would give off a better message.

    I for one have not seen any evidence of any wrong doing by the FTP and believe for the most part they do well. It has to be difficult, being stuck in the middle while assisting a police force well known for its corruption.

  15. I brought my girlfriend a silk Paul Smith scarf - Although she has no hair issues she sometimes wears it over her head. If you can not find a suitable wig this may be one option (although I'm sure you've considered this already). I think she looked quite quirky and attractive wearing this scarf in a different style...

    Just a thought anyway - Good luck with the 're-growth'.....

  16. Well people can still fly in and out every 30 days to use 30 day stamps.

    Do you always have to let us know how rich you are? The day I see you on a Baht bus sitting next to me I'll buy you a drink.

    I think was is quite a daft and unnecessary comment. What are you jealous of ?

    Flights to Singapore can be purchased for as little as B5000 and are no more expensive than doing 2 visa runs per month (last thread I looked at someone was being charged B2500 per time).

    Some people have more money than others, but someone identifying that they do a monthly visa run by flight certainly does not indicate that they are trying to show off their wealth...

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