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Posts posted by richard_smith237

  1. The reason for my post is because of yesterday . I was in Big C, the place was packet as it normally is and not a good day to go but She insisted I take her. I was not in the mood to argue as I had a fairly heavy session the evening before and was already in the dog house.

    After filling the trolley which took ages .Normally I push the trolley and go rapidly round the isles as she tends to put tons of stuff in if I dont . On this day however, I had bad wind and left her with the trolley while I dropped one in each isle . I didnt hang around incase I got the blame .She new it was me but I think everyone else thought it was her , as I was nowhere to be seen. I could tell she was angry , she had that look .

    The bad part was at the checkout , I was halfway unloading the trolley and kept bending into the trolley to get the bits at the bottom. There were about 5 trolleys behind me , with about 10 people in the queue I suppose. I let one out a little bit loud but no one seemed to notice , too busy chatting with themselves.

    The first one to react was the cashier , who looked at me with her frowned brow , reached down to her bag and pulled out a white doctors mask, just incase of swine flu I think. She put it on , but still held one hand to her mask while scanning each object. The second to react was the wife , who unlike her said in English and Thai - F*ing Men mak mak and walked off . By this time I was crying with laughter , and still trying to unload the trolley. Those that were queued behind me had without me seeing moved off to other isles. I had to stand in the lingering stench for ages , as I got my wallet out to pay , still trying to control the laughter and at the same time , dropping another bomb just as she gave me the reciept and change. I think all of the Thais watching me push my trolley out must have thought I was mad , I just couldnt stop laughing . The smell was rotten beyond belief , I blame the duck eggs I had for breakfast on top of the evenings beer. :)


  2. Having guests should not be an issue from either side.

    The only thing that I can think of is if the guests wife is from a lower socio-economic group (i.e. Ex BG ?)

  3. Mr Plod says Ive been a very naughty boy yet he doesnt tell me where it was and doesnt know who was driving? :)

    Interesting... any idea what the information on the photo means ?

    Also, what are they charging you with ? speeding ? jumping lights ?

    Would I be correct in guessing whoever the car is registered under receives the charge.

    Perhaps its something to do with this...


    Traffic: Red-runners Is A Fine Mess - Thailand Forum - More than 75,000 motorists were caught running red lights in the month after traffic cameras went up at city intersections, but less than 5,000 have paid the fine at the 11 designated locations....

  4. THis topic is really a non-starter.

    if you are a competent driver you will note the driving conditions around you and drive accordingly. ....and thats just about all there is to it

    You realy don't get it do you, these guy's will do something totally unpredictable and unforseeable. You'll see this everyday & no matter how competent a driver you are how do you deal with a 10 ton wagon steaming into the back of you wilst stuck in traffic?

    Sorry but you don't get it as don't the others criticizing Sherlockes comment which is I think correct. Sherlocke is referring to defensive driving and if the rest of you practiced it, seemingly not from this threads contents posted so far, the thread would indeed be a non starter.

    So you see "a 10 ton wagon steaming into the back of you wilst stuck in traffic" everyday!? Give me a brake! Pun and spelling mistake intended as this thread is dumb!:-)

    If you are a competent driver, drive defensively, are always alert to any of the possible dangers some idiot will always crash into you – its impossible to avoid and it happens here more than at home.

    So I disagree with Sherlock, I do get it. I get it very well.

    Directly as a result of the way the locals drive here there is a far higher chance of being involved in an accident. I’m sure someone’s response to this will be that we as foreigners have to adapt ourselves to the ‘Thai way of driving’ or ‘think like a Thai driving’… But realistically, Thai’s have a higher chance of being involved in an accident driving in their own country than they would in many of the western countries…

    So, we do get it, its more dangerous here because people get inside their cars and flip a switch... It’s the subconscious switch that flicks to “I’m sick of ‘Kreng-jai-ing’ to people” / “I’m sick of being subservient” / “Me First I’m more important than anyone else”… etc etc…

    I drive very defensively and I manage to avoid accidents on a daily basis simply by watching out very-very carefully, a favourite being motorbikes frequent attempts to undertake me while I am turning left. I have to move over to the left to block their advances on my inside or actually stop before making the turn to let them past (in this case risking a rear shunt)….

    Yet still, idiots continue to attempt to squeeze through the most impossible of gaps just to get that 5m further on by undertaking me.

    I’ve seen some of the stupidest idiotic manoeuvres.

    Sorry to say this but while I respect many Thai’s I have no choice but to drive as if every other car on the road is a total idiotic, dumb, self centred and selfish moron who is capable to do anything at any time. I guess many Thai’s drive with the same attitude so it’s no surprise to me that no one on the road has any respect for each other.

