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Posts posted by richard_smith237

  1. there is a pecking order in every country. the romanian gypsy may get a fat bird off a council estate in england and think he is a casanova, but the locals laugh at him every time he walks down the street.

    in thailand, the foreigner is usually with a dark-skinned uneducated farmer's daughter. he thinks she is great because, to him, she looks beautiful. but in thailand, she is at the very bottom of the social scale. if he hadn't stepped in she may be with a motocy driver or construction worker.

    that is obviously not fair, especially in a social system that doesn't accomodate upward progression, but it is the reality.

    perhaps some will say i am weak but i married a girl with white skin because i didnt want to be looked as at being at the very bottom of the heap. yes i am sure many people will say ''you should do what you want'' etc etc but the fact is my life is much easier because my wife's skin is white. i get more respect off the thais and interaction with officials is easier because of the perceived status of my wife.

    dark-skinned girls are obviously no different inside to white-skinned girls but outward appearances mean everything in thailand. why would you put yourself through everyone assuming your wife is a hooker everytime you walked down the street?

    I think this is a reasonable explanation (above).

    As is the earlier comment which mentioned 'The fair skinned ones are harder to pull'....

    Also it's about exposure.... Some guys and gals go out to specifically meet a woman, the location often depends on 'ease' to meet women.

    The easier it is for a guy to meet women under normal circumstances the higher up in the 'social system' he can shoot.

    The general perception amongst Thai's is that Western guys like dark skinned girls because thats all most of us can get. This is often confirmed when recognizing that Thailand being a class society has separations on the way people look, dress, behave and even the way they speak.

    It's all wrong and very un-PC, but thats the way it is here and life is certainly easier for a guy here if he is with a lady that others can easily and immediately deem as being highly respectful... Khun Nai, Khun Noo, Hi-So etc

  2. Well done Howard Miller and your crew yet more bad publicity for Thailand what are you going to do next have lunch with Gary Glitter????????? :D

    Very pleased to see Herr Howard flagrantly breaking Thai law in episode six (13:27 in to the programme). Love to hear his explanation.

    Actually, I really wouldn't.

    I've only watched this far ... he may break the law again (let's face it, he has before ... on camera).


    ''Sorry, mate. I'm deaf, can't hear you and don't speak English anyway ...''

    On a motorbike with out a helmet - Naughty Naughty Howard !....

    Perhaps he should be charged and sentenced with community service... :)

  3. As I understand it, we do have rights (Foreigners and Thai).

    I’m told that if the police want to search my pockets, I should request to be taken to a nearby station and have the search carried out there.

    However, in reality being able to articulate this and then not irritate the police could create more hassle.

    I’d recommend that if the police stop you in broad daylight in a public area then just go ahead with the request for a pocket / bag search. If you are not alone you can get someone to video it on your phone (make sure this is ok the with Police as doing this has potential to antagonize and exacerbate a situation).

    If it’s in a dark sub-soi I’d be a little more suspicious and unwilling. Good police should understand a request to be searched at the station, although getting this point across could be difficult.

    I’ve been in a Taxi at night travelling between Ekammai and Thonglor and two Police officers on one motorbike stopped the taxi and requested my Passport. I opened the window one inch and told them in Thai that I don’t have it. They then asked for ID (which I did have) but I told them again in Thai that I didn’t have it (because I wasn’t going to get my ID out in a dark sub soi, they asked where I was going and I told them I was on my way home which was nearby). The Police just waved my Taxi on, but it could have gone the other way and turned a little tense.

    So, it can be a tricky situation. But simply put and especially for someone new to Thailand it’s best to comply.

    I don’t know of anyone (from first hand information) who has been ‘stitched up’ directly and had anything planted on them. If anyone has (and not a friend of a friend etc) then this would be a good place to post the story.

  4. Anyone give a run down on episode 6 and thoughts?

    More of the same.... HM is portrayed well, more ladyboys re-visiting an earlier topic... Everyone back home will be calling me a shirt lifter when I visit next!

    Is there a 'Big trouble in Thailand - Episode 6 (Part 5) ?? It seems to me that the episodes end rather abruptly on You Tube.

  5. Well done mate. Did you get the cop in trouble for citing the DUI?

    They did their job well and professionally which I passed on to his superior.

    She must be a real looker to get done for DUI :D

    ???? I don’t understand that comment.

    For all tha guys and girls out there who are "connected" and can get things done and charges removed,try getting pinched with 30kg of

    cocaine in the land of smiles ,then see if your contacts can pull you out of the smelly stuff,ummmm i wonder? :)

    I can’t imagine anyone outside of Senior Military being connected well enough to get off a 30 kg charge.

    The only people not to annoy are the ones who'll stick a knife/bottle into your face all by themselves, if someones got to go and get their friends you've not too much to worry about IMHO.

    The worrying thing is that in Thailand, some of those who are likely to ‘stick a knife/bottle into your face all by themselves’ are the spoilt ones who are more likely to have connections.

    Two Quick Examples:

    ➢ Pistol Whipping in Pattaya,

    ➢ The one where the guy plows into a bus load of people out of road rage.

    I’m not saying that just because these guy’s had a Mercs that they had connections. But its more likely than someone less affluent and their affluence and possible family connections can get them off a charge hence their affinity to act irresponsibly

    In my earlier post I commented that With these connections comes a level of responsibility I do not abuse. I admittedly utilized this connection once – I don’t think anyone having friends who can help in similar situation would not have asked for the assistance of friends. I do however much prefer not to be in a situation where assistance is necessary and behave accordingly as best I can.

    Additionally, ‘Connected’ is probably the wrong words and gives off too many Mafioso connotations. Having friends and / or family who are in a position to help says it a little more cleanly IMO.

  6. how did you come to know of the 'rule' of only supposed to use 2 right most (toll) lanes if coming from sukhumvit?

    If allowed to do the right turn I don't know how one could be prevented from making a change of lanes say from middle to left lane e.g. if left lane was empty?

    Maybe you were had by the bib although it sounds unlikely seeing you must be daily user of that very entrance...

    anyway interesting answer & thus it would answer the OPs question ;-)


    If the lanes are separated by an unbroken white line you are not permitted to change lanes crossing over that line....

    Sometimes the police being highly aware of these more intricate rules (that are often specific to a certain junction only) wait specifically in these area's as a money spinner....

  7. On Business class free transport was the norm, within 100km I thought……

    And for the Economy travellers, who go in fours anyway?

    Etihad are good and I’ve flown to Europe with only them over the last 3 years for this reason. But this latest campaign is rather rubbish.

    Isn’t a decent van for 4 people to Pattaya about B2-3000 or so? (or less)…

    For business class / Pearl passengers arriving in the UK - a journey of up to 100 Miles in an S Class Merc, XJ or XF Jag, 7-Series-BMW is a huge incentive…. Worth perhaps $200 and a fantastic pull.

    Given the cost of local transport I can’t imagine the benefits provided when purchasing a ticket with Etihad having much impact on sales.

    Wouldn’t companies such as Etihad do better to offer good transport deals to Economy class customers in countries with more expensive transport links ?

    (from someone who’s spent money on 8 BKK-UK return Pearl class journeys in the last 12 months)

  8. AOT carry into town (3 years ago) used to cost B1200.

    At that time the BMW 730 Li was about B3000.

    I'm guessing its still something similar.

    Regarding limo's a-la-hollywood style; I've only ever seen old ones.

    Also, aren't they a little 'chavy' now? (A Hen parties preferred mode of transport to the local ritzy nightclub!)....

  9. AOT carry into town (3 years ago) used to cost B1200.

    At that time the BMW 730 Li was about B3000.

    I'm guessing its still something similar.

    Regarding limo's a-la-hollywood style; I've only ever seen old ones.

    Also, aren't they a little 'chavy' now? (A Hen parties preferred mode of transport to the local ritzy nightclub!)....

  10. Fashion statements aside.... the guy was wearing his own property, and someone stole it, is he to blame for wearing it ?

    Does that mean that if a girl wears a short skirt its her own fault if she gets raped ?

    Just because ripping off a necklace is a more ‘socially acceptable’ crime should not make it any more acceptable to any of us, it’s still crime.

    However, the practical realities are that we, most of us, recognise the risks and weigh up a situation and remain ‘realists’….

    I would not let my girlfriend walk around alone in a short skirt, and I wouldn’t wear a bit of show off bling anywhere,

    But still, even here in Bangkok – I’d be very peeved if I got a nice discrete but expensive watch stolen because I had chosen to enjoy a luxury.

  11. The best way to make and keep influential friends is to never need them and never use them. You don't treat a friend like an asset or flaunt them. Sort out your own problems. Any guy who brags is just that, a bragger.