    As a final point – I know many Thai’s. They all know the rules, are polite and most have good manners, so its not ignorance – it’s simply lack of respect for anyone else which may be a result of a deeper underlying issue with society here.

  5. I had a ‘Thai’ moment the other day. I jogged across the road and flagged down a taxi.

    I’d opened the front door to get in and tell him where I would like to go when I heard a kind of giggle/murmur from a couple of girls 10m down the rd. I immediately realised I’d just stolen their taxi, I told the driver to take them and I’ll get the next cab. I apologised to the girls telling them I hadn’t noticed them while crossing the road (as I was watching out for traffic).

    The similar thing has happened to me before, but I have been the one waiting when someone takes the taxi I was flagging down. I always speak out and never or very very rarely get an apology.

    It’s not ignorance, because everyone understands courtesy and manners. I’ve been here long enough to know that everyone here knows its rude to jump a cue, push in, not give way etc. Its simple selfishness, self-centredness and the result of a hierarchal society where everyone thinks they are more important than the next person.

    It’s bad manners and people do it because they can. So, those who don’t let it happen to them, good for you.

    Those who think they are guests and let things like this continually occur regardless of how much money they have spent will continue to get walked over.

  6. New lesson learnt here, thanks for the post.

    Get stopped by the police while driving your car, open your window partially then access your ID out of arms reach, this also prevents them from leaning in and taking the keys (which I’ve heard they also do sometimes).

    For anything more, many of us who have lived here for some time have made some connection with someone who as always said “any problems give me a call”.

    After reading this post and while feeling the frustration of the Op and his friend I fell as though I would like to get caught in a similar situation and see how that pans out after calling my friends (they are sick of seeing their name tarnished by the dirty ones and IMO deserve the respect for the work they do, I am often surprised at their control after hearing many of their stories as RTP).

    This story is quite worrying and quite frankly disgusting, it reminds me of watching movies of bent USA cops smashing lights out and charging the drivers with an offence.

    In many years I’ve never been inconvenienced by a dodgy Police officer, but I read so many stories in TV that I feel it’s only a matter of time until I do.

    Shocking story.

  7. This is a widely known danger in Thailand. And rather than being an urban-myth or an Old-wives tale, this one is true because someone always knows someone it happened to.

    It happed to someone I know. And she was definitely drugged. It wasn’t the fact that she was sitting on the sunny side of the car, tired and started to feel sleepy after a long afternoon. It was drugs for sure because that’s what she has heard has been happening…

    Without a separate passenger compartment or breathing apparatus for the driver I’d have say ‘Busted’ there is no way this myth is even feasible.

  8. No takers ?

    A taxi would be the best option IMO. I think there might still be a B50 surcharge for taking a taxi from the airport so be aware of that.

    You will also have to pay tolls...

    I'd guess that the best way to get to Chitlom would be to head into town on the toll way take the Sukhumvit exit and turn right to Chitlom - It's quite a simple trip if you get a sensible taxi driver.

    The whole trip should not cost more than B300 (including surcharge and tolls) and take you around 30mins depending on traffic.

  9. Not confessing to anything on this forum... Paranoid. Yes!

    Things friends have done....

    Smoked a doobie

    Driven over the alcahol limit

    Speeding, red light jumping

    Buying bootleg DVDs / computer programs

    Buying Tax free wine

    Exceeding customs limits

    Drinking after hours

  10. It's quite worrying given what could happen. And why do they do it? Is it just westerners?

    Friends in the Thai Police force have told me to tell them that if the want to search me to take me to the station and carry out the search there. Although in practice this is much more difficult.

    I've never heard of any wrong doing i.e. Planting drugs etc in order to extort money. But given all the other stories we hear about this one can't be far off...

  11. Sin-sod will be 1MB. I don’t own any gold and I don’t wish to buy any for a wedding just to sell it again.

    I’ll provide the 1MB according to tradition. My girlfriend’s family will add any gold according to tradition and the amount they feel is necessary.

    I’ll get the 1MB back. We are going to be given land in BKK to build a house on. We might (not confirmed yet) get some cash to assist with the house build.

    An engagement ceremony will be held at a hotel of her choice a few months before we have our wedding party, her father will cover all costs of the engagement ceremony.

    It’s going to be a combination of a Thai/western wedding party, or what might be called a cocktail party with a few speeches and what I hope will be a cracking after party.

    I’ll wear a western style suit, I’m not Thai I’m British. ‘She’ will wear her style of wedding dress (western style I believe - I’ll have no idea until I see it on the day).

    The wedding reception / function is at a hotel of her choosing and its her dream location. I’m fine with that as we will probably profit from the wedding party (guests give a donation).

    We will both get life insurance, we will both make a will, we will arrange a 30 year lease (which is for me). We are both smart, practical, realistic and very equal.