    You say things well I like and appreciate your wisdom. You have a good understanding of human social interaction. To ask an influential person for help makes the person asking a liability and petential problem. I agree make your own bed ad sleep in it.

    The other week I made a phone call and got my GF off a DUI charge. I chose this route rather than involving her father (who in his own right is relatively un-touchable) because I didn't want him to bother about this and I thought it might score me some points having my own connections. When he found out he didn't even blink an eyelid but was a little miffed that we didn't involve him.

    It's the first time since I've been in Thailand that I have used my connections and I wanted to see if they would work as promised. They did, and very effectively, I was impressed and realised that the innocent groundwork over the last 12 years has brought me some genuine friends who are now in positions of strength (one of whom is one of my closest friends), who will assist me out of friendship, respect and nothing more than that.

    With these connections comes a level of responsibility, I do not abuse it. My friends always joked with me that I've never needed their assistance. I always joked back that when the time comes it might be over an issue too large for them to help.

    I have a very annoying neighbour – after venting off to my friend he offered to check his visa and work permit status etc. I was tempted but laughed that one off.

    The impression I get is that genuine friends want to help and use their positions to assist. I however, much prefer not to be in a situation where this is necessary and behave accordingly.

    "the innocent groundwork over the last 12 years has brought me some genuine friends"


    hope your gf does not take your using your influence to mean that she can go on drinking and driving/riding. next time someone could be killed.

    Yes, genuine friends - By innocent groundwork I'm referring to the fact that when our friendships started my friends were freshly out of Uni and unemployed. I'm god father to a friends son (even though he's not Christian he likes the concept), he's visited my home in the UK at Christmas, we talk almost daily on the phone and drink / dine together at least once per week. I with my GF and him with is wife we vacation together yearly, we have also profited in business together. A friendship couldn't be more genuine.

    DUI - Agreed and we've sorted that one out already, no more drinking while driving - It wasn't reckless alcohol consumption so I had no issue with it. But 2 Glasses of wine put her over the limit. It was a good lesson for her to learn which has also been passed on to her friends.

  12. The best way to make and keep influential friends is to never need them and never use them. You don't treat a friend like an asset or flaunt them. Sort out your own problems. Any guy who brags is just that, a bragger.

    You say things well I like and appreciate your wisdom. You have a good understanding of human social interaction. To ask an influential person for help makes the person asking a liability and petential problem. I agree make your own bed ad sleep in it.

    The other week I made a phone call and got my GF off a DUI charge. I chose this route rather than involving her father (who in his own right is relatively un-touchable) because I didn’t want him to bother about this and I thought it might score me some points having my own connections. When he found out he didn’t even blink an eyelid but was a little miffed that we didn’t involve him.

    It’s the first time since I’ve been in Thailand that I have used my connections and I wanted to see if they would work as promised. They did, and very effectively, I was impressed and realised that the innocent groundwork over the last 12 years has brought me some genuine friends who are now in positions of strength (one of whom is one of my closest friends), who will assist me out of friendship, respect and nothing more than that.

    With these connections comes a level of responsibility, I do not abuse it. My friends always joked with me that I’ve never needed their assistance. I always joked back that when the time comes it might be over an issue too large for them to help.

    I have a very annoying neighbour – after venting off to my friend he offered to check his visa and work permit status etc. I was tempted but laughed that one off.

    The impression I get is that genuine friends want to help and use their positions to assist. I however, much prefer not to be in a situation where this is necessary and behave accordingly.

  13. yes the Frecce Tricolori have a good show but they a slower type aircraft that was designed as a trainer. max speed mach 08.

    The thunderbirds fly the F-16 fighter with speeds up mach 2, which requires greater skill to perform and fly.

    Just my opion :)

    They wouldn't go faster than Mach 1 over land though would they? so doesn't that make the Mach 2 speed a rather moot point?

  14. Apologies if my earlier post lacked clarity...

    Service is a little less than we signed up for...>>> I estimate that I receive approximately 90% of the benefit I originally signed up for. Disappointing? Yes. But if T.E. was running 110% of the original service it would hardly be a topic for discussion...

    There are 22 golf courses in Thailand on the list... >>> Close to the Original number.

    Massage is now Thai Massage only...>>> There are 66 Spa’s in Thailand in total in the T.E. program but its only Thai Massage. Similar to the original number but dissapointing for me that Aroma massage is no longer on the program.

    Airport transfers now utilise a Toyota Camry and not the 7 Series BMW...>>> It's a step down.

    No change to the 5 year renewable visa.

    Are we to take your non-answer to mean that there have not been benefits re-implemented?

    They've been re-implemented for a while now. I think the golf courses were out for a month while the accounts were frozen during the government audit.

    I hope that clears up a lot of the discussion. For those still wishing to the knock the program, don't worry it could still collapse in the future.

  15. Do tell more.... £1400 First Class to the UK ?? wow...

    I'm a regular Etihad flyer but their business class seat is now B140,000 per ticket... which I've no intention of paying.

    I split my time evenly between Thailand and the UK so I always book from the UK. Much cheaper than the other direction.

    Booked the flight in May with ebookers. Surprised by the price really as the biz class ticket was £100 more for the same flights.

    Etihad biz class was the norn for me until a year ago when they started hiking the prices. Their economy is still the best value in my opinion.

    Ah ok - my miss-read, I thought you were referring to flights to LHR from BKK. My folks have just purchased £1450 biz class on Etihad from the UK, returning to the UK (LHR).

    It used to be cheaper from the Thai side (returning back to Thailand), it seems the price pendulum has swung but for the life of me I have no idea why. I think there is another thread on this forum wondering why...

  16. Usually flying business however found a cheap first class ticket with Emirates (£1400 LHR to BKK) for my next flight.

    Bit disillusioned with biz class, not really worth the money in my opinion so back to Etihad economy for me soon.

    Do tell more.... £1400 First Class to the UK ?? wow...

    I'm a regular Etihad flyer but their business class seat is now B140,000 per ticket... which I've no intention of paying.

  17. Doesanyone here have the iphone 3G? if so please write a few words about the pros and cons if you can.

    I am thinking of buying one, I had the older model when they first came out but it was not so good and so I ended up going back to Nokia. I heard the 3G is much better now and am thinking of buying as I liked the internet application. and the screen in general.

    Thank you

    You've done exactly the same as my girlfriend and I. We both bought the first generation iPhone - My girlfriend got rid of it within a week. I persevered, but after 3 months my girlfriend bought me a Nokia E71 when she saw me getting so frustrated with the 1st Gen iPhone - What a load of overrated over marketed and over hyped Cr@p IMO.

    The E71 is an OK phone, I'm not that impressed with it. But its better than the 1st Gen iPhone IMO.

    A friend has the latest 3GS iPhone and is hugely impressed with it. I am very skeptical but was shown all the improvements and it appears that all the things which annoyed me with the 1st Gen iPhone have been corrected (i.e. copy paste, forwarding messages, sms's now save if you answer a call in the middle of writing it. The only thing I am still not that endeared to is the lack of keyboard tactility but then the N71 has tiny keys which I don't like either...

    I'm currently thinking of trying the new 3GS too....

  18. In Chiang Mai a top buffet in the best hotels is about 5-600 baht with no alcohol and it is not difficult to find someone with a discount card..

    You get plenty of shrimp, smoked Salmon, local lobser, crab and some decent roasts.

    I just can't imagine how a 1,500 baht Bangkok banquet could be much better than this,

    I can’t imagine how the same bottle of whiskey in a bar in Bangkok at twice the price it is in a bar Chiang Mai is twice as good…

    Supply and demand, Bid rent theory, cost of overheads…

    The op requested Buffet in Bangkok.

    The Marriot Riverside has a good Sunday Brunch – I’m assuming that if it has an evening buffet that will also be very good.

    On a slightly different note – I recently had guests in Bangkok, I took them to Café de Laos (on Silom Soi 19) and they loved it.

  19. Service is a little less than we signed up for and following negative publicity there is now a cloud over the public image of the program. However, I remain satisfied and hope it continues with out further reduction in services rather than have my money returned – Golf was the key attraction for me when purchasing this scheme. The visa and airport transfers are handy.

    There are 22 golf courses in Thailand on the list, on this list there are 7 golf courses within an hour drive of central Bangkok. One of the courses I regularly played (Lakewood) was removed which is disappointing, a different course which I won’t play so often (Bangkok Golf) was added.

    Massage is now Thai Massage only. I’ve written a letter of complaint as I only took the aroma massage before. 66 Spa’s in Thailand.

    Airport transfers now utilise a Toyota Camry and not the 7 Series BMW.

    No change to the 5 year renewable visa.

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