    We will enjoy our life without any of the paranoia that I see so often on this forum. I doubt I would be doing things with much of a different attitude if I were in the UK marrying a British lady.

  12. I experienced something similar at an airline checkin counter.

    An Indian lady already in front of me invited about 7 friends to join her in the que. I pointed out that this was unfair so she just put me in front of her. I then pointed out that this was still unfair to the others in the que and that if she wanted to que together with her friends then be considerate to others and que From the back.

    Others in the que thanked me.

    Sometimes people know waht they are doing is wrong, they are just trying to take advantage....

  13. I go home and ‘wow’ at the cars on offer…. as much as I hate it, I have to deal with the fact that the taxes and inflated prices as they are exist here and it won’t change soon. Given that, I’d still like an opportunity for more choice.


    It’s hard to drive in a country where a £54k GTR costs 8MB *(£140k+)…

    …. The list is endless….

  14. I you have a STD you can use habaneros.

    Just smash them in the mortar and the apply to your private parts.

    If it doesn't cure you it will prevent you from transmitting the disease.

    I don't know if its your icon (or whatever it's called), your user name or your comments, but I have to thank you.... I chuckled....

    There was no vote for... I think I'm hard but my girlfriend eats stuff that makes me cry...

  15. This looks like a great car and a pleasant change from the large 4-door sedans.


    I've never seen one on the road here so I assume they aren't for sale in LOS. Any ideas as to why??? It seems they want everyone in this segment to buy a Civic. The streets of Chiang Mai are full of them, but I never really liked the shape. The Accord Coupe looks much nicer.

    Any ideas why its not for sale?

    I've never seen one on the roads here in Bangkok either. I'd like to see it for a reasonable price.

    But given that the Nissan 370Z is 4.4MB I wouldn't imagine an accord Coupe coming in at less than 2.5 or even 3.0MB. The BMW coupes are also about +/- 2MB more than the sedan models.

    Its a shame as I think the Coupe models are always significantly better looking than the sedan models.

  16. Sounds an odd request.

    But what does it matter if you get the money? Surely there is no crime involved anyway, at least not from your side.

    Is it possible that the courier company they use would swap the Singha cans for something else sent in my name ?


    Directly traceable back to you...go directly to jail, do not collect 150 Euro... :)

    150 Euro Fee to send something you can buy in the UK... :D ...if it sounds to good to be true.......

    Exactly - which is why I was not even contemplating this from the start. So the question is, Who has got hold of an ex-colleagues' (ex-boss to be more accurate) e-mail address and password and made this request?

    This one has really stirred my curiosity. If I get the courier and destination address I'll post it here. I'll also be forwarding them to the police to be checked out officially.

  17. Sounds an odd request.

    But what does it matter if you get the money? Surely there is no crime involved anyway, at least not from your side.

    Thats what I'm curious about. It just sounds too dodgy. Is it possible that the courier company they use would swap the Singha cans for something else sent in my name ? That is really where I think it is dodgy and why I'm not doing it.

    I'm waiting for more information to see how this would've developed.

  18. Someone I trust has just asked me this….

    “Are you in Thailand at the moment? Got a very small 'job': buy 6 cans of Singha stuff, call a courier company and send to an address in UK. (Marketing thingy). Fee? 150 euros for you, courier paid by them. Can you do it for us?”

    Now this sounds rather dodgy and uncharacteristic of my friend. I’m not in Bangkok at the moment. We both earn enough money for €150 to be of little or no significance.

    I am therefore wondering if someone has managed to get hold of his e-mail address and password and is running something dodgy, and if so how so?

    OR, is anyone aware of some sort of Singha beer promotion in the UK.

    I’m not going to do this anyway as it simply sounds rather dodgy.

    I’m wondering what many of the forum members would think if they got a similar message from a trusted friend.

  19. It seems to me that 30,000B per month might be a request simply to see if you are willing to put up.... Either way she is being influenced by what she thinks she should be getting out of this relationship and this financial aspect has rightly so put you on alert, as should the ease with which she can apparently emotionally blackmail you.

    Rather than the financial request, I'd be quite alarmed at her behavior since her expectations have not been met.

    Correction (confusion over amounts with another running thread).

    It seems to me that 50,000B is a request simply to see if you are willing to put up.... Either way she is being influenced by what she thinks she should be getting out of this relationship and this financial aspect has rightly so put you on alert, as should the ease with which she can apparently emotionally blackmail you.

    Rather than the financial request, I'd be quite alarmed at her behavior since her expectations have not been met.

  20. The reason allot of posters have a facination with LBs is because the LBs that we are exposed to are usually very attractive.

    That works for me. When I see a stunning looking woman I will take a look. When I see a stunning looking woman then notice she is a ladyboy I I continue to notice their attractiveness and beauty.

    I think that some of the ladyboys in Thailand are quite frankly stunning to look at and it amazes me that a man can turn himself into an image I find attractive.

    Not a Closet fruit by the way - I just think that society has developed enough for people respectful of others and not to be intimidated by others who are different, so long as they are respectful of others too.

  21. Out drinking is extremely expensive and western girls are extremely expensive :/ Need the best restaurants, the best nightclubs ..... Not normal to spend that amount of money, but compared to thailand its ridiculous.

    I think western guys have this all way wrong. I mean we jump to the conclusion as soon as a thai girl asks for money she is bad.

    During 5 months this was the only time she asked, and a western girl is alot faster to ask and does the money get used for something good? To help someone poor? No its for the latest clothes with the most expensive brand. Lets face it, thai girls aint 1% as bad as western girls.

    Jason your not experianced enough with western women. Over the last 10 years or so they are earning around the same money as the average Joe in middle management. Most girls will insist on paying 50/50 for dinner at least on the first few dates, its empowerment and gives them a choice without feeling guilty for not "putting out" if they dont want to.

    Yeah eventually, but they will eventually also start eating junkfood because what is the point in looking good anymore since they got you? Sit home, watch tv or go out shopping or at restaurants. Thai girls look good because they are healthy of nature. Candy? No yuck! Junkfood ? Nope no meat! Fish and rice? Oh yes please!

    Just another example of how different thai girls can be. I suggested to my girlfriend that we could go climb a mountain. Well we walked in the middle of the jungle, she in high heels and did not complain 1 second. We saw a big waterfall and a big cliff there. I stopped naturally since this would be dangerous. She took off her high heels, climbing on wet stone and got all of her clothes wet since she climbed inside the waterfall. She then screamed take a picture ! That was just so badass, not even Rambo would do this. Like no western girl would ever do this. Thai girls impress me hehe. That was the sickest thing i have ever seen anyone do.

    I think zorro1's comment sums everything up quite nicely on many of the Thai female Vs Western Female debate. Western females simply have more choice. The 'start eating junk food' comment seems to be a rather harsh generalized and sweeping statement in the same manner of a statement suggesting that Thai women can't hold an intelligent and worldly wide conversation.

    It seems to me that if a man meets a lady Thai or otherwise who is within their 'range' (Range in this case referring to socioeconomic level, financial security, level of education) there is a far higher chance of success.

    I for one would not let my GF be walking around the jungle in heels. But we've climbed mountains (more like hills), ski'd, sailed, wakeboarded, dived.... Girls don't normally roll around the floor in a shopping mall because they find something so funny (although they might in the privacy of their home).

    There are certain ways to behave in public and I hazard a guess and suggest that some of this reported behavior has made others around her become uncomfortable and judged her (perhaps incorrectly).

    A woman who is prepared to walk through a jungle in heels, roll around on the floor at your jokes appears to me like a woman who has no difficulty in requesting money and that most of the behavior may have been somewhat of an act.

    I do not wish to offend anyone with these statements and I am sympathetic to those who offer their less wealthy girlfriends financial support as quite often its difficult for a girlfriend, if poorer, to feel totally at ease in environments that are beyond her normal financial and social boundaries unless they are 'looking the part' or 'feel the part' and I imagine that may involve some cost at somepoint. But, behavior can also be linked to self respect and education and in a society where everyone watches everyone else while making their social comparisons it might be very tempting to 'put one up' the snobs. But quite frankly all this behavior does is let both parties down as a couple. There are people who don't care what others think of them or their behavior, but I'd guess that these are the same sort of people who have no interest in forums such as this.

    It's an unfortunate way of the world that people judge each other by what they see based on their impressions and judgments in the first few seconds, this often appears to have an impact on how politely we are treated and dealt with on a day to day basis.

    It seems to me that 30,000B per month might be a request simply to see if you are willing to put up.... Either way she is being influenced by what she thinks she should be getting out of this relationship and this financial aspect has rightly so put you on alert, as should the ease with which she can apparently emotionally blackmail you.

    Rather than the financial request, I'd be quite alarmed at her behavior since her expectations have not been met.

  22. :)

    this is the best thread I have read since Grumpy Old Man?

    this should be made into a movie :D

    keep it coming.

    Grumpy Old Men? Where is that thread? My interest is piqued since you say it was so good.

    Grumpy Old Man - Is that the thread about the guy in the Oriental Coffee shop at the Emporium Shopping mall in Bangkok?. He always wanted his seat and if someone was in 'his' place he'd throw a wobbly !

    By the way - Great thread and enjoyable to read, next installment please ?????

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